2014年6月9日 星期一

The Numbers Game 數字人生

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2014/06/10 第166期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Numbers Game 數字人生
by Marcus Maurice

If someone is in need of help, do groups of people help them quicker than individual people?

  The next time someone tells you that you look average, thank them. Why? On the street, Jack Porway, who is the host of National Geographic Channel's The Numbers Game, surprised a lot of people on the street when he conducted an experiment. He stuck up five male and five female pictures and had passersby vote on the most beautiful and handsome person by sticking hearts on the pictures. In the end, the third picture on each side won.
  Then, Porway surprised everyone. He dropped the curtains to reveal just four people on each side. Missing from each side was the person in picture three, which was the one everyone thought was the best looking. The reason for this was because picture number three was not real. Instead, the third picture was just a composite of all four of the other people. In studies around the world and in Porway's experiment, people prefer the average composite rather than an actual person.
  Another test that Porway does on The Numbers Game is called the bystander effect. In a restaurant with hidden cameras, an actor falls on the floor. Porway tests to see how long it takes individual people or groups of people to help the fallen man. He finds that people who are eating alone help the man in three seconds or less. However, those in groups tend to take three times as long, which can be almost 10 seconds. The bystander effect shows that people in groups look at each other first to see if someone else is going to help. This delays their decision to step up to be a hero. Learn about money, sex, marriage, and mortality on The Numbers Game this month on NGC.

  1. be in need of...  需要……
    If you see someone who is in need of help, you should take matters into your own hands.
  2. individual a. 個別的,個人的
    The teacher couldn't give the students individual attention because the class was too large.
  3. host n. 主持人 & vt. 主持(節目、派對等)
    The host was interviewing a local columnist.
    The famous comedian hosted the Academy Awards two years in a row.
  4. conduct vt. 進行(調查、實驗等)
    conduct a study / survey  進行一項研究/調查
    The experiment was conducted by experts in marine biology.
    The company conducted a market survey before launching its new product.
  5. vote on...  對……投票表決
    The board members held a meeting last night to vote on the 2014 budget.
    該董事會成員昨晚召開一場會議,以投票來表決 2014 年的預算。
  6. drop the curtain  演出終止,閉幕
    It will soon be time to drop the curtain on this performance.
  7. reveal vt. 揭露,透露
    The agent was jailed for revealing secrets to the enemy.
  8. tend to V  容易……,往往會……
    = be apt / inclined / prone to V
    We tend to take natural resources for granted nowadays.
  9. mortality n. 死亡(率)
    If this disease spreads, the doctors fear that there will be a high mortality rate among children.
  1. average a. 平凡的;一般的
  2. experiment n. 實驗
  3. passerby n. 路人(單數形)
    passersby n. 路人(複數形)
  4. composite n. 合成物
  5. bystander n. 旁觀者
  1. stick up... 貼上……
  2. step up 走上前來,趨前

  Kitty Genovese 案例一直被視為『旁觀者效應』的經典案例,但其實這個案例被過度渲染或是錯誤引用了。1964 年,Genovese 女士被一個連續強姦殺人犯用刀捅死。根據媒體報導,犯案過程長達三十分鐘。隨後引起一位鄰居的注意,殺人犯便逃離現場,十分鐘後又重回現場並繼續攻擊 Genovese 直到她死亡。根據媒體報導,有三十八位目擊者目擊了凶殺過程,但是沒有一個人出來阻止或者打電話報警。這在當時引起了社會上很大的轟動。
根據 2007 年《美國心理學》雜誌上發表的一篇文章,Kitty Genovese一案被媒體過度渲染了。當時並沒有三十八位目擊者,在案發過程中警方也至少接到過一次報警電話,而很多鄰居只是聽到有聲音,實際上並沒有看到案發過程。該文作者認為這個案子之所以一直被當作是『旁觀者效應』的經典案例,是因為對學心理學的人來說,這是一個很有代表性的案例。(資料來源:A+ 醫學百科)




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