2022年11月3日 星期四


想瞭解最時尚、自然的Life Style?輕鬆成為新時代生活達人?【晨星生活元氣報】讓你輕鬆掌握最新生活訊息! 橫跨東方與西方的資訊撞擊,【英語島電子報】最適合想在英語裡找到知識、趣味和品味的商管人士。
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2022/11/04 第642期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 交通工具
【英語學習Plus】 Follow Me!追蹤我!
【本月發燒書】 英語閱讀技巧完全攻略4【二版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★用心智圖視覺聯想記憶,2000英單輕鬆背


★ What's the Best Way to Get There? 請問要怎麼去最快呢?
A Excuse me. I'd like to go to the Bronx Zoo, but what's the best way to get there?
A 不好意思,我要去布隆克斯動物園,請問要怎麼去最快呢?
B Let me see. You can take a bus, but the quickest way is to take the subway from here.
B 嗯,你可以搭公車去,但是最快的方法是搭地鐵。

★ ★Calling a Taxi With a Smartphone App用手機叫計程車
A Could you call me a taxi?
A 妳可以幫我叫一台計程車嗎?
B Do you know about our city's taxi app?
B 您知道我們市內的計程車叫車程式嗎?
A No, I don't. Could you tell me about it?
A 不,我不知道。可以跟我說更詳細嗎?
B It's a free app that allows you to call a taxi from anywhere in the city.
B 這是一款免費的應用程式,可以讓您在本市內任何地方叫車。

────── 節錄寂天講堂「交通工具」

Follow Me!追蹤我!

Henry loves to take photos with his phone. He takes photos of himself, his cat, his food, his family, his friends—everything! He recently opened an Instagram account. He started with zero followers, but at the end of just five days he had 104 followers! Henry was interested to see what kind of photos got him the most followers. So for the next five days he took careful notes.

In the morning, he posted a new photo. Then before bed, he recorded how many total followers he had. On day one, he posted a picture of himself in sunglasses. On day two, a photo of his lunch—some delicious soup dumplings. On day three, a photo of him and his friends at the beach. On day four, a picture of his cat, Mimi, with her toy mouse. And on day five, a picture of his grandmother in the kitchen.

Look at this line graph of his results and answer the questions below. A line graph shows numbers as points. A line then joins these points together so you can see how the numbers change over time.






用英文介紹台灣:實用觀光導遊英語 【彩圖四版】(20K +解答別冊+寂天雲隨身聽APP))



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