2014年6月9日 星期一

America the Wild 荒野遠征

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2014/06/10 第153期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

America the Wild 荒野遠征


  Bats are beautiful creatures, but they are often misunderstood. Many people are scared of bats because they associate them with vampires. The main reason for this is that they rest during the day and come out at night. Bats are rarely dangerous unless they are carrying a disease, but they are the leading cause of rabies in the US today. Even so, there are only a few cases of rabies each year, and they are seldom deadly.
  Casey Anderson hosts National Geographic Channel's America the Wild. On this show, Anderson goes to the front lines of the bat invasion. On one episode, he heads to Bracken Cave in Texas. There, when dusk turns to dark, an estimated 20 million bats fly out of the cave and into the night sky. While it is a bit scary because there are so many bats, Anderson never feels like he is in danger. Instead, he is in awe of the sight of all the bats going out for dinner, even when they accidentally get caught in his shirt. Check out Anderson's bat adventure and much more with America the Wild this month.



  1. misunderstand vt. 誤會(三態為:misunderstand, misunderstood, misunderstood)
    If we hold hands, people might misunderstand our relationship.
  2. associate A with B  將 A 與 B 聯想在一起
    People often associate Barbie dolls with little girls.
  3. host vt. 主辦(活動)
    I'd be happy to host the party at my house this Friday.
  4. invasion n. 入侵
    This film is about the invasion of strange creatures from another planet.
  5. an estimated + 數字 + 複數名詞  估計有……
    An estimated 100 students will participate in the singing contest.
  6. be in awe of...  敬畏/佩……;對……讚嘆不已
    awe n. 敬畏
    I am totally in awe of your ability to dance and sing at the same time.
  7. get / be caught in...  被困在……中
    The reason why Tina was late is that she got caught in a traffic jam.
  8. adventure n. 冒險
    This tour offers opportunities for adventure as well as relaxation.
  1. vampire n. 吸血鬼
  2. rabies n. 狂犬病
  3. front line n. (戰爭)最前線;火線
  4. episode n. (電視)一集
  5. dusk n. 傍晚


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