2015年4月17日 星期五

Silicon Valley Drains Wall Street’s Brains/華爾街人才流向矽谷 「聰明人知道怎麼選」

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2015/04/17 第68期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Silicon Valley Drains Wall Street's Brains/華爾街人才流向矽谷 「聰明人知道怎麼選」
YouTube Sensation Turns to Novels/陽光女孩撞邪 爆紅影片改編小說、電視
Silicon Valley Drains Wall Street's Brains/華爾街人才流向矽谷 「聰明人知道怎麼選」
One of the country's largest banks, Morgan Stanley, is losing its chief financial officer to Google in the most visible example yet of the flow of talent from Wall Street to Silicon Valley.


Ruth Porat, Morgan Stanley's chief financial officer since 2010, has been one of the most powerful women in a financial industry that has struggled to promote and hold on to its female executives. She is going to Silicon Valley while it is facing its own issues about gender balance. Ms. Porat, 57, will be the first woman in Google's senior ranks .


She is following in the steps of other big names from the bastions of East Coast power who have recently decamped to the ascendant technology industry on the West Coast. The former White House spokesman Jay Carney said last month that he was joining Amazon. com, and the former Obama aide David Plouffe joined Uber last year.


But Silicon Valley has been drawing much of its most valuable new talent from Wall Street. A top banker at Goldman Sachs, Anthony J. Noto, moved west last year to become the chief financial officer at Twitter.


Less than a decade ago, Wall Street firms were the premier destination for young college graduates and talented executives. More recently, the financial industry has been struggling to keep growing as it faces a raft of new regulations and a lack of public confidence as a result of the financial crisis.


Silicon Valley, on the other hand, is experiencing a period of blockbuster growth that has created dozens of billion-dollar start-ups practically overnight.


Silicon Valley office building 。圖片來源/ingimage

"Smart people go to where they feel there is the most growth," said Robert Reffkin, who left Goldman in 2012 after seven years to found a real estate start-up, Compass .


At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a top source of young recruits, only 10 percent of graduates went into finance in 2014, compared with the 31 percent who took jobs on Wall Street in 2006, before the financial crisis. Software companies, meanwhile, hired 28 percent of M.I.T. graduates in 2014, compared with 10 percent in 2006.


Similar trends have been evident at the other top training grounds that have long fed the upper ranks of Wall Street. At Harvard Business School, for example, the percentage of graduates going into finance dropped to 33 percent last year from 42 percent in 2006, while the numbers going into technology jumped to 17 percent from 7 percent.


Yet Wall Street remains the top destination at many business schools . Last summer, Morgan Stanley had 90,000 applicants for roughly 1,000 summer jobs.


In the last few years, Silicon Valley has strengthened its case as the new center of economic gravity in the United States. Companies like Google and Apple have grown rapidly at the same time that start-ups like Uber and Twitter have flourished.


Mr. Reffkin said that when he was at Goldman, as chief of staff to the bank's president, "it became clear that we are in the middle of a software revolution."


The economic strength of the technology industry adds to the lifestyle differences — including a relaxed dress code, better weather and a more freewheeling culture — that have long attracted young employees to start-ups.


The most noticeable departures from Wall Street have been the high-level banking executives like Ms. Porat and Mr. Noto . But the more troubling trend for banks is the lower-ranking programmers who are opting to head west at a time when banks are more dependent than ever on software and technology.


The start-ups, meanwhile, are not just stealing talent from Wall Street. Many are also trying to build companies like the payment processors Square and Stripe, which could siphon business from the financial industry.


As the movement between industries has taken hold, it has often built on itself. When Marissa Mayer became Yahoo's chief executive in 2012, she hired Jacqueline D. Reses, a former Goldman banker, as the company's chief development officer. Ms. Reses' job, in essence, was to help Yahoo recruit new talent and to find promising companies to buy and team up with.


She has led Yahoo's dozens of acquisitions, including the $1.1 billion purchase of Tumblr and the $640 million purchase of Brightroll.


Ms. Reses said, "I have hired people out of Wall Street, primarily because it was a peer group that I was very familiar with."


