2022年2月6日 星期日

Kaohsiung's Accessible Travel Initiative

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2022/02/07 第333期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Kaohsiung's Accessible Travel Initiative
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Kaohsiung's Accessible Travel Initiative

◎Written by Li Ding-yuan ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Huang Jing-wen, Carter

  Kaohsiung is currently promoting a tourist friendly initiative, so that every visitor will be able to travel unimpeded and experience Kaohsiung regardless of physical limitations, disabilities, and age. Kaohsiung City Government's Tourism Bureau has hired consultants to inspect and adjust some of the scenic spots, so that they are more accessible to the elderly, pregnant women, young children, and people with disabilities. The first three barrier-free areas that the Tourism Bureau has rolled out are around Lotus Pond, Northern Kaohsiung, and the port area.

※Lotus Pond

  Lotus Pond is located in Zuoying and famous for its Confucius Temple, Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, Spring and Autumn Pavilions, and the statue of the Taoist deity Syuan Wu (Xun Tian Shang Di). Visitors can come and learn about its tremendous history and architectural beauty. They can also try local delicacies such as traditional pastries, which can be purchased at Joy Well, a local bakery on the banks of Lotus Pond.

※The Port Area

  The port area is a scenic area where visitors can enjoy the beautiful ocean scenery. It is famous for its Takao Railway Museum, which features locomotives from the Japanese imperialist era. The Kaohsiung Port Station has been transformed into an exhibition hall where people can visit the historical trains and learn about the harbor's long history. If visitors continue along from the museum, they will come to Kaohsiung's Port Warehouse No.2, an old railway warehouses, has been transformed into a new shopping complex. Another interesting place around the shopping complex is Pier-2 Art Center, where visitors can see various exhibits and public art installations. The Great Harbor Bridge is also a must-see and a great place to take in the harbor's beautiful scenery. The horizontally revolving bridge overlooks Kaohsiung's Music Center and is one of the city's newest attractions. From there, visitors can take the light rail to Sizihwan to enjoy the sunset or go the other direction to the Dream Mall for a ride on the rooftop Ferris wheel. The ride features panoramic views of the harbor and city. The Kaohsiung Light Rail is a great way for people with disabilities or small children to get around, as it is wheelchair and stroller accessible.

※Northern Kaohsiung

  Northern Kaohsiung also has numerous natural attractions. First there is Agongdian Forest Park that has a suspension bridge that offers great views of the Agongdian Reservoir and mountains. From there, go to Siaogangshan Skywalk Park, where the region's spectacular scenery can be enjoyed from its "Sky Corridor." There is also Jhulin Park in Ciaotou where you can just go to relax or have a picnic. The Park even offers a variety of sports such as basketball, tennis, table tennis and hand-cranked bicycles that caters to people with physical disabilities. There is also the century-old Ciaotou Sugar Refinery nearby where visitors can enjoy sugar popsicles that are made onsite.

  All of Kaohsiung Tourism Bureau's barrier-free attractions can be found in their travel brochure, which also features regional architecture and other attractions, such as its fishing ports and Asia's New Bay Area in Kaohsiung. It also provides route maps and friendly and barrier-free stores. Kaohsiung's barrier-free initiative is designed so that everyone who comes to Kaohsiung will be able to access and experience its many highlights. For more information, visit: https://khh.travel/zh-tw/travel/friendly-travel.

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