2015年11月16日 星期一

Big Developments That Started Small  萬丈高樓平地起

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2015/11/17 第237期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Big Developments That Started Small  萬丈高樓平地起
by Brian Foden

Many big companies got their start in someone's garage.

  What do Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and Brittany Wenger all have in common? You may have heard of Disney, who created the hugely successful Walt Disney Company, and Jobs, who was one of the founders of Apple Computer. _(1)_ In the mid-1970s, Jobs and his partner, Steve Wozniak, used the garage of Jobs' parents in California to begin their business, which later turned into the huge company known as Apple. Decades earlier, in the early 1920s, Walt Disney and his brother Roy used their uncle's garage to set up the first Disney studio. _(2)_ Other giant companies that got their start in garages include Google, Amazon, and Hewlett-Packard. In the case of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, both Stanford University graduate students in the late 1990s, worked on a project in their garage. _(3)_ Meanwhile, a few years before that, Jeff Bezos used his parents' garage to start Amazon, the largest Internet retailer in the US. Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded HP, one of the world's largest tech companies, in Packard's garage in 1939.
  And what about Brittany Wenger? _(4)_ She created an app that could identify breast cancer in samples 99 out of 100 times. _(5)_ Wenger actually worked on this in her bedroom, not her garage. However, the point is the same: big things often have small beginnings.

(A) The project later developed into the world's most successful Internet search engine.
(B) However, did you know that both Disney and Jobs started their businesses in garages?
(C) This amazing young woman from Florida was the winner of the 2012 Google Science Fair.
(D) This app can actually help save lives by assisting doctors in discovering cancer in patients at early stages of the disease.
(E) It was the beginning of an animation, entertainment, and amusement park company that would soon become famous around the world.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "You may have heard of Disney, who created the hugely successful Walt Disney Company, and Jobs, who was one of the founders of Apple Computer." (你也許曾聽過迪士尼,他打造了極為成功的華特迪士尼公司,還有賈伯斯,他是蘋果電腦的創辦人之一。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "However, did you know that both Disney and Jobs started their businesses in garages?"(然而,你知道迪士尼與賈伯斯兩人都在車庫著手展開他們的事業嗎?),前後皆以 Disney(迪士尼)和 Jobs(賈伯斯)相互呼應。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
  2. 第二題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Decades earlier, in the early 1920s, Walt Disney and his brother Roy used their uncle's garage to set up the first Disney studio."(早在幾十年前,於 1920 年代中期,華特.迪士尼與他的兄長洛伊就利用他們叔叔的車庫來成立第一間迪士尼工作室。),而 (E) 項的句子提及 "It was the beginning of an animation, entertainment, and amusement park company that would soon become famous around the world."(這是一間即將走紅世界的動畫、娛樂與遊樂園公司的開端。),前一句的 set up(成立)與後一句的 beginning(開端)互相呼應,且後一句的代名詞 It 指的就是前一句句尾的名詞詞組 the first Disney studio(第一間迪士尼工作室),故產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    a. animation n. 動畫
    There was a new Doraemon animation released in cinemas this past summer.
    今年剛過的這個夏天有一部《哆啦 A 夢》的新動畫在電影院上映。
    b. entertainment n. 娛樂,樂趣
    The Scheveningen seaside resort provides tourists with a variety of entertainment.
  3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "In the case of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, both Stanford University graduate students in the late 1990s, worked on a project in their garage."(以谷歌為例,1990 年代後期,同為史丹佛大學研究生的賴利.佩吉與謝爾蓋.布林就在他們的車庫從事一項計劃。),而 (A) 項的句子提及 "The project later developed into the world's most successful Internet search engine."(這項計劃之後發展為全世界最成功的網路搜尋引擎。),前後兩句以 project(計劃)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    search engine  搜尋引擎
  4. 第四題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "And what about Brittany Wenger?"(那布列塔妮.威戈呢?),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "This amazing young woman from Florida was the winner of the 2012 Google Science Fair."(這名來自佛羅里達州令人驚艷的年輕女性是 2012 年谷歌科技博覽會的贏家。),前一句的 Brittany Wenger(布列塔妮.威戈)和後一句的 This amazing young woman(這名令人驚艷的年輕女性)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    science fair  科學展
  5. 第五題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "She created an app that could identify breast cancer in samples 99 out of 100 times."(她設計出一款能夠百分之九十九準確辨識乳癌樣本的應用程式。),而 (D) 項的句子提到 "This app can actually help save lives by assisting doctors in discovering cancer in patients at early stages of the disease."(這款應用程式能協助醫生在該病初期階段就發現,因而實際地幫助拯救生命。),前後兩句以 app(應用程式)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    a. assist sb in V-ing  幫助某人做某事
    Shizuka assists her mother in doing the chores on weekends.
    b. discover vt. 發現
    Nobita discovered the stone he found was a fossil of a dinosaur egg.

