2015年3月4日 星期三

The New Yorker 《紐約客》

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2015/03/03 第203期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The New Yorker 《紐約客》
by Paul Hines

This stylish magazine delivers a combination of international content with sophisticated humor.

  It is often said that if you can make it in New York City, you can make it anywhere. The New Yorker, a magazine that has been a New York institution since 1925, is just as popular outside the Big Apple as it is within. This may come as a surprise to many of the magazine's local readers because most of the magazine's content is New York-centric. The reason for the magazine's longevity and the dedicated, wide-reaching reader base can be summed up in one word ── style.
  Everything about the magazine oozes panache. From the cover to the credits, no stone is left unturned to deliver the reader a first-rate reading experience. In fact, the cover has on several occasions received awards for its artistic creativity. For example, the edition released in the weeks after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, was voted one of the all-time top 10 magazine covers by the American Society of Magazine Editors. The cover, which used five different types of black ink, created a dark, ghostly silhouette of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers. The image would appear and disappear depending on which angle it was viewed from.
  The unique typeface used in the magazine is called Irvin, named after the magazine's first designer-illustrator, Rea Irvin. In addition, it still clings to formal publishing traditions such as using diaeresis marks over double vowels: for example, coöperate.
  Despite the liberal use of graphic style, the editorial content of the magazine is a combination of serious journalism, international social commentary, and sophisticated humor. The humor is most noticeable in the satirical cartoons, which are one of the highlights of each edition.
  To get a feel of The New Yorker for yourself, go to www.newyorker.com. This is where some parts of the magazine's articles and cartoons can be viewed for free.

1. Why is The New Yorker as popular outside New York as within?
(A) Because it has been a New York institution since 1925.
(B) Because the content is New York-centric.
(C) Because of the magazine's dedicated readers.
(D) Because of the magazine's high quality style.
2. What has received awards for its artistic creativity?
(A) The magazine's cover.
(B) The magazine's credits.
(C) The magazine's popularity.
(D) The magazine's first-rate reading experience.
3. Why did the ghostly image of the Twin Towers appear and disappear?
(A) Because it was released in the weeks after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
(B) Because it was printed with special inks.
(C) Because it was a ghost image.
(D) Because it was one of the all-time top 10 magazine covers.
4. What is NOT a part of the magazine's editorial content?
(A) The magazine's circulation15.
(B) Serious journalism.
(C) Cosmopolitan social commentary.
(D) Sophisticated humor.


sophisticated a. 世故的;精緻的
institution n. 出名的事物或人物
centric a. 中心的
panache n. 耍派頭
the credits  銘謝表(恆用複數)
silhouette n. 輪廓
typeface n.(印刷用的)字體
diaeresis n. 分音符號
liberal a. 大量的
commentary n. 評論
satirical a. 諷刺的,挖苦人的
cosmopolitan a. 國際性的

  1. come as a surprise  令(人)感到意外
    反: come as no / little surprise  一點都不令人驚訝
  2. sum up...  總結/概括……
    Can you sum up the main points of the meeting for me?
  3. leave no stone unturned to V  竭盡全力(做……)
    同: make every effort to V
    = do one's best to V
    = spare no effort to V
    Joe left no stone unturned to find the car keys.
  4. cling to...  堅持/忠於……
    cling vi. 緊握不放(動詞三態:cling, clung, clung。)
    Clinging to a bad relationship will only bring unhappiness.

It is often said that if you can make it in New York City, you can make it anywhere.
make it 為一口語用法,在本文中作『成功』之意,此外,make it big 則譯為『取得極大的成功』,而 make it 亦可表『及時趕上』。
The designer made it big in the fashion industry due to his unique creations.
If we take a taxi, we should make it to the theater on time.

