2014年6月30日 星期一

The Avignon Art Festival 流動的藝術饗宴 —— 亞維儂藝術節

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2014/07/01 第156期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Avignon Art Festival 流動的藝術饗宴 —— 亞維儂藝術節

  During the warm sunny days of July, when the south of France is bustling with people on summer vacation, one enormous festival turns the town of Avignon into a lively theater. The annual Avignon Festival provides people interested in theater, dance, and music, with a space to share, discuss, participate in, or simply watch the creative arts. The festival runs for nearly one month. Throughout this time, nearly 1,000 performances breathe life into the historic walled city of Avignon. Professional artists from all walks of life come to Avignon to both observe and take part in festivities.
  Jean Vilar founded the first festival in 1947 and directed every one until his death in 1971. However, his death did not affect the festival as it still continues today. Initially a theatrical festival, the festival expanded to include dance and other forms of interpretive1 art in the 1960s. Today, circus performances and mime artists are even part of the festivities. The Avignon Festival has become one of the longest-running festivals in France and one of the most memorable performing arts celebrations in the world.


  尚.維拉在 1947 年創辦了首屆藝術節,並領導了之後的每個慶典直到他 1971 年過世。然而,他的過世沒有影響到該節慶,慶典一直持續到今日。最初,這是個戲劇節,六○年代該節慶擴大發展加入了舞蹈和其他的藝術詮釋形式。今日,馬戲團表演和默劇藝術家甚至也是慶典的一部份。亞維儂藝術節已經變成法國最悠久的節日之一,也是世界上最令人難忘的表演藝術慶典之一。

  1. bustle with...  充滿……
    bustle vi. 匆忙;忙碌
    The street is bustling with noise and excitement.
  2. enormous a. 巨大的,龐大的
    The actor enjoyed enormous popularity for over 20 years.
  3. participate in...  參加……
    participate vi. 參加,參與
    As a college student, I would actively participate in all kinds of activities and use my time wisely.
  4. run vi. 持續;維持
    The televised game ran 30 minutes over the scheduled time.
  5. from all walks of life  來自各個行業的
    The book fair attracted booklovers from all walks of life.
  6. affect vt. 影響
    Tonight's lecture focuses on the way TV programs affect the young.
  7. initially adv. 起先,最初
    = in the beginning
    Henry initially agreed to the deal, but then he changed his mind.
  8. expand vi. & vt. 擴大/展
    The company's product line has expanded to include children's books.
  1. interpretive a. 詮釋的
  2. mime n. 默劇

『on + 探險/旅遊』的用法

本文 "...the south of France is bustling with people on summer vacation" 中的 "on summer vacation" 表『暑假中』。凡表『探險』、『旅遊』、『旅程』等名詞,以及表持續性或時間性的任務或動作時,通常介詞用 on 來表示,如:

『on + 探險/旅遊』:
on vacation(度假中)、on a trip(在旅行)、on a hike(在健行)、on a picnic(在野餐)、on an outing(出遊)、on an excursion(在遠足)、on an expedition(在探險)、on leave(休假中)等。

『on + 執勤/任務』:
on duty(執勤、值班)、on guard(站衛兵中)、on an errand(跑腿、辦差事)、on tour(巡迴演出中)、on a mission(執行任務)等。



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