2017年9月25日 星期一

Taxi Driver Zeng Gao-hong's Favorite Spots in Kaohsiung

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2017/09/25 第239期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Taxi Driver Zeng Gao-hong's Favorite Spots in Kaohsiung
活動快遞 5條年度限定水域活動輕旅行,10月假期We Can 樂游遊﹗

Taxi Driver Zeng Gao-hong's Favorite Spots in Kaohsiung

(English translation: Hou Ya-ting/Photos by Redknight)

 Mr. Zeng is a taxi driver who takes people on tours around Kaohsiung. He relocated to Kaohsiung from Taipei more than a decade ago and knows how important it is for taxi drivers to have an extensive knowledge of the city and its developments. When he was new in town, he was unfamiliar with the city's attractions. At first, this was a challenge in building his business. However, he began to pay keen attention to the city's developments and its characteristics. He would often chat with passengers and get their feedback on local sightseeing spots. After he accumulated years of experience, he feels he can now recommend places and give information to visitors.
 Mr. Zeng works long hours and therefore recommends his favorites place that he goes to for a late-night meal. Located on Guanghua Road in the night market, Brother Huei's Fried Eel and Squid Noodles is a popular stall. Large bowls of noodles come with a generous amount of soft, chewy sliced squid, which brings out the sweetness of the dish. Mr. Zeng loves the chefs' dedication to quality ingredients and perfection. He feels that he always has great conversations over tasty squid noodles, and they always wash away his fatigue. He thinks of it as an end-of-the-day reward.
 After a delicious dinner, Mr. Zeng highlights one of his tourist routes. He drives past National Sun Yat-sen University and the Former British Consulate at Dagou to Shou Shan, to the scenic Love Lookout. Completed in 2013, Love Lookout is located on top of one of Kaohsiung's main mountain peaks. It offers great views of the city and ocean and is also in close proximity to the Martyrs' Shrine. From there, visitors can see Cihou Mountain, the port and Kaohsiung's picturesque skyline. He then makes a brief stop at Shaochuantou Park and Hamasen's Linhaisin Road, which was formally the center of Kaohsiung's development during the Japanese colonial rule.
 Mr. Zeng is glad that Kaohsiung is connecting with the world through its harbor and international airport. He feels that the city's public transportation systems have also been well developed and has witnessed many of Kaohsiung's great transformations. He is truly proud to be one of its residents and will continue to show it off to visitors.

Brother Huei's Fried Eel and Squid Noodles
Address: No. 438, Guanghua 2nd Road, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City
Tel: (07) 716-8409
Business hours: 6 p.m.–1 a.m.
Love Lookout
Address: No. 30, Jhongyi Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City
Mr. Zeng Gao-hong's taxi reservations
Tel: 0926-785-721


5條年度限定水域活動輕旅行,10月假期We Can 樂游遊﹗

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