2015年7月6日 星期一

Director Takayuki Nakamura's Experiences Living in Kaohsiung/跟著中村隆幸所長 遊高雄

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2015/07/06 第179期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 跟著中村隆幸所長 遊高雄
活動快遞 南臺灣最大沙雕展,旗津黑沙玩藝節邀您輕鬆玩一夏
Director Takayuki Nakamura's Experiences Living in Kaohsiung
【English translation:Wendy Wei Chang】

Mr. Takayuki Nakamura became the Director of the Interchange Association (Japan), in Kaohsiung at the end of March, 2013. Today, he navigates the city like a true local and has found great happiness living here. Director Nakamura describes Kaohsiung as a sunny city full of warmth and culture, with people that are always polite and friendly. He enjoys Kaohsiung's hospitality and great scenic spots. Having become fully immersed in local ways, he can even joke around in Taiwanese.

In Japan, the cherry blossoms last for only a short time every year; however, in Kaohsiung he enjoys the flowers that are in bloom all year round. He particularly likes the golden Cassia fistula and flaming red Flamboyant trees. Director Nakamura also enjoys Kaohsiung's natural beauty, such as the ocean, mountains and hot springs. On sunny days, Director Nakamura enjoys going out to Mount Siagang where he has a secret spot that overlooks the majestic Agongdian Dam.

Although he has several favorite scenic spots in Kaohsiung, Chengcing Lake has a special place in his heart, as he remembers how much he loved it when he visited Kaohsiung 30 years ago. He also really likes the Love River by night and the sunset over the lighthouse at Sizihwan Bay. Other favorites include the ocean view from the 85 Sky Tower, the badlands at 308 Highland, the unique Mud Volcanoes in Yanchao, and the picturesque mountains of Meinong.

Out of all the Taiwanese holidays, Director Nakamura enjoys Chinese New Year the most. He also enjoys the Lantern Festival with its festive atmosphere and beautiful fireworks at Love River. This year, he also attended his first Song-Jiang Jhen Battle Array in Neimen. He particularly enjoyed its unique, choreographed Kung Fu performances. He encourages overseas visitors to come and experience Kaohsiung's unique culture and scenic spots.

跟著中村隆幸所長 遊高雄








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