2023年6月6日 星期二

May I Pay?用餐結帳時這樣說,原來不禮貌

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2023/06/07 第442期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

May I Pay?用餐結帳時這樣說,原來不禮貌

Sam出差到海外,和朋友到餐廳用餐。用完之後,他想要客氣地請服務生來買單,就說“May I pay?” 我可付帳了嗎?



要結帳,可以直接用May I have the bill? 或是直接用Check, please。

(X)May I pay ... ...

【News Takeaway】生不生小孩,也許你會受周圍的人影響


來源: The New York Times

Could Peer Influence Be a Cause of the Global Baby Bust?

By Peter Coy

There is a town in western Japan named Nagi that’s famous for making babies. Its fertility rate in 2021 was 2.68 lifetime births per woman, compared with 1.3 for Japan as a whole, according to an article in The Wall Street Journal that my Opinion colleague Jessica Grose recently cited. Delegations from elsewhere in Japan and abroad have come to Nagi to learn its secret formula. Is it the free medical care for all children? The affordable child care? The cash gifts to new mothers?
在日本西部有一個叫奈義的鎮子,以生小孩著稱。根據我的觀點欄目同事Jessica Grose近日引用過的一篇《華爾街日報》文章,2021年這裡的生育率是每名女性生育2.68個孩子,相比之下日本總體的數字是1.3。日本各地乃至海外紛紛派人到奈義取經。是因為所有孩子都有免費醫療嗎?成本低廉的兒童照顧?剛生育的母親可以得到現金饋贈?

I’ve been considering another theory. Maybe people in Nagi are having babies because other people in Nagi are having babies. That would be what economists call a “peer effect.” We are social animals and we take our cues from family, friends and sometimes even passers-by. Peer effects could help explain the decline in fertility as well: It could be that in most of the world, people are having fewer babies partly because other people are having fewer babies. That would explain why so many towns and countries are putting in Nagi-like pronatalist measures but not getting Nagi-like results.

Researchers have claimed to find peer effects on obesity, smoking and drinking, so it’s plausible that they influence fertility. We all know of siblings, in-laws and friends who have their first children around the same time. George Akerlof, a Nobel laureate economist from the University of California, Berkeley, wrote in a 1997 paper in the journal Econometrica that “social decisions — such as the demand for education, the practice of discrimination, the decision to marry, divorce and bear children, and the decision whether or not to commit crimes — are not simple choices based primarily on individual considerations.”
研究人員稱在肥胖、吸煙和飲酒方面都能找到同儕效應,因此影響生育也說得通。我們都認識某些同胞、姻親和朋友是差不多同時生下第一個孩子的。加州大學柏克萊分校經濟學家、諾貝爾獎得主George Akerlof在1997年發表於《計量經濟學》的一篇論文中說,「社會性決策」——比如教育需求、歧視舉動、是否結婚、離婚和要小孩、是否犯罪——並非主要基於個人考量的簡單抉擇。

Another problem is whether peer effects are real. Other explanations for high or low fertility are also plausible, after all. Maybe friends behave the same way because they’re alike, not because one influences the other. Or maybe they’re all influenced by some outside factor rather than each other. Dozens of such factors have been suggested: Working parents don’t get the support they need. Young people can’t afford a dwelling that’s big enough for children, or they’re saddled with student debt. The opportunity cost of having children is higher for people with higher education and better earnings prospects. Or maybe women simply can’t find suitable mates.

1. fertility rate  n. 生育率

The fertility rate has been declining steadily over the past few decades.

2. as a whole 整體上;總體來說

As a whole, the project was a success.

3. delegations  n. 代表團;委派

The delegations from the two countries met to discuss trade relations.

4. secret formula  n. 秘方

The company's success is based on a secret formula for their product.

5. peer effect 同儕效應

Studies have shown that peer effect can have a strong impact on academic performance.

6. take our cues 從…中得到提示或靈感

We can take our cues from the success of other companies in the industry.

7. passers-by 路人

The passers-by looked on in amazement as the street performer juggled fire.

8. pronatalist adj. 崇尚生育的;支持生育的

The government's pronatalist policies aim to increase the birth rate.

9. plausible adj. 似乎真實的;似乎有理的

The suspect's alibi seemed plausible, but further investigation revealed it to be false.

10. in-laws  n. 姻親;婆家或娘家的親屬

I get along well with my in-laws.

11. laureate  n. 得獎者

The Nobel laureate gave a speech at the university.

12. dwelling  n. 住所;居所

They were forced to leave their old dwelling and find a new one.

13. saddled with  v. 負擔;承擔

The company is saddled with too much debt.

14. earnings prospects  n. 收入前景;賺錢前景

The college major you choose can greatly affect your earnings prospects.



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