2020年2月16日 星期日

Yong-an Wetlands Park

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2020/02/17 第298期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Yong-an Wetlands Park
活動快遞 高雄水產品產銷履歷驗證持續成長 通路媒合創造多元商機

Yong-an Wetlands Park

◎Written by Chen Ting-fang ◎Photos by Zeng Sin-yao ◎English translation by Hou Ya-ting

  Young-an Wetlands Park was originally known as the Wushulin Salt Flats. Salt production began during Japanese colonialism. In 1984, Taiwan Power Company took over Yong-an Wetlands Park. They had originally intended to store coal combustion residual there; however, they never did carry out these plans.

  The park is home to numerous species, birds, costal plants and a lumnitzera racemosa mangrove forest. It is one of Taiwan's most diverse natural regions. Other plants include pandanus tectorius, bead trees, and black mangroves, etc. There are also more than 140 bird species in the region, as well as numerous amphibians, reptiles, insects, fish, shrimps, crabs, and conchs, etc.

  Taiwan Power Company has allowed Kaohsiung City Government to use the land so that the government would be able to refurbish and maintain the park's natural ecology as well as to record the number of species that live in the wetlands. Kaohsiung City Government has developed the educational center.

  When people come to Yong-an Wetlands Park, they are encouraged to visit the educational center first. This is located at the opposite end of the park, which is near to the now abandoned Singang Elementary School. Ms. Syue Huei-chan, is a tour guide that works in the wetlands' educational center. She was excited to share that last year, for the very first time, greater flamingos were spotted in the park. The greater flamingo is the largest of the flamingo family. This makes Yong-an Wetlands Park a heaven for bird lovers. During the winter, the endangered Black-faced Spoonbills have also made the park one of their stops in their migration route. The best place to see these exotic birds is at one of the viewing pavilions that can be found along Yongda and Yanbao Roads. Bird lovers will love the variety of wildlife that they can see there.

  Since the area was once a thriving salt factory, the locals have preserved the historical salt production site. Built in 1919, the former Wushulin Salt Company is now open for visitors to come and get an understanding of the region's special history.

  For five years now, Ms. Syue has been serving the wetlands as a guide and nature expert. Her favorite place is in one of the bird watching pavilions, where she often goes to relax with a cup of coffee. Ms. Syue loves Yong-an's gorgeous landscape, which was what inspired her to become a park expert. She also feels the winter season is particularly enticing and the best time to see the park's numerous migrating birds. She hopes that everyone will come and enjoy the park's nature and beauty.

高雄水產品產銷履歷驗證持續成長 通路媒合創造多元商機


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