2014年5月16日 星期五

Face Transplants Providing a Second Chance at Life/換張臉 讓生命重新來過

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2014/05/16 第21期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Face Transplants Providing a Second Chance at Life/換張臉 讓生命重新來過
Nokia May Alter Its Course, With Maps/諾基亞帶著地圖換跑道
Face Transplants Providing a Second Chance at Life/換張臉 讓生命重新來過

When the world's first face transplant was performed in France in 2005, it pushed medical boundaries and made news. Yet the procedure's future was very much in doubt.


The surgeons, operating on a 38-year-old Frenchwoman whose face had been mauled by her pet Labrador, had to surmount the opposition of prestigious medical societies, which declared the procedure unethical and immoral. Critics, including surgeons who had lost out in competing to do the first face transplant, said the pioneering team did not follow ethical and legal guidelines.


But the first comprehensive review of every face transplant reported since then — 28 in seven countries, counting the French case but not two done in Turkey since the review was completed — has removed many of those early doubts.


The report, published online by The Lancet in April, says the procedure is generally safe and feasible, and should be offered to more patients.


The endorsement is cautious: The researchers note that the operation is still experimental, risky and expensive (at least $300,000), and that patients must be carefully selected. After the transplant, recipients may have risks of infection and reactions to toxic anti-rejection drugs.


But the paper adds that for many people — victims of genetic disorders, gunshots, animal bites, burns and other accidents — transplants can ease or erase the grotesque deformities that leave them subject to taunts, discrimination, isolation and serious depression.


Conventional reconstruction techniques are often inadequate, and can produce terrible scars and deformities at the sites in the patient's body from which tissue is removed and transferred to the facial area.


By contrast, face transplants have transformed the lives of nearly all the surviving recipients. They have regained their ability to eat, drink, speak more intelligibly, smell, smile and blink; many have emerged from ostracism and depression. Four recipients are back to work or school. (Three patients died.)


The idea of one individual wearing another's face initially frightened some critics. But the new face "is a pretty unique blend of the recipient and the donor, and it is not as if you would recognize the donor walking down the street," the review's senior author, Dr. Eduardo D. Rodriguez of NYU Langone Medical Center in New York, said in an interview. He holds degrees in medicine and dentistry, and led the team that performed a full facial transplant in 2012 when he was at the University of Maryland.


New faces initially feel numb, as if the recipient had come from a dentist's office. But the numbness lasts for months.


Skeptics doubted that recipients would ever regain normal facial sensations — feeling a kiss or a breeze, smelling mowed grass. But some did, as early as three months after the transplant. Some critics said nerve repair would take too long to achieve functional gains, for instance in eating and swallowing, but some patients could bring their new lips together by six months and close their mouths by eight months. By three months, some were able to swallow and speak intelligibly. Smiling began later, after about two years, and continued to improve after eight years.


Not surprisingly, the overriding reason for success was a rigorous pre-transplant effort to identify candidates who would be motivated to stick to an anti- rejection regimen and who had a strong social support system. Deciding who is and who is not a face transplant candidate can be more grueling than the surgery, which can take longer than a day.


Surgeons can spend years training for the procedure and then spend months more seeking a donor with a compatible complexion, bone structure and other important characteristics.


One team removes the face and underlying tissues from a donor, while a second team removes the damaged portions of the recipient's face. Bone, if needed, is attached first. Then four major arteries and veins, two on each side of the upper neck, are attached as quickly as possible. Once blood flows to nourish the new face, surgeons can take more time to stitch nerves, muscles, other soft tissues and finally the skin.


As the graft heals and nerves regenerate, rehabilitation to relearn speaking and other tasks begins; monitoring for rejection lasts a lifetime. The early successes of hand and arm transplants, starting in 1998, helped advocates for face transplants. Because both kinds of transplants involve a mixture of bone, blood vessels, muscle, nerve and other soft tissues, skeptics said standard immunosuppressant therapy might not prevent rejection. But a three-drug regimen used for heart, liver and kidney transplants turned out to work.


