2015年3月12日 星期四

Tiananmen Images, Still Powerful/天安門照片 仍舊扣人心弦

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2015/03/13 第63期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Tiananmen Images, Still Powerful/天安門照片 仍舊扣人心弦
Bees Are Now Cleared for Landing at Airports/機場空地再利用 蜜蜂活得好
Tiananmen Images, Still Powerful/天安門照片 仍舊扣人心弦
The latest book by the photographer Xu Yong is filled with the images of young Chinese idealists clamoring for democracy and denouncing the Communist Party, but he insists that there is nothing political about his decision to publish this trove of snapshots he had kept hidden for more than two decades.


"This is an art book," said Mr. Xu, 60, who has more than 20 photography books to his name. "I have no interest in discussing what they mean."


But simple publishing images of the protests that convulsed Beijing in 1989 is likely to be viewed as a provocation by the hard-liners who currently rule China. They have tried, with much success, to impose a collective amnesia by censoring photos and news accounts that are part of the historical record in the rest of the world.


It is easy to view Mr. Xu's latest book, "Negatives," as a brave, if foolhardy, venture. Scores of people, including several of Mr. Xu's friends, have been detained in recently, some for sharing photographs of the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong last year.


One of China's best-known civil rights lawyers, Pu Zhiqiang, has been in police custody since last spring, after he joined a private gathering, at a friend's apartment, to discuss the violent crackdown on protesters in Tiananmen Square 25 years earlier.


"Xu is under no illusions about the risks, but this is his choice," said Renee Chiang of New Century Press, the Hong Kong publisher that is shipping copies of "Negatives" to bookstores outside mainland China.


Mr. Xu is best known for his moody black-and-white prints, taken in the late '80s, that captured the beauty of Beijing's ancient lanes before the city modernization. More recently, he earned plaudits for a series depicting a day in the life of a prostitute.


There are no images of the bloody June 4 denouement that left hundreds, if not thousands, of unarmed civilians dead after Chinese troops blasted their way into the heart of the capital.


But more intriguing is Mr. Xu's decision to print only the raw 35-millimeter negatives he took with his clunky Konica. There is something impenetrable about the images, with their muted colors and the ghostly, X-ray-like silhouettes of protesters.


The negatives, it turns out, are just a visual feint. Using an iPhone or iPad – and after making a simple adjustment to the settings by choosing the "invert colors" option under the "accessibility" tab inside "general" – viewers can see the original color of Mr. Xu's images. As the faces of hunger strikers and frightened young soldiers come to life, it is as if the reader had stumbled upon a lost world.



In the spring of 1989, Mr. Xu had just quit his job at a state-owned advertising company, having been encouraged by the market-oriented policies of China's paramount leader, Deng Xiaoping. Throngs of students had taken to the streets with demands for less censorship, more freedom and an end to official graft. "I sensed it was a critical moment and felt that every moment had to be documented," he said.


Mr. Xu spent six weeks in and around Tiananmen Square, standing on the seat of his bicycle to get elevated views.


He would not say how many photographs he took, but the book features 64 images, a coy numeric allusion to the way many Chinese refer to the date of the crackdown – June 4 – to circumvent censors. The final photo in the book, a blurry image of a tank, is the only nod to the brute force that ended the protest.


Perry Link, a China expert at the University of California, Riverside, said that by showing jubilant and peaceful protests that brought millions to the streets – among them Communist Party stalwarts and army veterans – Mr. Xu's images refute the official claims that the protests were a dangerous insurrection.


"It is a wonderful way of capturing that underside of insecurity that attends the Tiananmen issue and that, in a larger sense, haunts much of official China today," he said. "The artist seems to be saying: 'Here's the reality that no one looks at squarely but that everyone knows is there.' "


Mr. Xu acknowledged the dangers of his latest project, shrugged, saying the negatives were starting to yellow with age.


"I am getting old," he said. "If I don't publish these now, then when?"


Bees Are Now Cleared for Landing at Airports/機場空地再利用 蜜蜂活得好
A jet taxied down a nearby runway, the roar of its engines merging with the buzz of thousands of wings. His head covered with a beekeeper's veil, Alexandre Beaudoin lifted a frame out of one of five hives, each housing about 70,000 bees.


The hives had been in place a few months, and Mr. Beaudoin seemed pleased with the results.


"This frame is full of eggs; this is really nice, really good info," he said. "It tells me my hive is in really good health."


To find these hives, you would have to travel the warren of back roads at Montreal-Mirabel International Airport, go through a parking lot and onto a grass enclosure. Beyond are the airport's 2,500 hectares.


Last year, Aeroports de Montreal, which runs both of the city's airports, Mirabel and Montreal-Trudeau International, approached Miel Montreal, a beekeeping cooperative. As part of its environmental initiative, it wanted to start a project placing beehives in an empty field. The hives were installed in June.


圖擷自Miel Montreal

Mirabel is just the latest in what is becoming a common undertaking – keeping beehives on airport green space. For airports, beehives can be an easy way to show their concern for the environment while putting space to work in fields that legally cannot be built on. Hamburg Airport in Germany began such a project in 1999. Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Dresden, Hannover, Leipzig/Halle, Nuremberg and Munich followed. Since then, Malmo Airport in Sweden, Copenhagen, Chicago's O'Hare, Seattle-Tacoma International and Lambert-St. Louis International have all welcomed beehives.


Bees tend to do well in urban environments where there are people to manage the hives, a diversity of flowers and no agricultural pesticides.


Copenhagen Airport's plans to become a major Scandinavian hub turned into an opportunity for the city's bees. The airport bought a large plot of land to build on, but a muddy pond on the lot was home to the protected European green toad, according to Oliver Maxwell of the City Bee Association in Copenhagen. "So they were holding this piece of land for the last few years wondering what to do with it, and now it's overgrown and actually this beautiful meadow with wildflowers," he said.


Now there are 15 hives on the site, tended by Mr. Maxwell's group, and some of the honey is sold in the airport's gift shops.


At European airports, the focus is often on using bee products as biomarkers to detect pollutants. Malmo Airport began testing honey and beeswax from its hives in 2009. The results indicate that levels of heavy metals, volatile organic hydrocarbons and polyaromatic hydrocarbons are well below European Union limits, and have remained consistent from year to year.


For nearly a decade, scientists have been alarmed by steep drops in honeybee populations. Annual losses of around 30 percent, on average, have been attributed to colony collapse disorder and other pressures, including diseases, pesticides, extreme weather and habitat loss. The toll appeared to ease slightly last year, though researchers cautioned that one year hardly indicated a trend.


While airport hives will have only a limited role in propping up bee populations, Elina Lastro Nino, an apiculturist at the University of California, Davis, said that as long as there was no spraying of pesticides, airports could make great environments for honeybees, and could help educate the public.


"If you have an airport where you're selling honey that comes from the airport itself," Dr. Nino said, travelers are likely to become "more aware of issues with honey."



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