2013年3月25日 星期一

Saving the Firstborn with Passover  猶太人的平安夜──逾越節

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2013/03/26 第94期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Saving the Firstborn with Passover  猶太人的平安夜──逾越節

  Every religion has special celebrations and ceremonies throughout the year. For Jewish people, Passover is one of the most important festivals of the year. It lasts for seven or eight days and is celebrated mainly at home with family and friends. It is a time to remember how the Israelites left a life of slavery in Egypt over 3,000 years ago. The Israelites are the ancestors of the Jewish people, so Passover celebrations are bursting with traditions and old stories.
  The story of Passover goes way back to when the Israelites were being held as slaves in Egypt. Moses was chosen by God to help free them and find a land of their own. He frequently asked the Pharaoh of Egypt to let the Israelites go, and each time he was refused. Therefore, God told Moses he was going to hit Egypt with 10 plagues. The first one involved water turning to blood. This was followed by the coming of frogs, gnats, and flies. After that, farm animals died, people got boils, hail poured down, locusts ate everything, and then darkness came. The final plague was the firstborn child dying. God told the Israelites to put lamb's blood on their doors so that they would be passed over and their children kept safe.



  1. last  vi. 持續
    Nick said that his love for his wife would last forever and that nothing could change that.
  2. ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗
    Taiwanese people remember and worship their ancestors at certain times throughout the year.
  3. be bursting with...  充滿……
    The bus was bursting with passengers, so Vicky decided to wait for the next one.
  4. way back  很久以前
    Mary and I share a lot of great memories because we know each other from way back.
  5. free vt. 使自由,解放
    After the bird's wing healed, Daisy freed it in the field behind her school.
  6. refuse vt. & vi. 拒絕
    My father refused to lend me money because he thought I should be financially independent.
  7. hit vt.(疾病、惡運等)突然襲擊(三態同形)
    Until the illness hit him, Kevin had never taken a day off from work.
  8. pour down  (冰雹、雨水等)傾盆而下
    Rain started pouring down just as we had set up our picnic in the park.
  1. Passover n. 逾越節
  2. Israelite n. 古以色列人
  3. Pharaoh n. 法老(埃及國王之稱)
  4. plague n. 瘟疫
  5. gnat n. 蚊蚋
  6. boil n. 瘡
  7. hail n. 冰雹
  8. locust n. 蝗蟲
  9. firstborn a. 第一胎的


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