2016年1月7日 星期四

Explore Kaohsiung by Light Rail/輕盈時尚的城市邂逅 搭乘輕軌去旅行

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2016/01/04 第191期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


主  題 輕盈時尚的城市邂逅 搭乘輕軌去旅行
活動快遞 《2016高雄偶戲新樂園》來囉~~~
Explore Kaohsiung by Light Rail
【English translation:Hou Ya-ting】

The first phase of Kaohsiung's light rail system includes stations C1 to C14 and connects visitors to the area's most famous attractions. These include the newly developed Shopping areas,Asia New Bay Area's infrastructure, the scenic harbor and Pier-2 Art Center. The route exhibits Kaohsiung's historical areas which intertwine with its modern initiatives. The light rail provides a great new way to explore Kaohsiung and to take in its enchanting waterfront.

C1 Lizihnei Station

Lizihnei Station is situated between Lizihnei and Gangshanzih and is a convenient way to explore Cianjhen District's tourist attractions. With its bustling traditional streets, visitors can shop at a variety of local businesses. On Longsing Street, they can also sample delicious Taiwanese snacks such as duck or mackerel broth, rice pudding, oyster omelets, fried eel or shaved ice. Lizihnei Station is located adjacent to Banchao Park. The small lush green area is perfect for visitors to relax in and enjoy the region's atmosphere.

Transfer information: ■ Bus routes: 82, 83, Red 18, 37

C2  Kaisyuan Rueitian Station

Kaisyuan Rueitian Station is located adjacent to the Jinzuan and Kaisyuan Night Markets. These two night markets provide a variety of delicious food vendors and places to dine. The nearby East Harbor Bike Path is ideal for leisurely strolls and cycling.

Transfer information:

■ Bus routes: 168 East Main Line, 168 West Main Line, 25, 37, 12

C3 Cianjhen Star Station

The light rail intersects with Kaohsiung's Rapid Transit System (KRTS) Red Line at two locations. Cianjhen Star Station intersects with Kaisyuan KRTS Station, and Hamasen Station intersects with Sizihwan KRTS Station. Hamasen Station is expected to be in service in 2016.

Intersecting the KRTS stations link visitors with important areas such as Sanduo Shopping District and Kaohsiung International Airport. Cianjhen Star Cycling Bridge is in the shape of a spiral structure and located above the Cianjhen Star Station. The cycling bridge is a perfect for taking in the city's landscape. It is also a great location for photographing the light rail. There is also an Aboriginal Park close to Cianjhen Star Station, which holds a market on the first and third Saturdays of every month. It offers a variety of agricultural products and aboriginal handicrafts. Follow the Cianjhen River and it will lead to Kaohsiung's port. The route is especially charming when the trumpet trees are in full bloom in spring.

Transfer information:

■ Kaohsiung Rapid Transit System: Kaisyuan Station (R6)

■ Bus routes: 168 East Main Line, 168 West Main Line, Red 12, 25, 69, 12

■ Public bike rentals: Kaisyuan Station (Exit 3 at Kaisyuan KRTS Station), Indigenous Affairs Commission Station

C4 Kaisyuan Jhonghua Station

Kaisyuan Jhonghua Station is located between Cianjhen's tourist area and Kaohsiung's Multifunctional Commerce and Trade Park. Kaisyuan Jhonghua Station connects visitors with Cianjhen Caoya and Cianjhen Harbor. Cianjhen Night Market, located between Kaisyuan 4th Road and Jhenhua Street, has more than 50 venders. It is also a great place to sample a variety of Taiwanese snacks. Recommended dishes include seafood delicacies and duck noodles.

Transfer information:

■ Bus routes: 168 East Main Line, 168 West Main Line, Red 12, 205

■ Public bike rentals: Indigenous Affairs Commission Station (next to Aboriginal Park), Fire Bureau Station (Kaisyuan 4th Road)

輕盈時尚的城市邂逅 搭乘輕軌去旅行


C1 籬仔內站



■ 公車站:輕軌籬仔內站(82、83、紅18),籬仔內站(37)

■ 公共腳踏車租賃站:班超公園站(班超公園旁)

C2 凱旋瑞田站


轉乘資訊 :

■ 公車站:輕軌凱旋瑞田站(環狀168,25、37、紅12)

C3 前鎮之星站


轉乘資訊 :

■ 捷運站:捷運紅線R6凱旋站

■ 公車站:輕軌前鎮之星站(168、紅12),捷運凱旋站(25、69、12)

■ 公共腳踏車租賃站:凱旋站(捷運凱旋站3號出口)、原民會站(原住民文化公園旁)

C4 凱旋中華站



■ 公車站:輕軌凱旋中華站(168、紅12),勞動部高分署(168、205、紅12)

■ 公共腳踏車租賃站:原民會站(原住民文化公園旁)、消防局站(消防局門口凱旋四路上)



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