2015年3月24日 星期二

The Wild World of Mascots  吉祥物大集合

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2015/03/24 第206期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Wild World of Mascots  吉祥物大集合
by Daniel Howard

Originally just a source of a little laugh, mascots are now big business.

  The word mascot comes from the French word mascotte, which refers to a good luck charm. The word first entered the English language around 1881. At the time, most mascots were animals _(1)_ sports teams. The animals would make appearances at sporting events, and _(2)_ animals like lions and tigers were popular. Their roars were thought to frighten the home team's opponents. Live mascots were common up to the 1960s, _(3)_ suited mascots were introduced.
  Mascots in cartoonish suits caught on around the same time as the Muppets, who were also life-sized puppets that _(4)_ a famous television series and movies. Sports teams found that using a person in a suit to perform and entertain the crowd was easier than using a wild animal for the same purpose. These mascots are typically clown-like performers that dance or taunt the opponents' team. _(5)_, the industry exploded.
  Today, mascots are common in everything from professional sports to corporate spokespeople. Each Olympic Games will develop its own mascots to align _(6)_ the theme of the event. Breakfast cereals use cartoon rabbits or bears to _(7)_ children. Each sports team now has its own unique mascot. Some are obvious choices, like the Detroit Tigers baseball team's mascot PAWS, who dresses in a tiger costume. On the other hand, the Anaheim Angels have a live capuchin monkey named Rally Monkey as their mascot. Then there is the Philadelphia Phillies' Phanatic, a bizarre, green-furred creature that no one really knows what it is, but it is probably one of baseball's most loved mascots.

1. (A) representing  (B) represented  (C) represent  (D) representation
2. (A) mild  (B) timid  (C) exotic  (D) candid
3. (A) which  (B) where  (C) what  (D) when
4. (A) aimed at  (B) looked over  (C) starred in  (D) bragged of
5. (A) Absolutely  (B) Subsequently  (C) Consistently  (D) Ridiculously
6. (A) with  (B) to  (C) on  (D) down
7. (A) amount to  (B) refer to  (C) flock to  (D) appeal to

