2016年7月11日 星期一

Nanxi Liu: A Rags-to-Riches Story 小資女孩搖身一變 CEO

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2016/07/12 第271期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Nanxi Liu: A Rags-to-Riches Story 小資女孩搖身一變 CEO
by Daniel Howard

At just 25 years old, Nanxi Liu is already one of the hottest entrepreneurs in LA.

  Nanxi Liu is a Chinese-American entrepreneur and the CEO of Enplug, a company which she helped start. Liu's success has put her on Forbes' 30-under-30 list of the world's most successful young people. Her _(1)_ are even more impressive when we know how hard she worked to achieve them.
  Liu began her life in _(2)_ China with her aunt and uncle in a home that didn't even have running water. She didn't live with her parents until they went to the US from Europe to further pursue higher education when she was five years old. Life was better for them there, but the whole family lived off Liu's parents' scholarships.
  However, things eventually got better. Liu learned to play the piano, and she grew into a beautiful young woman. She _(3)_ that she could win scholarships in piano competitions and beauty pageants. With her talent and a lot of hard work, she _(4)_ UC Berkeley on a full scholarship, where she and a friend also founded a successful company. They developed a _(5)_ for storing vaccines, which won them the 2014 Young Innovators Award.
  But that wasn't enough for Liu. _(6)_ some funding she won from her university, she started a new tech company, Enplug. The software developed by the company allows screens to become _(7)_ signs that show pictures, social media, or apps. The company has been so successful it was named one of Entrepreneur magazine's Top 30 Startups to Watch. Only time will tell what's next for Nanxi Liu, but we can all be sure it will be impressive.

1. (A) failures  (B) disadvantages  (C) accomplishments  (D) arguments
2. (A) rural  (B) luxurious  (C) trendy  (D) casual
3. (A) suffered from  (B) kept up  (C) brought about  (D) figured out
4. (A) escaped  (B) attended  (C) declined  (D) established
5. (A) chemical  (B) wreckage  (C) feedback  (D) recipient
6. (A) In spite of  (B) Despite  (C) With  (D) Without
7. (A) financial  (B) inefficient  (C) negative  (D) interactive

