2017年5月8日 星期一

Vintage Warehouse

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2017/05/08 第229期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Vintage Warehouse
活動快遞 2017高雄下酒菜料理競賽高雄料理的驕傲,由你來創造!

Vintage Warehouse

(English translation: Hou Ya-ting)

 Fashion often transforms itself, and a buzz surrounds the latest trends. While followers of fashion embrace the latest spring dress, last year's fall dress goes into the wardrobe for good. Mr. Jheng Jhih-long, however, adores classic American outfits. He runs and oversees Vintage Warehouse, a vintage clothing shop. The shop is filled with wooden shelves, brown canvas, and genuine leather. The smell of leather and heavy texture of denim perfectly interpret how Mr. Jheng envisions a torn denim coat with a unique washed color that has been left under a fierce sun. The same is true for fading colored boots and canvas bags. Mr. Jheng elaborates how each pair of jeans accompanies the person who wears it, and so encounters extraordinary journeys and stories.
 Customers who visit Vintage Warehouse will discover the stories behind each collection by communicating with Mr. Jheng. As one touches the fabric and scrutinizes tailoring or sewing details, one contends with the distinct aesthetic of vintage fashion. To lovers of vintage clothing, this beats the tides of fashion.
 Mr. Jheng says his involvement in vintage clothing began when he was a junior college student. He often walked through Kaohsiung's Shinkuchan Shopping Area, a neighborhood where fashionable young people gather. However, it was not new attire that caught his attention, but rather he was fascinated by secondhand denim jeans. He then realized that, even though they were not new, they were not cheap. He later discovered those jeans had been manufactured in and imported from the United States. Impressed by the utmost comfort he felt when wearing them, as well as the unique wash patterns on each pair, he became a fan of American-style denim garments. He began collecting vintage clothing and learned about vintage fashion by reading magazines. At first, he says, he had only a few sources of information, mainly Japanese magazines. Despite being far from fluent in Japanese, he studied Japanese vintage-fashion magazines, and built up his vintage clothing knowledge.
 As he acquired more knowledge, his addiction to this subject deepened. It seems entirely natural that he has expended his collection from denim clothing to canvas, boots, belts, and other items. After he graduated from junior college, Mr. Jheng did his military service, and then he brought himself a pair of boots with his first salary. Since completing his military service and getting married, around eight or nine years, the boots have stayed with him. During this period, he gravitated toward e-commerce, selling vintage clothing and accessories online. After a while, he refurbished his garage into today's Vintage Warehouse.
 Mr. Jheng points out some popular items at Vintage Warehouse like Levi's Selvedge denim Red Line, vintage flight jackets, and Filson's small field bags. Mr. Jheng says people trust these brands as they are over a century old, commenting that these brands survived World War I and World War II as well as periods of hardship, so it is worthwhile exploring their characteristics. Mr. Jheng says that even secondhand goods with some slight imperfections can draw the attention of vintage collectors. Mr. Jheng embraces these brands because they have long histories behind them. He is confident that these old brands will march into the next century.
 Customers expect to find fabulous clothing at Vintage Warehouse, and every item may lead customers to an unexpected yet intriguing story. Mr. Jheng mentions that one day a student pointed to a Schott leather jacket hanging on a rack in the store, and said his grandfather had one which strongly resembled it. Mr. Jheng expressed doubt, as he thought a decade ago people did not wear such jackets. However, the student came back with his grandfather's Schott leather jacket. For Mr. Jheng this was both a pleasant surprise and a wonderful connection to his customer. "Older vintage clothing appears to be even more captivating," he says, expressing pride in the wide variety of vintage clothing Vintage Warehouse offers its customers. Mr. Jheng points out that such garments present their appearance through their former owners and their era. When passing a vintage garment to a new owner, the clothing may take on a brand new look. Mr. Jheng thinks the accumulated looks and marks loaded upon such vintage goods create a special kind of beauty, and presents an exclusive style that fast-changing fashion cannot compete with.
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