  1. At the time, most mascots were animals representing sports teams.
    a. 原句實等於:
    "At the time, most mascots were animals which represented sports teams." 此時可將關係代名詞 which 刪除,之後的動詞 represented 變成現在分詞 representing。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
  2. The animals would make appearances at sporting events, and exotic animals like lions and tigers were popular.
    a. (A) mild a. 溫和的(天氣、個性)
    The climate was rather mild when we visited Alaska during the summer.
    (B) timid a. 羞怯的;膽小的
    The timid child rarely speaks up in class.
    (C) exotic a. 奇特的;有異國風味的
    Jimmy loved to shop at bazaars, looking for antiques and exotic goods.
    *bazaar n. 市集
    (D) candid a. 坦率的,坦白的
    衍: candidate n. 候選人
    I hold John in high esteem because he is always candid.
    How many candidates are running for mayor?
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  3. Live mascots were common up to the 1960s, when suited mascots were introduced.
    真的動物吉祥物一直到 1960 年代都很普遍,而當時也引進了真人著裝的吉祥物。
    a. when 為關係副詞,可引導形容詞子句,修飾其前
    表『時間』的名詞,空格前的 the 1960s 即為表時間的名詞,此處 when 等於 in which,置入後符合語意及用法。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
  4. Mascots in cartoonish suits caught on around the same time as the Muppets, who were also life-sized puppets that starred in a famous television series and movies.
    a. (A) aim at...  瞄準……
    I was aiming at the tree but missed.
    (B) look over...  仔細看/瀏覽……
    Could you look over my report to see if there are any mistakes?
    (C) star in...  主演……
    After Marilyn Monroe starred in her first movie, she took Hollywood by storm.
    *take... by storm  使……神魂顛倒;風靡……
    (D) brag of / about...  誇耀/吹噓……
    同: boast of / about...
    Ian is always bragging of how he became a millionaire at the age of 20.
    b. 根據語意及用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  5. Subsequently, the industry exploded.
    a. (A) absolutely adv. 絕對地,完全地(強調語氣用)
    The accident had absolutely nothing to do with Jim, so stop blaming him.
    (B) subsequently adv. 隨後;接著
    Gary lost his job and subsequently had no money for rent.
    (C) consistently adv. 一貫地,始終如一地
    衍: consistent a. 始終如一的
    Marvin shows up on time consistently.
    Consistent hard work leads to success.
    (D) ridiculously adv. 荒謬地;可笑地
    衍: ridiculous a. 荒謬的,可笑的
    Kevin couldn't afford the ridiculously expensive apartment.
    It's ridiculous to think that Tom would dress up like Santa Claus for the Halloween party.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  6. Each Olympic Games will develop its own mascots to align with the theme of the event.
    a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
    align with...  與……一致
    align vi. 與……一致
    The government made domestic prices align with those of world markets.
    align 亦可作及物動詞,有下列用法:
    align oneself with...  與……合作
    Our company should align itself with that big company.
    b. 根據上述用法,(A) 項應為正選。
  7. Breakfast cereals use cartoon rabbits or bears to appeal to children.
    a. (A) amount to...  (加起來)總計達……
    同: add up to...
    Grandpa's medication bills amounted to thousands of dollars.
    (B) refer to...  指的是/提到……
    The speaker referred to a famous advertising agency during his presentation on marketing.
    (C) flock to...  蜂擁至……
    flock vi. 成群地移動;聚集
    Many people flocked to the shopping mall for the holiday sales.
    (D) appeal to sb  吸引某人
    同: attract sb
    We didn't think that book would appeal to Johnny because it's a romance novel.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  1. mascot n. 吉祥物
  2. a good luck charm  幸運符
    charm n. 魅力;嫵媚 & vt. 使著迷
    衍: be charmed with / by...  對……著迷
    I was charmed with the elegance of that lady.
  3. make an appearance  出現,露臉
    appearance n. 出現;外觀
  4. roar n. 吼聲 & vi. 大吼,發出很大聲響
    衍: roar with laughter  大聲爆笑
    The roar of a lion can be quite scary.
    They all roared with laughter after Ben told a joke.
  5. opponent n. 對手
    During the primary elections, Frank's opponent was Jason.
  6. suited a. 穿著套裝的
    衍: suit n. 一套衣服;套裝;西裝
  7. entertain vt. 娛樂,使開心
    衍: entertain sb with sth  用某物娛樂某人
    Jessica entertained all the kids with interesting stories.
  8. corporate a. 公司的,企業的
    衍: incorporate vt. 併入
    incorporate A into B  把 A 併入 B
    Julie decided to incorporate everyone's opinion into her final design.
  9. spokespeople n. 發言人(複數);代表人物
    衍: spokesperson n. 發言人(單數)
  10. cereal n.(常與牛奶一起食用、作為早餐的)榖類食品
  11. obvious a. 明顯的
    It is obvious that the fitness center has serious financial problems.
  12. bizarre a. 古怪的;奇異的
    James likes to collect various bizarre costumes.
  13. probably adv. 大概;很可能
    It will probably take me three weeks to read this 1,000-page novel.

cartoonish a. 卡通的
Muppets n. 芝麻街兒童電視節目中的布偶
life-sized a. 與真人/實物大小一樣的
taunt vt. 嘲諷,嘲弄
capuchin monkey  捲尾猴
green-furred a. 綠毛的

  1. refer to...  指的是……
    The stars in front of the vocabulary words refer to those that are intended for advanced learners.
  2. catch on  成為流行/趨勢
    Many fads catch on quickly, but few remain popular for more than a few months.
    *fad n. 一時流行之物

  吉祥物一字來自於法文字 ── mascotte,它指的是幸運符。此字大約於 1881 年左右首次進入英語中。當時,大多數代表球隊的吉祥物都是動物。這些動物會在體育賽事中露面,而像是獅子與老虎這種珍奇異獸很是受歡迎。牠們的怒吼聲被視為是用來震懾主場隊的對手。真的動物吉祥物一直到 1960 年代都很普遍,而當時也引進了真人著裝的吉祥物。
  時至今日,吉祥物在各個領域都很常見,舉凡從職業運動比賽至擔任企業代表人。每屆奧運會都會制定自己的吉祥物以配合該賽事的主題。早餐吃的穀類食品則使用卡通兔或卡通熊來吸引小朋友。現在每支球隊都有他們自己獨一無二的吉祥物。有些是不二之選,像是底特律老虎隊穿著老虎裝的吉祥物 ── 虎爪。另一方面,安那罕天使隊擁有一隻活生生、名為逆轉猴的捲尾猴來作為他們的吉祥物。再者,費城費城人隊還有一隻名為費納寶的吉祥物,沒有人知道這隻詭異的綠毛怪到底是什麼生物,但牠大概是棒球運動中最受愛戴的吉祥物之一了。
答案: 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D

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