2016年10月17日 星期一

Shooting for the Stars  誰與爭『豔』?!花漾 蜷川實花

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2016/10/18 第270期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Shooting for the Stars  誰與爭『豔』?!花漾 蜷川實花
Mika Ninagawa has worked hard to become Japan's most successful photographer and has achieved so much more.

  Mika Ninagawa is Japan's most popular photographer. She was born in 1972 and graduated from Tama Art University, Tokyo, in 1997. Today, she lives and works in Tokyo. Ninagawa is famous for her brightly colored photographs of flowers and goldfish. In addition, she is known for her landscapes that capture traditional Japanese images with a modern style. Ninagawa also takes pictures of international stars.
  Her work is seen almost everywhere in Japan. Young people know of her work because it is often presented in teen and fashion magazines. Older people are more familiar with her photographs that are seen on television and in traditional print advertising.
  Her award-winning photographs are also displayed in exhibitions all around the world. This has brought her some international recognition. These exhibitions often attract hundreds of thousands of visitors. They also draw many rich art collectors who buy her photographs to display with their collection of paintings and sculptures. In addition, Ninagawa has published around 40 books of her photographs. These colorful books have sold over 200,000 copies and have reached the top of the Japanese best-seller list.


  蜷川實花是日本最受歡迎的攝影師。她出生於 1972 年,並在 1997 年畢業於東京的多摩美術大學。今日,她住在東京,也在東京工作。蜷川以她鮮豔多彩的花和金魚的照片聞名。此外,她也以用現代風格捕捉傳統日本風景照的攝影風格聞名。蜷川也為國際影星拍照。

  1. achieve vt. 達/完成
    I achieved my goal of losing ten pounds.
  2. capture vt. 捕捉
    The teacher captured our attention by telling exciting stories.
  3. international a. 國際的
    English is an international language.
  4. present vt. 呈現;贈送
    My students presented me with a birthday card and balloons.
  5. be familiar with...  對……熟悉
    Iris is familiar with using digital cameras.
  6. advertising n. 廣告(不可數)
    Our company spends millions of dollars on advertising every year.
  7. award-winning a. 獲獎的
    The newspaper featured articles by the award-winning author.
  8. best-seller n. 暢銷書
    That novel Tom wrote soon became a best-seller.

landscape n. 風景
recognition n. 認可,承認
sculpture n. 雕刻/雕塑品

本文標題 Shooting for the Stars 表『有遠大抱負,立志做大事』。例:

The teacher often encouraged her students to shoot for the stars and follow their hearts.

2016 Back to School!全館套書75折!
天時地利 蘋果新機大逆轉
Note 7發生電池爆炸,從美國到台灣、日本都出現。天賜良機,蘋果i7緊接著登場,銷售暴增,姑且不論新功能如,三星發生「火燒機」,意味年底前新機市場將只有蘋果獨強,傳聞緊急要代工廠備貨一億支,這可好到蘋果以及台灣供應鏈。


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