2015年6月8日 星期一

The seismic catastrophe in ‘San Andreas’ 《加州大地震》中的地震災難

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2015/06/09 第339期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

School girl's knife attack sparks change

Heavier penalty for random killing in schools proposed

Two legislators proposed amending the Criminal Code to stiffen the penalty for random killings that take place in public places, at schools, or on public transportation. The proposal was put forth by ruling Kuomintang Legislators Ting Shou-chung and Wang Yu-min in the wake of the death of a second-grader whose throat was slit in a random attack by an intruder at her school in the Beitou district of Taipei on May 29. 兩名立委提案修法,對於在公共場所、校園或大眾運輸工具上隨機殺人的罪犯加重刑責。五月廿九日台北市北投區一名國小二年級女童被一名闖入校園的男子隨機割喉殺害,事件發生後國民黨籍立委丁守中及王育敏提出了這項提案。
At present, random killing is a crime punishable by death, life imprisonment or imprisonment of 10 years or more. Ting and Wang proposed adding a provision to the Criminal Code that would limit the sentence for random killings committed in public establishments, on public transportation or at schools to death or life imprisonment. In cases where bodily harm is inflicted during a random attack in the specified areas, the penalty should be raised by one-half of the original penalty, and the offenders should never be eligible for parole, they proposed. Wang, meanwhile, separately proposed adding a clause to the Criminal Code stipulating that people who kill children younger than 12 years old should be sentenced to death or life imprisonment. 目前,隨機殺人犯可能被判處死刑、無期徒刑或十年以上的有期徒刑。丁守中和王育敏提議增修刑法條款,使在公共場域、大眾運輸工具或校園內隨機殺人的罪犯都必須判處死刑或者無期徒刑;若致使他人受傷者,則加重其二分之一刑責,且受刑者永遠不得假釋。王育敏也提出另一項法案,若殺害十二歲以下兒童者,應處死刑或無期徒刑。
In the wake of the second-grader's murder at her own school, Taipei's Department of Education said that it will take emergency measures to improve the school's security. Wenhua Elementary School, where the schoolgirl was attacked, has also published a letter on its website to help parents and students deal with the incident, the department said. The school will also provide counseling for the students, it added. The girl's teacher, meanwhile, said she was very sorry that she did not take good care of the girl. 在這名二年級女童於校園內被殺害後,台北市教育局也表示將採取緊急措施,以改善校園安全。教育局表示,女童在其就讀的學校遭攻擊後,文化國小校方也在網站上發表公開信,呼籲各界協助家長及學生面對此次的事件。信中補充道,校方將為學生提供心理諮商。與此同時,女童的老師也說,她很抱歉沒有照顧好這名女孩。
In the attack that sent shockwaves across society, the girl was slashed twice across the throat with a knife, severing or damaging her trachea and carotid artery, according to the police. Preliminary questioning by the police indicated that the suspect picked his victim simply because she was alone and out of her classroom. He allegedly followed her into the toilet, where he grabbed her from behind and slit her throat. 根據警方說法,在這次震驚社會的攻擊事件中,女童的喉部遭利刃劃了兩刀,氣管和頸動脈幾乎割斷。警方的初步審問結果指出,嫌犯挑中女童犯案僅僅是因為她剛好走出教室,且身旁無其他人。嫌犯於是跟隨女童進入廁所,由後方抓住女童手臂,再將其割喉。
The suspect, a 29-year-old man who was identified as Kung Chung-an, alerted police shortly after the attack and was apprehended near the crime scene. 這名廿九歲的嫌犯本名龔重安,在攻擊後不久即向警方報案,隨後在犯案現場遭到逮捕。
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本文來自Student Post 1435期
6月7日 – 6月13日, 2015
The seismic catastrophe in 'San Andreas'

The San Andreas Fault awakens, unleashing back-to-back jolts that leave a trail of misery from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Skyscrapers crumble. Fires erupt. The letters of the Hollywood sign topple. Tsunami waves swamp the Golden Gate Bridge. In the film "San Andreas," Southern California is rocked by a powerful magnitude-9.1 quake followed by an even stronger magnitude-9.6 in Northern California.

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