2015年12月21日 星期一

Wander in one of Kaohsiung City's Most Beautiful Parks/在衛武營都會公園深呼吸 逛遊城市綠色夢境

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2015/12/22 第190期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


主  題 在衛武營都會公園深呼吸 逛遊城市綠色夢境
活動快遞 104年12月25日左營舊城月光音樂會
Wander in one of Kaohsiung City's Most Beautiful Parks
【English translation:Wendy Wei Chang】

Wei Wu Ying Metropolitan Park is located on the previous site of a military base, where only authorized personnel were allowed access. After a great deal of hard work by city government and other non-governmental organizations, the military base was transformed into an ecological metropolitan park. Beside the park, the Wei Wu Ying Center for the Arts is currently under construction and is expected to be completed at the end of 2016. Wei Wu Ying Metropolitan Park will become a mecca for residents to enjoy the arts, ecology and Kaohsiung's beauty.

Explore the Park's Six Distinct Sections

With its 50 acres and six sections, Wei Wu Ying Metropolitan Park is the biggest ecological park in sothern Taiwan. It is surrounded by Sanduo Road, Nanjing Road, Zihci Road, Jhongjheng Freeway and is conveniently located beside Exit 3 of the Orange Line's Wei Wu Ying KRTS Station. Visitors are also recommended to rent a bike and enjoy the sunset there.

The Dreamland Zone

The Dreamland Zone is located on the northern section of the park. Its entrance is located on Sanduo Road and is the location of many old banyan trees. Paths are gracefully intertwined with green trees, leading to a 5.2 acre North Lake Zone. With its beautiful lake and landscape, it is a very calming and relaxing area. The lake's two islands are home to a variety of species and ecological systems.

The Urban Garden Zone

The Urban Garden Zone is located near the park's most easterly entrance. Different plants such as irises and sage can be found in this region. Plaques describe the flower and fauna, so visitors can easily identify them. This is a great place to learn about plants and enjoy nature.

The Natural Exploration Zone

The Natural Exploration Zone occupies nearly half of the park. Visitors can enjoy native plants, diverse birdlife and insects inhabiting the area's wetlands. A covered footbridge which spans the lake; allowing visitors to peer through holes to watch wildlife and reducing disturbances, so visitors can watch wildlife in a more natural setting. Surrounded by mahogany trees, the observation deck and forest classroom are additional, wonderful places to observe and experience nature.

Camouflage Park Zone – Inspired by the Former Military Base

The Camouflage and Military Park Zones are located near the southern entrance on Zihci Road. Its architecture integrates military symbols and camouflage. The wooden benches in the zone are constructed from materials from the base's old buildings and houses that have since been demolished. The Military Park Zone has kept most of its original military designs and features street furniture, wooden floors and plant pots. The trail leads to a lookout which was the previous location of the former military base's water tower. It is a great place for visitors to enjoy the park's beautiful vistas and landscape. The scenic old banyans and drought-tolerant trees contribute to the park's tropical atmosphere. It has become a popular spot for photographers to come and capture the area's magical scenery and get a feel for the local history. Located at the most westerly side of the park, a path which runs in a north - south direction is also surrounded by mahogany trees. Visitors can stroll or cycle past Phanera purpurea, camphor and mango trees. With a complete transformation from military base to park, the area has not only retained its original ecological systems, but also connects people with history.

A Park with an Arts Center and a Bright Future

Besides the park's enchanting natural scenery, visitors are also looking forward to the completion of the Wei Wu Ying Center for the Arts, which will be completed by 2016. When Dutch architect Ms. Francine Houben visited Kaohsiung in 2007, she was inspired by the shape of the old banyan trees, found throughout the Wei Wu Ying Metropolitan Park. In southern Taiwan, residents particularly enjoy outdoor activities and therefore Ms. Houben designed the wavy building to resemble a giant ray swimming towards the sea. The center will feature international and national artistic performances and will also become an important place for Taiwanese to come and cultivate a taste for a variety of arts. Wei Wu Ying Metropolitan Park is a great place to enjoy theatrical performances and experience the beauty of nature. Its diversity and artistic culture has transformed a mysterious and serious military base into a treasure box full of diverse species and birdlife.

在衛武營都會公園深呼吸 逛遊城市綠色夢境

這段文字刻劃在衛武營都會公園三多路入口前的質樸灰石上,字裡行間所提及的都市居民們正閒適經過暖陽熨貼的灰石與小徑,這座原本門禁森嚴的衛武營軍營,經過市府、民間團體數十年的努力,而今蛻變為一座綠意盎然的都會公園,而公園一側施工中的「 衛武營藝術文化中心」,預定於2016年完工,衛武營都會公園匯聚了人文、藝術、生態、觀光等多元功能。

遊賞六大主題區 尋訪自然生態





迷彩樂園 細數軍營人文風情



藝術殿堂 值得期待的美麗未來

衛武營都會公園除了美麗的自然景觀與公共建設之外,最令人矚目的,便是將於2016年底完工的「衛武營藝術文化中心」主建築。2007年,荷蘭建築師法蘭韾.侯班(Francine Houben)由衛武營區的老榕樹群啟發靈感,考量南台灣的燠熱氣候與居民喜愛戶外活動的生活習性,設計出音波式外形與白色波浪自由形式的流暢建築外觀,猶如一尾滑入綠海的大魟魚。未來落成之後,將成為國際與台灣表演藝術團隊的舞台,也是培育國民美學的重要基地;在這座公園中,享受劇場的精采演出、體會自然生活,在衛武營都會公園深呼吸,愜意又自在。   這座南方之夢,由生態與藝文澆灌,滋養出欣欣向榮的城市美學與盎然綠意,卸下軍營的沉重與神祕,現今是環抱豐富生態、朝氣蓬勃的寶庫,衛武營都會公園的美麗未來值得期待。



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