2013年6月4日 星期二

Abandoned 尋寶拾荒客

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2013/06/04 第113期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Abandoned 尋寶拾荒客
by Marcus Maurice
There are a lot of good things to reclaim in an abandoned church.

  The saying, "one man's junk is another man's treasure," is definitely true for Jay Chaikin, the co-owner of Reclaimed Relics, a company that refashions and refurbishes timeless treasures and vintage artifacts. Chaikin scours America for abandoned buildings that could hold valuables inside. He then takes these items back to his wife, his partner in Reclaimed Relics, and refurbishes, repurposes, or restores them. This month, National Geographic Channel goes along for the ride as Chaikin and his employees dig through a Philadelphia church that hasn't been used in ages in Abandoned.
  Philadelphia is one of America's most famous cities, but there are some parts of the city that have hit hard times. In Abandoned, Chaikin and his team find out about the Church of the Nativity, which is going to be demolished, so they ask the owners if they can take a look around inside. Once they get access to the church that hasn't been used in years, Chaikin spots plenty of unique items he wants, but there's one problem�is wife has given him a limited budget. Chaikin's team hits the jackpot when they find parallel bars and a 1950s-style bowling alley in the basement. To get those and the church pews, paintings, and even some highly valued stained glass windows, Chaikin must negotiate a good price with the owners, which actually ends up being pretty easy. The difficult task is talking his wife into letting him go way over budget on items that might be hard to sell off. Tune in this month to Abandoned to see what happens when scavengers are let loose in a church and if Chaikin can persuade his wife to say amen to his requests.

  1. abandoned a. 被遺棄的
    These birds make use of abandoned rabbit holes when nesting.
  2. reclaim vt. 回收
    The full amount of excess traveling expenses should be reclaimed.
  3. refurbish vt. 翻新;磨光
    The flat will be refurbished before the new tenants move in.
    Despite its excellent craftsmanship, the cabin needs to be refurbished.
  4. restore vt. 恢復
    To restore your energy, a hot bath will usually do the trick.
  5. go along for the ride  湊熱鬧
    I'm not really interested in football. I'm just going along for the ride.
  6. hit hard times  困苦度日
    The villagers hit hard times after that devastating earthquake struck the area.
  7. demolish vt. 摧毀
    The wealthy woman was forced to demolish the house she grew up in by the government.
  8. get access to...  得到允許進入/使用……
    The burglar got access to the house through the kitchen window.
  9. spot vt. 發現
    The researcher spotted an unusual growth on his specimen.
  10. hit the jackpot  中頭獎
    After years of endless searching for the missing treasure, the divers finally hit the jackpot.
  11. negotiate vt. & vi. 協商
    (與介詞 with 並用)
    You should negotiate the rent with your landlord again.
    The musician negotiated with the record company for a bigger percentage of the profits.
  12. over budget  超出預算
    within budget  預算內
    Our boss is unhappy because the project is behind schedule and over budget.
    The renovation of the bed and breakfast was finished on time and within budget.
  13. sell off  廉價出售
    The farmer was down on his luck and had to sell off some of his machinery.
  14. be let loose  被釋放
    let sb / an animal loose  釋放某人/某動物
    The convict was let loose after six months in jail.
    *convict n. 囚犯
    As soon as we entered the dog park, I let my dog loose.
  15. request n. 請求,要求
    at sb's request / at the request of sb
    The modifications were made at the request of our customers.
  1. saying n. 諺語
  2. relic n. 遺物
  3. timeless a. 永恆的;不朽的
  4. vintage a. 上等的
  5. artifact n. 手工藝品
  6. scour vt. 走遍某地尋找
  7. valuables n. 貴重物品
  8. limited budget  有限的預算
  9. parallel bars  雙槓
  10. pew n. 教堂內的靠背長椅
  11. stained glass  彩繪玻璃
  12. scavenger n. 拾荒者
  1. One man's junk is another man's treasure.
  2. dig through...  探索……
  3. end up V-ing  結果/到頭來……
  4. tune in to...  收看/收聽……

The difficult task is talking his wife into letting him go way over budget on items that might be hard to sell off.

talk sb into V-ing
= persuade / convince sb to V
Daisy finally talked her mother into letting
her get her ears pierced.
Peter persuaded his staff to make
donations to the orphanage.
convince / persuade sb of sth

It will take more than a few nice words to
convince me of how great John is
supposed to be.

  費城是美國最富盛名的城市之一,但該市有些地區過得很辛苦。在《尋寶拾荒客》節目中,查金和他的團隊找到了和聖誕教堂有關的東西,而這座教堂將被拆除,於是他們便詢問教堂主人他們是否可以到教堂裡面看看。他們一得到允許進入這座已經很多年沒有使用的教堂,查金便發現了許多他想要的獨特物品,但有一個問題──他太太給他的預算有限。查金的團隊在地下室發現了雙槓和一座 1950 年代風格的保齡球館時好像中了樂透般興奮。為了要得到這些東西和教堂的長椅及畫作,甚至是某些高價的彩繪玻璃窗,查金必須和教堂主人協商出一個好價錢,而其實結果很容易。困難的是要說服他太太讓他超出預算來買這些東西,而且之後可能很難廉價出售。這個月收看《尋寶拾荒客》節目來看看這些拾荒者在教堂被釋放時發生了什麼事,還有查金是否說服了他太太答應他的請求。

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