2015年10月11日 星期日

Mr. Sheu Fong-yuan Revives the Traditional Craft of Fixing Umbrellas/傘的復活記!許一個不會散的情

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2015/10/12 第185期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


主  題 傘的復活記!許一個不會散的情
活動快遞 高美館 與時代共舞—《藝術家》40年×台灣當代美術 開幕紀實
Mr. Sheu Fong-yuan Revives the Traditional Craft of Fixing Umbrellas
【English translation:Wendy Wei Chang】

Umbrellas are possessions that have a certain degree of sentimentality. Since people get so attached to them, instead of throwing them away, they often attempt to continue to use their umbrellas even after they have begun to fall apart. However, umbrellas and parasols will ultimately get lost or broken and therefore umbrellas do not stay in one's possession for very long. However, Mr. Sheu Fong-yuan explains, "Umbrellas can be fixed if they are broken. The problem is most people don't know how to take proper care of them so they last longer."

Mr. Sheu is the second generation owner of Ren Hau Umbrella Shop. He was born in the 80s and is the oldest child in his family. Mr. Sheu's family has been selling umbrellas for 22 years and opened the shop in 1997. In 2012, Mr. Sheu set up its webpage and began creating online videos that taught people the proper use of umbrellas and tips on how to care for them better.

Mr. Sheu's educational background is in information management. He also previously worked in finance and insurance. This has enabled him to explore new management styles that have enhanced his family's business. His focus is on understanding customers' particular needs. One example of how he has incorporated this model into the business is the various cards that can be found on the shelves beside the umbrellas with their names and product care information. There are many different types of umbrellas in the shop, including ones for rain and sun, foldable and lightweight, wind resistant and large 27-inch ones. Each umbrella comes with its own handmade instruction card, which also exemplifies Mr. Sheu's customer care.

Ren Hau was originally a shop that only sold umbrellas; however when Mr. Sheu Fong-yuan took over, it also became well known for its umbrella repair service. "At first, I took it as my responsibility to provide great post-sales service," explains Mr. Sheu. He recalls how he mastered his umbrella repair skills by disassembling the umbrellas in order to figure out their internal workings. "At first, I only worked on umbrellas that were sold in our shop, but after a while people began bringing umbrellas they had bought from other stores. I didn't even know why they were doing that! Then I learned that it was because people were posting information about our services online," he laughs. Mr. Sheu's skills continued to improve as the requests for him to fix peoples umbrellas increased. Ren Hau is so famous that even big franchises and department stores have used their umbrella repair services. He is honored that customers trust him to fix their umbrellas.

Thanks to his years of experience, Mr. Sheu is now a master in umbrella repair. "Before I sell an umbrella to a customer, I often remind them to take care of it," he says. Everyone who buys umbrellas from Ren Hau learns the correct way to use and care for umbrellas. As the old saying goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Even if maintaining umbrellas good condition reduces the number of customers and sales, Ren Hau's mandate is to keep the umbrellas in as good condition as possible for as long as possible.

Most of the older generation use cobblers to fix their umbrellas, however because shoes these days yield a higher return, cobblers don't want to spend their time repairing umbrellas. This has resulted in a decline in umbrella repair experts and the tradition gradually being lost. With increasing environmental conscientiousness and affection for ones umbrella, Mr. Sheu has not only inherited the family business but has also become an expert umbrella repair man. Technology and internet connectivity has also made this umbrella shop in a small alley behind Kaohsiung's train Station extremely well known.

Ren Hau Umbrella Shop

No.48, Chongcing St., Sanmin Dist.,

Kaohsiung City

(07) 3155466


在台灣人的習俗裡,尤其是交往中的男女朋友,非常忌諱送傘,因為台語的傘與散同音。現實生活中,無論是雨傘還是陽傘,通常最終的命運不是被遺落,就是壞掉。剛壞時,或許撐著用,或許掙扎不忍丟棄,但最終還是擺脫不了被丟棄的命運。於是作為現代人身邊的一把傘,總是落得與主人情深緣淺 。


退伍後,他為傘店開了網路專頁,還將傘具的正確使用方式,以及保養知識 ,都製成影片上網分享;資訊管理學歷背景和金融保險業經歷,讓他開啟有別於家族傳統的經營方式。例如,他特別著眼於顧客的需求,而這點也體現在店內商品架,滿佈的各種貼心說明的小卡上。


有趣的是,家族原本只是賣傘的店,在許峰源接手後,竟在修傘修出名聲。「一開始是基於責任感,提供售後服務 。」許峰源回憶當年為了瞭解傘的結構 ,甚至把整支傘全部拆解,進而摸索出一套修傘技能。

「一開始只修自家賣的傘,不知為何 ,後來別人家的傘也送上門來。」說到這裡許峰源笑開地說,「後來才知道是網友分享」。因為接單很多,讓他的技術更精進,偶而碰到無法修復的罕見故障,信任他的客人也會把傘留下讓他慢慢摸索。結果,「人豪」的修傘口碑,甚至連大型通路連鎖店、百貨公司精品專櫃小姐也慕名而來。







高美館 與時代共舞—《藝術家》40年×台灣當代美術 開幕紀實


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