2024年6月6日 星期四


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2024/06/07 第724期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 使用電子郵件
【英語學習Plus】 Full Steam Ahead! 全「氣」衝刺!
【本月發燒書】 美國之音新聞英語聽力訓練【三版】(20K軟精裝+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★英語力系列:全方位英語口說聽力養成書★


★Jacob wants Katharine to help him send some materials to other people in the company.

J: Katharine, I need to send the proposed book design to headquarters. Can you make ten color copies of the front and back cover designs and overnight them to Stan at headquarters?

K: Sure. I assume it's urgent?

J: Yes, the designer fell behind and just gave it to me today. Now, if I want the thing to be approved, I need to get it to HQ so they can review it and send it back to me with enough time to have it printed before the due date.

K: I'll be happy to overnight the copies, but why don't I also scan it and email them the scans?

J: Why didn't I think of that? Great idea. I'll send you all the email addresses you'll need. Thanks a lot.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「使用電子郵件」

Full Steam Ahead! 全「氣」衝刺!

The Wonderful World of Steampunk Fashion
By Martin Prince | June 2021

Back in the 19th century, what did people think life in the 21st century would be like? Maybe they thought steam would power everything—from computers to large flying machines. What would their 19th century clothes look like with the future's "high-tech" accessories? What I'm describing is "steampunk."

Steampunk answers the question: What if the imagined future of 19th century people came true? Steampunk is very popular in movies and novels, but the idea also exists outside those areas. Today, artists and designers use the ideas of steampunk to create amazing designs and clothes.

"When you wear steampunk fashion you are wearing the dreams of past people," says Gillian Grey. (Grey is the owner of Full Steam Ahead—a popular steampunk fashion store.) "Therefore, steampunk fashion often gives people a strange but wonderful feeling." Each year, Grey holds a steampunk fashion show on the street outside her store. This year, seven of Gillian's favorite steampunk designers are joining the show.

Do you want to know what kinds of people create steampunk fashion? Do you want to know what tools and materials they use? Turn the page to find out!

馬丁•普林斯 撰 | 2021年 6月

回到 19 世紀,當時的人是如何想像 21 世紀的生活呢?也許他們會以為蒸氣可以做為一切的動力來源──從電腦到大型飛行器都是如此。而 19 世紀的服飾搭配未來「高科技」配件,又會是什麼樣子呢?我現在描述的風格就是「蒸氣龐克」。

而「蒸氣龐克」能為以下問題解答:「如果 19 世紀人所想像的未來成真呢?」雖然電影和小說常出現蒸氣龐克風格,但這樣的概念同樣存在於其他領域。如今,藝術家與設計師運用蒸氣龐克的概念,來創造令人驚艷的設計與服飾。






唐吉訶德 Don Quixote 【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版(25K+MP3)

高中英語句型王:關鍵提升118條句型力(16K +寂天雲隨身聽APP版)

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