2024年3月3日 星期日

Beloved Yellow Rubber Duck Returns to Kaohsiung

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2024/03/04 第384期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Beloved Yellow Rubber Duck Returns to Kaohsiung
活動快遞 日韓藝人領軍!「高雄櫻花季」音樂節3月登場 歌迷憑票還可兌換50元商圈夜市優惠券

Beloved Yellow Rubber Duck Returns to Kaohsiung
◎Written by Li Guei-sian
◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photo by Huang Jing-wun
◎Photos courtesy of Kaohsiung City Government

  The yellow Rubber Duck is back! To welcome the duck on its long-awaited return, Kaohsiung City Government has created the "I Love Kaohsiung Duck(我就愛高雄ㄚ)" Facebook group. In less than a month, it has attracted nearly 20,000 fans, with netizens sharing photos of themselves with the duck from ten years ago, reliving joyful moments of the past.
Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung City Government.

  From now until February 25, the globally popular yellow duck — and a raft of smaller replicas — are on display at the 2024 Kaohsiung Wonderland Winter Amusement Park, as part of the Kaohsiung Lantern Festival at Kaohsiung Port piers numbers 16 to 18. They have become the stars of Love River Bay(愛河灣), accompanied by large-scale inflatable artworks, photo-worthy installations, food markets, inflatable amusement facilities, children's theater troupes, circus performances, and other activities designed to bring joy to the duck's fans during the festive Lunar New Year period.
Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung City Government
Photo by Huang Jing-wun

  Created by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, the Rubber Duck made its first appearance in Taiwan at Kaohsiung's Glory Pier(光榮碼頭)in 2013. During its month-long stay, it attracted 3.9 million visitors and generated over NT$1 billion in tourism revenue. Since then, the redevelopment of Asia's New Bay Area and the completion early this year of the Light Rail (LRT) system have transformed the cityscape. Because Kaohsiung has emerged as a southern gateway for culture and technology, the return of the yellow duck holds special significance against this backdrop of transformation.  

  The duck brings a joyful and warm atmosphere, filling Kaohsiung's winter with a healing shade of yellow. Several hotels and tourism businesses are offering discounts and packages.   

  For the duration of the event, the city government has also introduced a duck-themed train on Kaohsiung Metro's Circular LRT line. Creatively adorned both inside and out, the sky-blue train carriages feature the ultra-cute smiling face of the duck on its front, captivating passengers and passersby. Mayor Chen Chi-mai(陳其邁), who has called the LRT an excellent choice for urban tourism and sustainable green travel, welcomes everyone to ride the duck-themed LRT train this Lunar New Year, and to roam around Kaohsiung, enjoying the warmth of the winter and witnessing the city's progress.

"I Love Kaohsiung Duck" Facebook Group Light Rail Yellow Duck Painted Train
Train Number: KLRT-24
Download the Kaohsiung iBus app to check the train timetable

Read more Love Kaohsiung articles
日韓藝人領軍!「高雄櫻花季」音樂節3月登場 歌迷憑票還可兌換50元商圈夜市優惠券

由統一超商及寬寬整合行銷聯合主辦的「高雄櫻花季」將於3月22至24日連續3天在高雄夢時代廣場舉行,日前釋出多組日韓知名藝人名單,華莎、BoA、SUPER JUNIOR-D&E 等3組韓星及FRUITS ZIPPER、卡莉怪妞、中孝介3組日星,卡司陣容十分華麗。3月份高雄演唱會連發,不僅有包含洛史都華、五月天及大港開唱等演唱會,還有統一超商首創音樂節品牌「高雄櫻花季」,高雄市政府也宣布延續「加食延暢」方案,搭配櫻花季檔期,歌迷憑高雄櫻花季門票,就能兌換50元商圈夜市優惠券,可於高雄商圈、夜市及合作店家折抵消費。…

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