studio n. 工作室;製片公司
app n. 應用程式(= application)

  1. have sth / nothing in common  有相同之處/毫無共同之處
    Although they have nothing in common, Ida and Phil have been a couple for the last five years.
  2. hear of sb/sth  聽過某人/某事
    衍: hear about...  得悉/聽說有關……的事
    I've never heard of the country called Nauru.
  3. set up...  成立/設立……
  1. development n. 發展;成長
    衍: in / under development  在開發中
    The director has several interesting projects in development.
  2. garage n. 車庫
    衍: a garage sale  車庫拍賣
    (美國許多住家均有車庫,一般家庭在搬遷他地前,為出清多餘的家居用品,會將這些物品陳列於車庫間並賤價出售, 識貨者常會挑選到實用的好貨,這種自家拍賣二手用品的方式就稱為『車庫拍賣』)
    Most of the things at the garage sale really had no value.
  3. founder n. 創辦人,創立者
    衍: found vt. 創立,開設(三態為:found, founded, founded。)
    As the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales knows something about launching projects that impact millions of people.
    Lin Hwai-min founded the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre in 1973.
    林懷民在 1973 年創立了雲門舞集。
  4. giant a. 巨大的 & n. 巨人
    The giant building cost lots of money to maintain.
    David killed the nine-foot-tall giant by himself.
  5. project n. 計劃,方案
    After the completion of this project, I will fly to Jamaica for a nice vacation.
  6. retailer n. 零售商,零售店
    衍: wholesaler n. 批發商
    Wholesalers and retailers sell goods to customers through multiple channels of distribution in order to make a profit.
  7. identify vt. 辨識,鑑定
    衍: identification n. 身份證明;識別
    Before doctors can cure an illness, they have to identify it first.
    The policeman asked Adaline to show him her identification.
  8. sample n. 樣本,樣品;範例
    Shu Uemura is giving away free samples of their cosmetics.

  華特.迪士尼、史蒂夫.賈伯斯和布列塔妮.威戈這三位有什麼共同點?你也許曾聽過迪士尼,他打造了極為成功的華特迪士尼公司,還有賈伯斯,他是蘋果電腦(編按:現在的蘋果公司 Apple Inc. 原為蘋果電腦公司 Apple Computer, Inc.。)的創辦人之一。然而,你知道迪士尼與賈伯斯兩人都在車庫著手展開他們的事業嗎?在 1970 年代中期,賈伯斯與他的合夥人史提夫.沃茲尼克使用賈伯斯位於加州的父母家車庫開創他們的企業,其後來成為了稱作蘋果的龐大企業。早在幾十年前,於 1920 年代中期,華特.迪士尼與他的兄長洛伊就利用他們叔叔的車庫來成立第一間迪士尼工作室(編按:其公司最初名為『迪士尼兄弟動畫工作室』Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio。)。這是一間即將走紅世界的動畫、娛樂與遊樂園公司的開端。其他在車庫開創事業的企業巨頭包括谷歌、亞馬遜和惠利特-普克德。以谷歌為例,1990 年代後期,同為史丹佛大學研究生的賴利.佩吉與謝爾蓋.布林就在他們的車庫從事一項計劃。這項計劃之後發展為全世界最成功的網路搜尋引擎。同時,在這之前的幾年,傑夫.貝佐斯運用他雙親的車庫創辦了亞馬遜 ── 全美規模最大的網路零售商。比爾.惠利特和大衛.普克德於 1939 年在普克德的車庫中創立了惠普,它是世界上最大的科技公司之一。
  那布列塔妮.威戈呢?這名來自佛羅里達州令人驚艷的年輕女性是 2012 年谷歌科技博覽會的贏家。她設計出一款能夠百分之九十九準確辨識乳癌樣本的應用程式。這款應用程式能協助醫生在該病初期階段就發現,因而實際地幫助拯救生命。威戈其實是在她的臥室裡執行這項研究,而非在她的車庫。儘管如此,這一點是相同的:偉大的事物往往始於微小的開端。
答案: 1. B 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. D


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