French surgeons have performed 10 face transplants. Seven transplants have been done in the United States, seven in Turkey, three in Spain, and one each in Belgium, China and Poland.


Dr. Rodriguez said he undertook the review to help improve outcomes in future cases, and to determine how many face transplants needed to be done to convince health insurers to pay for them. The costs of surgery and anti-rejection therapy require lifelong financial support. Many recipients need post-transplant surgical revision for such problems as bone and dental realignment, which increases the risk of infection and poor wound healing.


Government agencies have contributed to pressure for expansion. As Dr. Rodriguez said, "With some victims from fire, police and military armed services, it can be argued that we have a moral imperative to restore them to society."


Nokia May Alter Its Course, With Maps/諾基亞帶著地圖換跑道
BERLIN — For the first time in more than three decades, Nokia faces the future without being a player in the global phone business. On April 25, the company completed the sale of its beleaguered handset business to Microsoft for $7.5 billion.


The deal puts a spotlight on what remains of Nokia, which includes the Finnish company's mobile networking business and a research and intellectual property unit. But it is Nokia's efforts to map the entire world digitally that could prove to be the company's hidden gem — or at least emerge as a compelling, multibillion- dollar takeover target.


Nokia's goal with its mapping system, known as Here and developed in Berlin, is simple but ambitious: to build the world's most detailed and up-to-date digital maps.


In smartphones, Here is surpassed by Google Maps, which has an estimated one billion mobile users and is aided by being standard issue on phones using Google's Android operating system. Here, which is the default mapping application on Windows phones, has only about 100 million smartphone users.


In automobile mapping, however, Here dominates, with more than 80 percent of the global market for built-in car navigation systems.


Nokia contends that its mapping products, which are updated 2.7 million times a day, are more accurate than its rivals' offerings and that its ability to customize its maps sets Nokia apart.


Google counters that it makes tens of thousands of changes to its maps daily and that it uses complex algorithms and external information from entities such as the United States Census Bureau to build maps for 198 countries.


While rivals like Apple have tried to break into the global mapping business, they have so far been largely unsuccessful.


"Mapping is an expensive business," said Annette Zimmermann, an analyst at the technology research company Gartner in Munich. "If you haven't already built what these guys have built, it doesn't make sense to start now."


Despite the strong position, though, Nokia's mapping unit last year generated only 7 percent, or $1.2 billion, of the company's total revenue, excluding its handset unit, according to corporate filings.


The division also reported an operating loss of $212 million over the same period, as the company continued to invest in the mapping operation, which has 6,000 employees, or around 11 percent of Nokia's remaining work force of 55,000. In addition to its auto clients, Nokia licenses Here to companies like Microsoft, for its Bing search engine; Amazon, for the Kindle Fire tablet; and Yahoo for its Flickr photo service. FedEx uses Here mapping data to manage its delivery trucks worldwide.

同一時期,因公司持續投資地圖營運,地圖部門提報營運虧損2億1200萬美元。地圖部門有員工6000人,約占諾基亞剩餘工作人力5萬5000人的11%。除了汽車業客戶,諾基亞也授權微軟的Bing搜索引擎、亞馬遜的Kindle Fire平板電腦、雅虎的Flickr照片服務使用他們的地圖系統。聯邦快遞使用「這裡」的地圖資料,管理在世界各地的送貨卡車。

There is talk that Nokia could decide either to sell or to spin off the division, so the company can focus on its core mobile networking business. The networking unit, which manufactures cellphone towers and other telecommunications hardware for carriers, will generate almost 90 percent of the company's annual revenue. That means Here might be more valuable to someone else than to Nokia.


"There are only a few mapping businesses in the world," said Ehud Gelblum, a Citigroup analyst. "It's a valuable asset."


For now, at least, Here continues to be important to Nokia.


"There are a lot of applications for what we're doing," said Reno Marioni, an American who runs Nokia's crowd-mapping business, which feeds changes made by users into the company's products. "Mapping the world is a pretty big thing."


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