2013年3月25日 星期一

A big boost for baseball 棒球大躍進

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2013/03/26 第228期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份


Recovering faithful followers

Latin America energized by the election of the region's first pope

The famous words uttered to announce that a leader of the Catholic Church has been chosen now have special resonance for Latin America. "''Habemus Papam.' 'WE have a pope,'" said Tom Quigley, former policy adviser on Latin American and Caribbean affairs at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "This will instill a sense of pride and happiness." 用以宣布教會選出新領袖的名句現在在拉丁美洲引起了特別的共鳴。美國前拉丁美洲及加勒比海事務政策顧問湯姆奎格利說:「Habemus Papam。我們有教宗了。這將帶來一種自豪和喜樂的感覺。」
The selection of former Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as pope is already energizing the world's most Catholic continent. The papacy of Francis is being seen as an overdue acknowledgement of the home of 40 percent of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics. "It's a recognition of the millions of Spanish-speaking faithful who belong to the church," said Salvadoran President Mario Funes. 前阿根廷樞機主教喬治伯格里奧當選教宗,使得天主教勢力最大的一個洲士氣大振。教宗方濟出掌教廷,在一些人眼中,不啻是對全球十二億天主教徒中佔四成的人的家園來說,是一種遲來的認可。薩爾瓦多總統莫利奧傅內斯說:「這是對數以百萬計操西班牙語,屬於教會的信眾的一種表揚。」
Almost everything about Pope Francis suggests a shift from Pope Benedict XVI, his reserved academic predecessor, who put his focus on saving Europe and was criticized for waiting seven years before visiting Spanish-speaking Latin America on a trip last year to Mexico and Cuba. 幾乎關於教宗方濟的一切看來都顯示他是和前教宗本篤十六世不一樣。本篤十六世是他立場保守的學術前輩,注目的問題是挽救歐洲,等了七年才前往使用西班牙語的拉丁美洲墨西哥和古巴等國訪問,結果為此遭到批評。
The new pope picked a name that had never been used, a reference to humble friar St. Francis of Assisi who dedicated his life to helping the poor. He considers social outreach, rather than doctrinal battles, to be the essential business of the church. 新任教宗選了一個從未使用過的聖名,要追懷的顯然是以幫助窮人為終生職志的亞西西謙卑修士聖方濟各。他認為前進社會才是教會的重要任務,而非教義之爭。
Latin America, with roughly 600 million people, is home to some of the world's poorest and most violent countries, and Francis was unafraid to challenge the Argentine government for being too liberal or to label fellow church members as hypocrites for forgetting that Jesus Christ bathed lepers and ate with prostitutes. 人口約六億的拉丁美洲是全球部分最貧窮和最暴力的國家所在的地區。方濟教宗不怕批評阿根廷政府過度自由化,也不怕指忘記耶穌曾為痲瘋病人洗澡及與妓女一起進食的其他教會人員為偽善者。
But one of his main challenges in Latin America will be to woo back the followers the church has lost, with some of the biggest drain occurring in the poorest Latin American communities. Perhaps nowhere in Latin America has the church been losing ground faster than in Brazil. 但他在拉丁美洲最大的挑戰之一就是如何把教會流失的信徒爭取回來。教會失血最嚴重的地方包括一些拉丁美洲最貧困的社區。在拉丁美洲,教會失勢最快的地方或許莫過於巴西。
The nation still has more Catholics than any other — 124 million people self-identified as following the faith in the 2010 census, 65 percent of the population. However, just a decade earlier 74 percent of Brazilians were Catholic, and in 1970 that figure was 92 percent. 巴西的天主教徒人數比那一國都要多。二○一○年的人口普查顯示,一億兩千四百萬人自認是天主教徒,人數佔全國人口的百分之六十五。但在十年前,巴西百分之七十四人口是天主教徒,一九七○年的數字更高達百分之九十二。
The church under Francis also must recover from the financial and sexual abuse scandals that marked Benedict's eight-year papacy before he resigned last month. "The question is whether the new pope will achieve transparency when managing the church, whether he manages to re-legitimize the moral and financial questions. I think this is key, not only for Latin America but more generally," said Franklin Ramirez of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Ecuador. 前教宗本篤上個月遜位前八年任內財政和性醜聞如影隨形,在方濟教宗領導下的教會必須從此振作。厄瓜多拉丁美洲社會科學學院的法蘭克林拉米雷茲說:「問題在新任教宗在管理教會時能否透明化,能否使道德和財政問題再度正當化。我想這不僅僅對拉丁美洲來說是關鍵所在,對更廣泛的範圍來說也是如此。」
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