2014年4月3日 星期四

Soaring Prices Fuel Frustrations for Weary Argentines/阿根廷物價飆漲民怨深

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2014/04/04 第15期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Soaring Prices Fuel Frustrations for Weary Argentines/阿根廷物價飆漲民怨深
Models Who Test Brazil's Tolerant Image/模特兒考驗巴西容忍度
Soaring Prices Fuel Frustrations for Weary Argentines/阿根廷物價飆漲民怨深
BUENOS AIRES — Diego Gómez scurried around the food market in a gritty neighborhood far from the elegant avenues of central Buenos Aires. He did not stay long.


"My salary isn't enough for anything," said Mr. Gómez, 58, a blacksmith and father of four who earns less than $800 a month. After a few modest purchases, he left . "It's unfair that we suffer," he said about the rise in prices that followed a 19 percent devaluation in January of Argentina's peso, which sent shock waves through emerging markets.


Mr. Gómez's situation is common in Argentina as residents grapple with one of the world's highest inflation rates, leading to social unrest, including a strike by schoolteachers and police sitins that led to widespread looting.


Argentines endured price rises of nearly 30 percent last year, according to an unofficial index published by opposition politicians; the government, which has been accused of manipulating economic data in the past, claims inflation reached only 10.9 percent in 2013. In 2014, inflation could accelerate to 45 percent, according to a recent report by J. P. Morgan in New York.


The price increases are a feature of daily life. One butcher's store abandoned its price boards last month; cashiers now update a scrap of paper daily. Women seek increases in alimony payments from former spouses. Businesses wrestle with salary demands. News channels send out reporters with 100 pesos, about $12.70, to gauge the weakening buying power of the highest-denomination bill. People fume in the streets about the price of everything from cakes to refrigerators. Cafe owners complain that customers order less food. Wholesalers and store owners struggle to price imported goods.


Salary increases have blunted inflation and fueled domestic consumption, including record sales of new cars last year. But real wages are now expected to drop, leading one prominent opposition figure to compare them to "water running through your fingers."


The government has pressed ahead with a round of price freezes on items like vegetables, meat, canned food and even some school materials. Billboards encourage Argentines to call a hotline to denounce stores that do not respect the freezes.


"We have to monitor prices," President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner told thousands of supporters outside Congress this month. "Don't let them rob you," she said, referring to what she and her ministers view as a coterie of rapacious businessmen.


In the crowd, Lucía Martínez, 60, a nephrologist, said the price increases were disproportionate and equated them to an "undercover coup." Posters from a pro-government organization singled out business executives , accusing them of theft.


"They're toasting with Champagne while the people become divided," said Sandra Bustos, 50, who runs a market stall.


Argentines disillusioned with the government believe the controls are a symptom of haphazard policy making . "The campaign is useless," said a retired accountant who gave his name only as José . "It's a rule that's older than the world. If you print money, there's inflation."


Monetary supply increased by 25 percent in 2013, according to the president of the central bank.


Mrs. Kirchner's economy minister, Axel Kicillof, subscribed to Marxist theory as a university professor and has downplayed the link between monetary expansion and inflation. He has criticized the idea that Latin American governments should use inflation rates to gauge economic success.


Argentina has long been plagued by cycles of inflation, starting with price increases provoked by influential British merchants soon after Spanish colonialists were ousted in 1810. More recently, the financial crisis of 2001-2 set off political upheaval, devaluation and inflation. A decade earlier, hyperinflation set off looting and forced President Raúl Alfonsín to hand over the presidency . "People have lived through so many inflationary processes that an escalation in prices is not just economic, but sociological," said Carlos Germano, a political analyst.


"Crises are routine," said Hugo Fahler, 57, who installs air-conditioning units . He says he now charges nearly twice as much as before the devaluation because the cost of some materials has jumped by 160 percent.


"This reminds me of Alfonsín," Mr. Fahler said. "The next government is going to have a real mess on its hands."


Models Who Test Brazil's Tolerant Image/模特兒考驗巴西容忍度
SÃO PAULO, Brazil — As a young boy in Brazil's heartland, Carol Marra watched her parents politely correct strangers who said what a pretty daughter they had.


Now a favorite among Brazil's growing class of transgender models, Ms. Marra, 26, has become a star. She filmed two mini-series for Brazilian TV, is starting a lingerie line and was the first transgender model to walk Fashion Rio, a top event.


Her popularity points to striking, if precarious, gains in Brazil's popular culture for Ms. Marra and her small number of peers. In a country that publicly celebrates its mixed-race and multicultural heritage, Brazil's cosmopolitan capitals like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro have become places where crossing gender lines is increasingly accepted. Still, Brazil is also in many ways a deeply conservative country with strong religious forces that can create a hostile environment for its gay and transgender population.


"They say Brazil is a liberal, progressive country, but it's not really like that," said Ms. Marra.


Ms. Marra herself has become a success story for a rising number of transgender models who, like her, migrated from more remote regions to São Paulo, considered the most important fashion hub of South America.


Relative newcomers like Melissa Paixão, Camila Ribeiro and Felipa Tavares have gotten runway and catalog work in the national fashion market. Ms. Ribeiro walked in the Fashion Business show in Rio for Santa Ephigênia, a classy women's wear brand. And Ms. Paixão will be in the coming catalog of Walério Araújo, a top Brazilian designer.


The transgender models say that their experiences bear out the idea that progress in gaining social acceptance has been uneven despite the anything-goes image of the nation.


Gender-bending has a long history in Brazil; public cross-dressing peaks each year with the pre-Lenten Carnival celebrations. Drag shows by transgender and gay performers became a fad in Rio nightclubs in the 1950s.


Brazil has also increasingly become supportive of gay rights. São Paulo hosts one of the world's largest gay pride parades, and since 2010, the Brazilian judiciary has upheld gay couples' rights to civil unions, adoption and marriage. But a proposal to distribute antidiscrimination kits in public schools was defeated by the government after evangelical members of Congress complained of its sexual content.


And violence and prejudice against the gay and transgender populations remain high. Grupo Gay da Bahia, a prominent gay rights group, reported 338 killings nationwide of gay, lesbian and transgender people in 2012.


Roberta Close, who posed for Playboy in 1984, is considered Brazil's first transgender model and cultivated a devoted male following with her girlish aesthetic. The actress Rogéria, born Astolfo Barroso Pinto, is a household name in Brazil after years of appearing on Globo TV.


Brazil's most internationally recognized transgender model is Lea T, born Leandro Cerezo and the son of a former soccer star, Toninho Cerezo.


Still, the proportion of transgender models is tiny considering the vast fashion industry here. And Ms. Marra said her renown in the fashion world has not carried over to other realms. She said she has been inundated with vulgar messages from men on her Facebook page.


"I never wanted to be an activist of the cause," Ms. Marra said. "I thought I was a woman like any other." But she became outspoken after receiving messages from transgender individuals in more remote corners of the country, like a prostitute in Manaus.


Ms. Marra said she did not receive fair treatment in casting, saying that she was assigned only to roles of transgender women."The majority of actors are gay and they can play a heartthrob," Ms. Marra told her director at her mini-series shoot. "Why can't I play a maid, a secretary, a tree?"


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