2023年11月21日 星期二

Now, where was I?“一時想不起”怎麼辦?

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2023/11/21 第462期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

Now, where was I?"一時想不起"怎麼辦?

Now, where was I?“一時想不起”怎麼辦?

你說中文的時候,會不會突然想不起來一個字、一句話怎麼說?我問學生,他們都點點頭,「這很自然啊,常常發生,特別是名字。」 「那你會不會覺得很…..guilty?」 學生都笑了,「當然不會。」 這就對了。我常聽見老外和老外之間的談話,沒聽清楚就問對方Pardon? 而我們如果沒聽清楚、沒聽懂別人的英文,就會開始怪自己差,搞得人人有種英語原罪似的。

沒想到、講不出來,在溝通中是很正常的事,去 ... ...

【News Takeaway】「拆除異性戀規範之牆」:公開出櫃的韓國K-pop組合


They Want to Be K-Pop Stars. But They Won’t Hide Who They Are.

來源:The New York times
閱讀時間:4 mins


By Jin Yu Young

Like many other South Korean singers, jiGook, who considers himself gender fluid, transmale and nonbinary, wants to be a K-pop star. So do Prin and SEN, his bandmates in QI.X, a fledgling group that has released two singles.

What makes them unusual is that they are proudly out — in their music, their relationship with their fans and their social activism. They call themselves one of the first openly queer, transgender K-pop acts, and their mission has as much to do with changing South Korea’s still-conservative society as with making music.

Very few K-pop artists, or South Korean entertainers in general, have ever been open about being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer. Though the country has become somewhat more accepting of sexual diversity, homophobia is still prevalent, and there are no legal protections against discrimination.

For entertainers, coming out is seen as a potential career killer, said Cha Woo-jin, a music critic in Seoul. That applies even to K-pop, despite its young, increasingly international fan base and its occasional flirtation with androgyny and same-sex attraction.

To a casual observer of K-pop, it might seem surprising that so few of its artists are out. As Mr. Cha, the music critic, notes, L.G.B.T.Q. imagery has been known to surface in K-pop videos and in ads featuring its stars.

Some critics see this phenomenon as “queerbaiting,” a cynical attempt to attract nonconformist fans — or to deploy gender-bending imagery because it’s seen as trendy — without actually identifying with them. To Mr. Cha, it suggests that K-pop has a substantial queer fan base, and that some artists might simply be expressing their identities to the extent they can.

Mr. Cha thinks the taboo against entertainers’ coming out reflects a general attitude toward pop culture in South Korea: “We pay for you, therefore don’t make us uncomfortable.” (Similar attitudes seem to prevail in Japan, where one pop idol recently made news by telling fans he was gay.)

1. gender fluid 性別不固定的

Sam identifies as gender fluid, which means their gender expression can vary from day to day.
Sam 自認為性別不固定,這意味著他們的性別表達可能每天都不同。

2. transmale 跨性別男性

Alex is a transmale who has transitioned to live as a man.
Alex 是一名跨性別男性,已經轉變成男性生活。

3. nonbinary 非二元性別的

Jordan prefers the pronouns "they/them" and identifies as nonbinary.
Jordan更喜歡使用代詞 "they/them",並自認為非二元性別。

4. fledgling 剛成立的,新創立的

The fledgling artist displayed great potential in her first gallery exhibition.

5. transgender 跨性別的

Transgender individuals often face challenges in terms of societal acceptance.

6. homophobia 恐同症,對同性戀的恐懼和歧視

Homophobia is a harmful attitude that can lead to discrimination and prejudice.

7. career killer 職業生涯的毀滅者,可能危及職業生涯的因素

Revealing their political beliefs turned out to be a career killer for some actors in Hollywood.

8. androgyny 具有雙性特徵

She is one of those performers who was androgynous before androgyny was cool.

9. queerbaiting 故意用性別多樣性形象以吸引觀眾(賣腐)

This movie has been accused of queerbaiting because it suggests that the main characters might have a same-sex relationship, but it doesn't actually depict such a scenario.

10. nonconformist 不墨守成規的人

She's known as a nonconformist artist who challenges traditional artistic norms.

11. gender-bending 性別扭曲,具有混合性別特徵

The music video featured gender-bending imagery, with the artist challenging traditional gender roles.

12. taboo 禁忌,忌諱

In some cultures, discussing death is considered a taboo topic.



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