  1. stylish a. 具時代風格的;時尚的
  2. deliver vt. 傳送;遞送
    Santa Claus rides his sleigh and delivers gifts to children all over the world on Christmas Eve.
  3. longevity n. 長壽(不可數)
    Turtles represent good luck and longevity in Chinese culture.
  4. dedicated a. 忠心的;專注的
  5. wide-reaching a. 廣泛的
    同: comprehensive a.
  6. ooze vt. 充滿(某種特質或情感)& vi. 徐徐流出
    衍: ooze out  流出來
    Andrew laughed gently, oozing charm.
    Large tears oozed out of Mary's tightly-shut eyes.
  7. first-rate a. 一流的;極好的
    同: superb a.
  8. artistic a. 藝術的
    反: inartistic a. 無藝術修養的
    James is artistic. He can paint and sculpt.
  9. ghostly a. 鬼魅似的
    I saw a ghostly light ahead of me in the darkness.
  10. illustrator n. 插畫家
    衍: illustrate vt. 為……畫插圖
    The illustrator is going to judge the entries in the children's painting competition.
    Lisa just finished illustrating a book on cats.
  11. graphic a. 圖樣的;平面設計的
    衍: graphic design  平面設計
  12. editorial a. 編輯的 & n. 社論
  13. journalism n. 新聞報導;新聞學
    衍: journalist n. 新聞記者
    = newsman / newswoman
    Helen majored in journalism in college. In addition, she minored in English literature.
    A journalist must be objective in reporting the news.
  14. noticeable a. 顯著的
    衍: notice vt. & n. 注意
    notice sth
    = take notice of sth  注意某事物
    There has been a noticeable increase in sales since we adopted the new strategies.
    We all took notice of the way Dan kept staring at her.
  15. circulation n.(報刊等的)發行量

  常言道,如果你在紐約市能有所成就,那麼你在任何地方都能成功。《紐約客》這本雜誌自 1925 年以來就已是紐約的知名刊物,它在紐約市內市外受歡迎的程度不相上下。對許多當地的雜誌讀者來說,這可能會令他們感到意外,因為該雜誌大部份的內容都以紐約市為中心。該雜誌之所以能夠歷久不衰,且擁有忠心、廣泛讀者群的原因可以歸結為一個詞 ── 風格。
  這整本雜誌派頭十足。從封面到銘謝表,都竭盡所能地提供讀者們一流的閱讀體驗。事實上,這本雜誌的封面已多次榮獲藝術創意的獎項。舉例來說,於 2001 年九月十一日這場悲劇事件數週後所發行的封面版本,即被美國雜誌編輯協會評選為史上十大雜誌封面之一。該封面運用了五種不同種類的黑墨水,營造出世貿雙子星大樓那昏暗、鬼魅般的輪廓。這個影像會依觀看角度的不同而時隱時現。
想要親自感受一下《紐約客》的魅力,你可以上 www.newyorker.com 這個網站查詢。在這裡,該雜誌的部份文章以及漫畫皆可讓你免費欣賞。

1. 為什麼《紐約客》在紐約的市內市外皆受到歡迎?
(A) 因為它自 1925 年以來就已是紐約的知名刊物。
(B) 因為它的內容以紐約市為中心。
(C) 由於該雜誌擁有忠心的讀者。
(D) 由於該雜誌的高品質風格。
題解:根據本文第一段,該雜誌之所以能夠歷久不衰,且擁有忠心、廣泛讀者群的原因可以歸結為一個詞 ── 風格,故 (D) 項應為正選。
2. 該雜誌在哪方面已獲得藝術創意的獎項?
(A) 雜誌的封面。
(B) 雜誌的銘謝表。
(C) 雜誌的人氣。
(D) 該雜誌一流的閱讀體驗。
題解:根據本文第二段,這本雜誌的封面已多次榮獲藝術創意的獎項,故 (A) 項應為正選。
3. 為什麼雙子星塔的鬼魅影像會時隱時現?
(A) 因為它是在 2001 年九月十一日那場悲劇事件
(B) 因為它運用了特殊的墨水來印製。
(C) 因為它是一張鬼影。
(D) 因為它是史上十大雜誌封面之一。
題解:根據本文第二段,該封面運用了五種不同種類的黑墨水,營造出世貿雙子星大樓那昏暗、鬼魅般的輪廓。這個影像會依觀看角度的不同而時隱時現,故 (B) 項應為正選。
4. 哪一項不是該雜誌編輯內容的一部份?
(A) 該雜誌的發行量。
(B) 嚴肅的新聞報導。
(C) 國際社會評論。
(D) 成熟到位的幽默感。
題解:根據本文第四段,儘管該雜誌大量使用圖形樣式的設計風格,但它的編輯內容卻融合了嚴肅的新聞報導、國際社會評論,以及成熟到位的幽默感,僅 (A) 項未被提及,故為正選。
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A

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