  1. Her accomplishments are even more impressive when we know how hard she worked to achieve them.
    a. (A) failure n. 失敗
    In short, it is David's laziness that led to his failure.
    (B) disadvantage n. 缺點
    反: advantage n. 優點,優勢
    Cara weighed the advantages and disadvantages of taking the job offer.
    *weigh vt. 考慮,權衡
    (C) accomplishment n. 成就
    The awards dinner will honor the students' accomplishments.
    (D) argument n. 論點,爭吵
    Sam's persuasive argument made me doubt my decision.
    *persuasive a. 有說服力的
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  2. Liu began her life in rural China with her aunt and uncle in a home that didn't even have running water.
    a. (A) rural a. 鄉村的
    Mr. Li has been dedicated to educating children in rural areas.
    (B) luxurious a. 奢侈的;豪華的
    The hotel where I stayed in Paris was the most luxurious place I had ever stayed at.
    (C) trendy a. 流行的
    Frank is obsessed with collecting trendy and expensive sneakers.
    (D) casual a. 休閒的;非正式的
    Tammy's tastes in clothes range from casual to formal.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  3. She figured out that she could win scholarships in piano competitions and beauty pageants.
    a. (A) suffer from...  飽受……(疾病)之苦
    When people face a relatively heavy workload at the office, they tend to suffer from stress.
    (B) keep up...  繼續保持……
    You've got to keep up your studies if you want to get into that university.
    (C) bring about...  帶來……;導致……
    同: result in...
    = lead to...
    The government hopes the new tax break will bring about economic development.
    (D) figure out...  理解/想出……
    Ed overlooked the question's key point, so he couldn't figure out the answer.
    *overlook vt. 忽略,忽視
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  4. With her talent and a lot of hard work, she attended UC Berkeley on a full scholarship, where she and a friend also founded a successful company.
    a. (A) escape vt. 逃脫,逃離
    As many as 250 people escaped the burning building.
    (B) attend vt. 上(學);參加
    Edward had no intention of attending college in his hometown.
    (C) decline vt. 婉拒,謝絕
    Anna declined my invitation to dinner because she had to work overtime.
    (D) establish vt. 建立
    Our company has established several new rules this year.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  5. They developed a chemical for storing vaccines, which won them the 2014 Young Innovators Award.
    他們研發出一個存放疫苗的化學物質,因而贏得 2014 年的青年創新者獎項。
    a. (A) chemical n. 化學物質 & a. 化學的
    The chemical waste will have a permanent impact on the environment.
    *permanent a. 永久的
    (B) wreckage n. 殘骸(不可數)
    Investigators examined the wreckage of the UFO.
    (C) feedback n. 回應;回饋意見
    Emma received a lot of feedback on the funny stories she posted on her blog.
    (D) recipient n. 接受者
    Unfortunately, my name wasn't on the list of recipients of the prize.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  6. With some funding she won from her university, she started a new tech company, Enplug.
    她運用在學校獲得的專款補助來創立一間新的科技公司 Enplug。
    a. With 所引導的介詞片語(with + 名詞)譯為『有了……』,通常置於句首,修飾後面的主要子句。
    With your help, we can finish the job on time.
    = Having your help, we can finish the job on time.
    b. 根據上述用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  7. The software developed by the company allows screens to become interactive signs that show pictures, social media, or apps.
    a. (A) financial a. 財務的;金融的
    Karen followed her financial consultant's suggestions and invested in the gold market.
    (B) inefficient a. 無效率的
    反: efficient a. 有效率的
    Ray's boss criticized him as a lazy and inefficient employee.
    David thinks highly of his secretary because she is very efficient.
    (C) negative a. 負面的;消極的
    People who have a negative attitude towards life are usually unhappy.
    (D) interactive a. 互動的
    Interactive video games have become very popular recently.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  1. rags-to-riches a. 白手起家的
    衍: from rags to riches  從赤貧到富有
    The beggar went from rags to riches overnight by winning the lottery.
  2. entrepreneur n. 企業家
    The entrepreneur is on the verge of bankruptcy.
    *be on the verge of...  處於……的邊緣
  3. impressive a. 令人印象深刻的
    衍: impression n. 印象
    The children's obedience during class is impressive.
    *obedience n. 服從,順從
    Mark dressed up in hopes of making a good impression on his girlfriend's parents.
    *make an impression on sb  給某人留下印象
  4. achieve vt. 完成,達到
    同: accomplish vt.
    If you work hard, you will eventually achieve your goals.
  5. eventually adv. 最後,終於
    同: finally adv.
    Amy's constant complaints eventually pushed her husband over the edge.
    *push sb over the edge  把某人逼到絕境
  6. competition n. 比賽,競賽
    Christine was proud of being able to represent her school at the speech competition.
  7. found vt. 創立,建立(三態為:found, founded, founded。)
    衍: founder n. 創始人,創立者
    The organization was founded to make sure all children have access to a good education.
    The newspaper took a stand on WikiLeaks and declared support for its founder.
    *take a stand on...  對……表明立場
  8. develop vt. 發展;擴展
    衍: development n. 發展;成長
    That country has spent a large sum of money developing universal health care.
    Parents play a major role in their children's development.
  9. innovator n. 革新者,創新者
    衍: innovate vt. 創新,革新
    This computer company is innovating new products all the time.
  10. startup n. 新興公司 & a. 創辦時期的

scholarship n. 獎學金
pageant n. 選美比賽
store vt. 貯存
vaccine n. 疫苗
funding n. 專/撥款(不可數)
software n. 軟體
app n. 應用程式
同: application n.

  1. live off...  以……維持生計
    I don't know how Helen manages to live off her painting.
  2. allow sb to V  允許某人(做)……
    My father doesn't allow me to stay at my friend's house overnight.

小資女孩搖身一變 CEO

  劉南西是一位美籍華人企業家,亦是她所協助創辦公司 Enplug 的執行長。劉南西的成功使她擠進《富比士》的全世界三十歲以下最成功的三十名年輕人排行榜。當我們得知她是多麼地努力去付諸實現,她的成就更為令人刮目相看。
  然而,情況最終好轉了。劉南西學習彈鋼琴,並蛻變成亭亭玉立的少女。她想出她可以藉由鋼琴競賽與選美比賽獲得獎學金。憑藉著她的才華和辛勤付出,她以全額獎學金就讀加州大學柏克萊分校,她和一位友人也在那裡創立了一間成功的公司。他們研發出一個存放疫苗的化學物質,因而贏得 2014 年的青年創新者獎項。
  但那對劉南西而言仍然是不夠的。她運用在學校獲得的專款補助來創立一間新的科技公司 Enplug。該公司所研發的軟體讓螢幕變成顯示照片、社群媒體或應用程式的互動告示牌。這間公司相當成功,因此它被列為《企業家》雜誌三十大值得拭目以待的新興公司之一。只有時間會證明劉南西的下一步計劃是什麼,但我們都可以肯定的是,絕對會令人印象深刻。
答案: 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D



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