2014年3月17日 星期一

127 Years of Coca-Cola  可口可樂一百二十七歲囉!

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2014/03/18 第142期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

127 Years of Coca-Cola  可口可樂一百二十七歲囉!

  Coca-Cola has not only been changing people's drinking habits, but it has also been trying to change the world. In the last three years alone, the Coca-Cola Foundation gave a total of US$273 million in grants and donations. The company also uses its fame and fortune to involve itself in projects related to water purification, healthy and active lifestyles, community recycling, and education. It also does significant work with the HIV/AIDS community and assists with disaster relief.
  Coca-Cola has also changed the world of advertising by putting billions of dollars into unique campaigns every year. Since the 1930s, one of the most memorable campaigns has featured Santa Claus. Today, the focus of the company's marketing has become more interactive. For example, it rolled out its Share a Coke campaign in Great Britain. The company's iconic logo was replaced with 150 of the UK's most popular names on its soda bottles. As a result, people everywhere were on the hunt for a bottle with their name on it, and the company's sales and popularity went through the roof. It goes without question that Coca-Cola will be around in some way, shape, or form for many years to come.


  可口可樂也藉由每年投入數十億的資金在獨特的活動上而改變了廣告界。自 1930 年代起,最令人難忘的活動之一是以聖誕老人為主角的活動。現今,該公司行銷的重點已變得更有互動性。例如,它在英國推出『分享可樂』的活動。該公司用一百五十個英國最受歡迎的名字來替換其汽水瓶上的圖像商標。結果,各地的人們四處搜尋上面有他們名字的瓶子,而該公司的銷售量及受歡迎程度因此直線上升。毫無疑問地,可口可樂在未來的多年裡將會以某種方式、外型或形式繼續存在。

  1. a total of...  總共有……
    A total of 20 students showed up for the debate club's first meeting.
  2. involve oneself in...  積極參與……
    Wendy involves herself in everything at her father's company.
  3. significant a. 重要的,影響深遠的
    Dr. King's words had a significant effect on all of us.
  4. assist (sb) with / in sth  協助,幫忙
    The military was called in to assist with the cleanup operation after the typhoon.
  5. interactive a. 互動的;相互影響的
    Students learn better and faster from courses that are interactive.
  6. roll out... / roll...out  在市場上推出……
    The motor company plans to roll out a new sports car next year.
  7. replace vt. 替換,取代(常與介詞 with 並用)
    My dad replaced the broken light bulb with an energy-saving one.
  8. go through the roof  (價格)直線上升,飛漲
    The cost of basic necessities has gone through the roof recently.
  1. grant n. 獎學金,補助金
  2. donation n. 捐款;捐獻
  3. purification n. 淨化
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