2015年5月7日 星期四

The Discovery Center of Taipei: Renovation of the “Taipei's Streets” Exhibit

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2015/05/07 第122期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Discove Taipei
The Discovery Center of Taipei: Renovation of the "Taipei's Streets" Exhibit
The Discovery Center of Taipei: Renovation of the "Taipei's Streets" Exhibit
The "Taipei's Streets" (臺北大街風情) exhibition on the third floor of the Discovery Center of Taipei (台北探索館) has been given a makeover! The Center has spent a number of months planning and renovating the exhibit to make content more interesting. It was officially opened on February 6th. Painstakingly-made models and photos, as well as on February interesting, fun, interactive multimedia installations, make the Center an even more suitable place for families to come and explore their home city of Taipei together.

The six avenues passing through Taipei can be seen in "Taipei's Streets": Zhongshan North Road (中山北路), Zhongxiao East Road (忠孝東路), Dunhua North and South Roads (敦化南北路), Zhonghua Road (中華路), Xinsheng South Road (新生南路) and Ketagalan Boulevard (凱達格蘭大道). The different characteristics of each avenue and the context of Taipei's development are presented through pictures made through image composition, eye-catching films, high-tech interactive installations and multi-layered mixed media, using techniques such as static and dynamic displays, and contrast between space and emptiness.

In the "See Taipei's Historic Sites" (看見台北古蹟) exhibition, the window frames of Taipei's 10 most characterful examples of historic architecture have been chosen and reproductions are displayed on a wall of the exhibition, presenting Taipei's life story through the ages.

To make the exhibition's content more substantial and attractive, the Center invited expert scholars and public figures in many disciplines to participate in the planning and production of the exhibition, as well as editing the textual material used, enhancing its persuasiveness.

Furthermore, the famous scholar Lee Qianlang (李乾朗) provided text, old photographs, and related information for the architecture of Zhonghua Road; the nature and culture writer Liu Keshiang (劉克襄) wrote the Traveling the Tianmu Trail (天母古道行旅) flip book especially for the area on Zhongshan North Road; the photographer Chen Minming (陳敏明) provided aerial photographs of Xinsheng South Road and Daan Park (大安森林公園); the illustrator Pan Yuyuo (潘羽祐) also produced the dazzling, colorful "Travel Map of Taipei City" (臺北城隅漫遊圖) for Zhonghua Road's multimedia installations.

Are you curious about the new appearance of the Discovery Center of Taipei? After the "Taipei's Streets" exhibition has reopened, we invite you to come and see it and experience the many faces of Taipei through a lifelike, interesting exhibition.


The Discovery Center of Taipei 台北探索館

Add: 1~4F, 1, City Hall Rd. (go in the West Door of the Taipei City Hall and turn right)

Tel: 1999 (02-2720-8889 outside Taipei City); ext. 8630

Website: discovery.gov.taipei


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