2015年1月14日 星期三

The Beauty of Taipei at First Light

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2015/01/15 第114期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Discove Taipei
The Beauty of Taipei at First Light
The Beauty of Taipei at First Light
Among Taipei's better-known attractions abroad are such nighttime diversions as night markets, chic 24-hour bookstores, and bustling commercial districts. However, Taipei in the early morning is equally worth experiencing, and not to be missed. As the sky lightens, birds in the parks begin singing, metro trains start rolling, street-cleaning staff hit their stations, breakfast shops sizzle and stir to life, and another bustling Taipei day begins. People head out for their morning runs, shadow-boxing sessions, and health walks, energizing body and spirit while greeting the beauty of the Taipei morn.

The Many Faces of the City Center – Enjoying the Beauty of the Taipei Dawn

The grand, pure-white National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a must-visit attraction for tourists. A great many locals come early each morning to exercise in the grand square before it, a quiet, peaceful oasis where the ever-louder din of the awakening city cannot be heard. Also in the city center is National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, where seniors congregate to practice such traditional healthy exercises as taiji (太極), waidangong (外丹功), and yuanji dance (元極舞) in a spectacle that attracts many tourists. As they go through their synchronized movements, the morning air seems to fill with youthful energy.

Earlybirds should also note that the Taipei Songshan Airport Observation Deck (臺北松山機場觀景台) opens at five each morning. Enjoy views across the Keelung River (基隆河) at Dazhi Bridge (大直橋), the Miramar Ferris Wheel (美麗華摩天輪), Neihu Technology Park (內湖科技園區) and, in the far distance, Mt. Datun (大屯山). Or simply sit back and enjoy the dawn on the terraced wooden seating. Another fine early-morning spot to explore is the Taipei Botanical Garden (台北植物園), the gates of which are thrown open at 5:30 am. Established way back in 1895, the lush, tree-rich garden is home to a rich variety of flora and fauna. A special draw is the lotus pool, which flowers June through August; the blooms look especially fine lit up by the rising sun each morning, and draw flocks of photography enthusiasts and other admirers.

Dates With Nature – Greeting a New Day

Taipei City is surrounded by mountains and crossed by many waterways. If you'd like to take in a city sunrise, there are many easily accessible viewpoints to choose from. High on photographers' list of favorite scenic spots is Yangmingshan National Park (陽明山國家公園), notably such lookouts as the viewing platform beside the Mt. Datun Navigation Station (大屯山助航站) and the main peak of Mt. Qixing (七星山). Beyond the thrill of seeing the sunrise, if you're lucky you may also catch a "sea of clouds" rolling in. If not so keen to hike up to such heights, consider the splendid "101 Sunrise Show" from the Six Giant Rocks (六巨石) up on Xiangshan (象山) – the slanting golden rays light up soaring Taipei 101, painting the tower in gleaming new attire in a startling effect.

Dahu Park (大湖公園) in Neihu is home to the Moon Bridge (錦帶橋). In the morning, bridge, clouds, and surrounding trees are reflected on the calm surface of the lake, creating a scene that could have been lifted from a Chinese ink wash painting, or a poem written in visuals. Huazhong Bridge (華中橋), Guandu Bridge (關渡橋), and Dazhi Bridge are spots with sweeping views from which you can enjoy the ever-changing sky canvas and the artistry of each bridge's form.

It's always good to occasionally get up with the birds to greet the day, and whether you head into the city center or out into the natural surroundings in outlying districts, you will find that Taipei is at its quietest and most peaceful at first light.


National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall國立中正紀念堂

Add: 21, Zhongshan S. Rd. (中山南路21號)

National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall國立國父紀念館

Add: 505, Sec. 4, Renai Rd. (仁愛路4段505號)

Taipei Songshan Airport Observation Deck臺北松山機場觀景台

Add: 340-9, Dunhua N. Rd. (敦化北路340之9號)

Tel: (02)8770-3460 (visitor information service)

Taipei Botanical Garden 台北植物園

Add: 53, Nanhai Rd. (南海路53號)

Yangmingshan National Park Headquarters陽明山國家公園管理處

Add: 1-20, Zhuzihu Rd. (竹子湖路1之20號)

Xiangshan Six Giant Rocks 象山六巨石

Location: Exit MRT Xiangshan Station (捷運象山站), walk along Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd. (信義路5段) to Zhongqiang Park (中強公園), in approx. 10 minutes reaching trailhead on Ln. 150, Aly. 22 (150巷22弄).

Dahu Park 大湖公園

Add: 31, Sec. 5, Chenggong Rd. (成功路5段31號)

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