2020年3月15日 星期日

Weiwu Village's Captivating Mural Paintings

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2020/03/15 第300期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Weiwu Village's Captivating Mural Paintings
活動快遞 萬紫千紅 九重葛華麗綻放 綠意盎然 苗圃便民新時段

Weiwu Village's Captivating Mural Paintings

◎Written by Yuling ◎English translation by Hou Ya-ting ◎Photos by Huang Jing-wen

  Weiwu Village is located in Kaohsiung's Lingya District. It has become a really hip neighborhood with a lot of cool art and murals. Kaohsiung Street Art Festival has been developed by Mr. Chen Jin-de, Supervisor of Lingya District, and Ms. Ciou Siou-mi, Chief of Weiwu Village, in the hope to give the Weiwu Village a new look since 2016. The neighborhood has become a great place to explore, and art lovers can enjoy a variety of beautiful murals.

  Designated as a public housing area, Weiwu Village was constructed 40 years ago. Since the launch of the mural art initiative in 2016, Lingya District has now featured 106 murals and street paintings. In addition, Weiwu Village features more than 45 murals. These had been created by 48 artists from 24 countries.

  It is convenient to reach Weiwu Village by taking Kaohsiung Metro to Weiwuying Station. Once travelers step out of Exit 5 at Weiwuying Station, visitors will be greeted by the outsize bookshelf mural. There is also a seascape street mural that stretches 100-meters along Lane 9 on Chengcing Road. Created by French artist Nicolas Barrome Forgues, it is the community's latest attraction. Animal lovers can also find paintings of cats, fishes and goats on utility poles, boxes, columns, fences and underpasses. Most of the murals can be found along Chengcing, Jianjyun, Singren and Shangyong Roads.

  Visitors can also get an appreciation for the residents' traditional lifestyle that blends in perfectly with large paintings. Visitors can also check out National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts, which was opened in 2018 and is also located in the neighborhood.

  Weiwu Village is like an outdoor art museum. Many of the murals have maritime themes. Come and enjoy the clownfish swimming around coral reefs and whales swimming in the ocean. There are also a mermaid and a girl standing beside the ocean, as well as numerous other fish murals. Lane 9 on Chengcing Road is a great starting point. Spend a relaxing afternoon exploring the neighborhood and checking out these colorful street arts.

Weiwu Village
Take the Kaohsiung Metro to Weiwuying Station and take Exit 5 towards Weiwu Village.

萬紫千紅 九重葛華麗綻放 綠意盎然 苗圃便民新時段


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