2015年2月4日 星期三

Time-Lapse Photography Has Brought Us Fascinating Images over the Years 神奇的縮時攝影

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2015/02/03 第200期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Time-Lapse Photography Has Brought Us Fascinating Images over the Years 神奇的縮時攝影
by Brian Foden

By speeding up the processes of nature, time-lapse photography can amaze and astound us.

  If you've ever seen a TV show or movie featuring stars crossing the night sky at breakneck pace or flowers growing and blossoming in mere seconds, then you've witnessed time-lapse photography. Time-lapse photography has a long history in filmmaking, with the first use of the technique _(1)_ in a movie in Georges Melies' 1897 film, Carrefour De L'Opera. It didn't take long for the technique to be adapted to displaying the wonders of nature by professional moviemakers and _(2)_ outside of the entertainment industry as well.
  Perhaps no one popularized the use of time-lapse photography to display nature's wonders more than _(3)_ Dr. John Ott. A banker _(4)_ profession, Ott had a keen interest in photography as a hobby. As his interest grew, he used more and more _(5)_ photographic setups and built large greenhouses in order to demonstrate the beauty of nature. However, it is too subtle for the human eye to _(6)_ the beauty under normal conditions. The secret behind time-lapse photography is actually rather simple to understand. A normal film is usually shot at a rate of between 24 and 30 frames per second. Time-lapse photography uses a _(7)_ slower rate at which to film subjects. An example of this would be one frame per second. When the movie or video is played back at the regular speed, the rapidity at which the action appears to the audience is highly accelerated. Although the technique has existed for more than a century, it continues to be used for a variety of awe-inspiring purposes today.

1. (A) occur  (B) to occur  (C) occurring  (D) occurred
2. (A) this  (B) that  (C) these  (D) those
3. (A) were  (B) had  (C) was  (D) did
4. (A) for  (B) by  (C) as  (D) at
5. (A) elaborate  (B) accidental  (C) contagious  (D) indifferent
6. (A) conceive  (B) receive  (C) perceive  (D) deceive
7. (A) many  (B) much  (C) more  (D) most

  1. Time-lapse photography has a long history in filmmaking, with the first use of the technique occurring in a movie in Georges Melies' 1897 film, Carrefour De L'Opera.
    縮時攝影在電影製作方面有相當悠久的歷史,在喬治•梅里愛 1897 年的電影《家樂福歌劇院》就首次使用了這項技術。
    a. with引導的『情狀介詞片語』乃用來表示句中主詞所處的情形或狀況,用過去分詞時表被動狀態,用現在分詞時則表主動狀態。
    The guilty boy was talking to his father with his legs shaking.
    Sally sat in the sofa with her eyes closed.
    b. 空格前有介詞 with,且句中主詞為主動狀態,得知空格應置現在分詞。
    c. 根據上述用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  2. It didn't take long for the technique to be adapted to displaying the wonders of nature by professional moviemakers and those outside of the entertainment industry as well.
    a. 相同的名詞在同一個句子中出現時,為了避免重複,會改用代名詞 that 或 those,單數名詞以 that 取代,而複數名詞則以 those 取代。
    There are many books for sale—not only those of British authors.(those 代替 books)
    許多書都在出售中 ── 不僅是英國作者所寫的書籍。
    The number of girls in this classroom is greater than that of boys.
    這間教室裡的女孩人數比男孩多。(that 代替 the number)
    b. 空格前的 moviemakers(電影製作人)為複數名詞,得知空格應置代名詞 those 取代之。
    c. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  3. Perhaps no one popularized the use of time-lapse photography to display nature's wonders more than did Dr. John Ott.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    ... more than + be 動詞或助動詞 + S
    同: ... more than S + (be 動詞或助動詞)
    Daniel is more handsome than is John.
    = Daniel is more handsome than John (is).
    b. 空格前有過去式動詞 popularized(使普及化),得知空格後應置過去式助動詞 did 以形成上述句構,故 (D) 項應為正選。
  4. A banker by profession, Ott had a keen interest in photography as a hobby.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    sb + be + 身份 + by profession  某人的職業是……
    Henry is a lawyer by profession.
    b. 根據上述用法,(B) 項應為正選。
  5. As his interest grew, he used more and more elaborate photographic setups and built large greenhouses in order to demonstrate the beauty of nature.
    a. (A) elaborate a. 精緻的,精心的
    The elaborate preparations we made helped us achieve success.
    (B) accidental a. 意外的
    The mistake was completely accidental.
    (C) contagious a. 傳染性的
    The contagious disease can spread quickly.
    (D) indifferent a. 漠不關心的
    衍: be indifferent to...  對……漠不關心
    Mary was angry because her husband is indifferent to her complaints.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  6. However, it is too subtle for the human eye to perceive the beauty under normal conditions.
    a. (A) conceive vt. 構想出,設想
    My brother conceived the idea of turning the old train station into a museum.
    (B) receive vt. 接收
    Kevin received a parcel sent from his friend.
    (C) perceive vt. 察覺
    The mother perceived a subtle change in her daughter's behavior.
    (D) deceive vt. 欺騙
    The blind woman was deceived by a young man who claimed to be her son.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  7. Time-lapse photography uses a much slower rate at which to film subjects.
    a. 可用來修飾比較級形容詞或副詞的有下列六個副詞或副詞片語:far、much、a lot、a great deal、still 和 even。
    Studying Latin is much more difficult than studying English.
    b. 空格後有比較級形容詞 slower(較慢的),得知空格內應置 much 以修飾 slower,故 (B) 項應為正選。
  1. fascinating a. 迷人的
  2. amaze vt. 使驚奇
    We were all amazed at the little boy's ability to play the piano.
  3. astound vt. 使震驚
  4. blossom vi. 開花
  5. witness vt. 目睹 & n. 目擊者(與介詞 to 並用)
    Owen witnessed the murder that took place in an alley last night.
    John was the only witness to the accident that happened this morning.
  6. technique n. 技術
  7. display vt. & n. 展示
    The toys displayed in the window attracted the attention of every child that passed by.
  8. wonder n. 奇觀;奇蹟
  9. entertainment n. 娛樂
  10. popularize vt. 使普及化
    The creative advertisement will help popularize our product.
  11. keen a. 強烈的
  12. demonstrate vt. 展現
    The company demonstrated its human side when it donated money to a children's hospital.
  13. accelerate vt. 加速
    We have to accelerate the speed of our work, or we won't finish on time.

time-lapse a. 延時的
breakneck a. 極快的
filmmaking n. 電影製作
photographic a. 攝影的
setup n. 裝置
greenhouse n. 溫室
subtle a. 微妙的
frame n. 鏡頭
rapidity n. 速度;迅速
awe-inspiring a. 令人驚歎的

  1. speed up...  加速……
  2. be adapted to...  適用於……


  如果你曾經看過電視節目或電影播放星星以極快的速度穿越夜空,或是花兒在數秒內生長和綻放,那麼你便目睹過縮時攝影。縮時攝影在電影製作方面有相當悠久的歷史,在喬治•梅里愛 1897 年的電影《家樂福歌劇院》就首次使用了這項技術。沒多久,專業的電影製作人及娛樂圈之外的電影製作人便將這項技巧適用於展現自然界的奇觀。
答案: 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B

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