YouTube Sensation Turns to Novels/陽光女孩撞邪 爆紅影片改編小說、電視
Nearly five years ago, a n animated 16-year-old named Paige McKenzie uploaded a video to YouTube. " I know this is a little strange," she says, adding that her house is haunted and she aims to capture the ghost on camera.


More than 130 million views later, Ms. McKenzie's web series, "The Haunting of Sunshine Girl," has become her job. Ms. McKenzie said she spends 80 hours a week shooting, acting in and editing the show, and trading messages with viewers.


"Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Google Plus, YouTube, Meerkat, the occasional smoke signals, you know," she sa id when asked how she keeps in touch with her fans. "The interaction is key. I'm accessible. My life is on YouTube."

「推特、臉書、Instagram、Pinterest、Snapchat、Tumblr、Google Plus 、YouTube、Meerkat,各種風吹草動,你知道的,」她回答如何和粉絲保持聯繫的時候說:「關鍵在於互動。我很好找。我在YouTube上面過日子。」

圖擷自The Haunting of Sunshine Girl Network

Now, in an inversion of the usual page-to-screen adaptation process, Ms. McKenzie is turning her show into a series of young adult novels. The story follows a teenage heroine , Sunshine Griffith, as she investigates a spirit haunting her house and tries to rescue her mother from demonic possession. The first book, "The Haunting of Sunshine Girl," was published last month by Weinstein Books, with endorsements from the author R. L. Stine and the filmmaker Wes Craven.


"Sunshine Girl," written with a collaborator, is the latest literary adaptation to emerge from YouTube . Publishers have also released "The Pointless Book," by Alfie Deyes; "Girl Online," by Zoe Sugg; and "Grace's Guide," by Grace Helbig. So far, t he results have been mixed. "Epic Meal Time," a cookbook based on a YouTube show with more than 6.7 million subscribers, has sold just 2,192 copies .


"I'm holding my breath," said Jennifer Bergstrom of Gallery Books, which will publish a book by the YouTube comedian Miranda Sings this July. "The concept of people watching videos and wanting to buy the book, I question whether that's going to be a natural progression."


Weinstein Books is aiming one marketing campaign at Ms. McKenzie's YouTube audience, and another at the potential readers who have not heard of her.


A television show — based on the novel based on the YouTube show — is in production at the Weinstein Company, and Ms. McKenzie's contract locks her in as the star.


The project started in 2010 when a film producer, Nick Hagen, contacted Mercedes Rose, Ms. McKenzie's mother, who is an actress and voiceover artist, about collaborating on a YouTube show. Ms. Rose, her daughter and Mr. Hagen formed a production company, Coat Tale Productions. They quickly learned tricks for luring in viewers, like posting warnings on the videos that say "Don't Watch!" Rumors swirled that the ghostly apparitions were real. Nearly a year later, the videos passed five million views. The show now brings in around $6,000 a month in advertising.

整個計畫始於2010年,電影製片尼克.海根找上本身是演員兼配音員的麥肯錫母親梅西迪絲、羅斯,洽談聯手製作YouTube節目事宜。羅斯與女兒及海根合組Coat Tale製作公司。他們很快就學會了吸引觀眾的撇步,像是在影片上張貼「別看!」的警語。有關鬼影是真的的傳言四散。大約一年後,影片點閱次數超過五千萬。節目現在每個月帶進六千美元廣告收入。

Now 20 and living outside of Portland, Oregon, Ms. McKenzie says Sunshine's character is "99.8 percent" based on her.


She spent much of her adolescence in front of the camera. When she was harassed at school, she spoke about it on camera. She griped about her wheat allergy and her frizzy hair. "I pretty much grew up on YouTube," she said.


In 2013, the literary agent Mollie Glick paired Ms. McKenzie with a young adult novelist, Alyssa B. Sheinmel, who wrote sample chapters and an outline. A book deal quickly followed. Last spring, Weinstein bought a partial manuscript — in a two-book deal for something more than $100,000 — and separately optioned screen rights. The company recently bought a third book.


When asked about her writing process, Ms. McKenzie readily acknowledged that Ms. Sheinmel did the bulk of the writing.


"I can't do this by myself, are you crazy?" Ms. McKenzie said. "I've never written a book. I don't know how to do that."


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