2014年6月30日 星期一

Ultimate Survival Alaska 2 極地生存戰士

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2014/07/01 第169期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Ultimate Survival Alaska 2 極地生存戰士
by Marcus Maurice

The ultimate prize is survival.

  Do you know what happens when it snows in Taiwan? Thousands of people decide it is a good idea to get into their cars to rush to the top of a mountain only to find that, instead of actual snow, there is just a little bit of slush on the ground. Many are disappointed while waiting for hours in the traffic jam back down the mountain because they feel like they still have not witnessed snow firsthand.
  Alaska, on the other hand, is one of the coldest and most unforgiving places in the world. Many parts of Alaska have not even been touched by humans. In Ultimate Survival Alaska 2, a program on National Geographic Channel this month, a contest goes deep into the heart of Alaska and tests the perseverance of team members. For starters, four teams of really tough men and women who are mountaineers, military veterans, endurance athletes, and woodsmen are taken into the middle of the frozen forests of Alaska and dropped off. The only things they have with them are their raw emotion, incredible intelligence, die-hard ingenuity, and the gear on their backs.
  These roughnecks battle frostbite, hunger, dangerous animals, and more while they are navigating terrain that camera crews can barely follow them in. They go over frozen rivers, barren ridgelines, and even cross high mountain peaks. These men and women are like the original explorers of unknown territories because, for this show, there is no lavish grand prize of thousands of dollars or the promise of a month-long vacation in the Bahamas. Instead, by winning the epic competition series, the only prize is survival.

  1. survival n. 生存;倖存
    Charles Darwin believed in the survival of the fittest.
  2. disappointed a. 感到失望的
    Amy was quite disappointed at the results of the election.
  3. witness vt. 目睹;見證
    Mary witnessed the train accident, so she told the police what she had seen.
    The modern world has witnessed many advancements in technology.
  4. perseverance n. 堅持不懈
    Because of her perseverance, Betty was able to win the long race.
  5. endurance n. 耐力
    Running a marathon is truly a test of human endurance.
  6. incredible a. 驚人的,難以置信的
    This new sports car moves at an incredible speed.
  7. ingenuity n. 足智多謀
    Kyle again showed his ingenuity in coming up with this special idea.
  8. battle vt. & vi. 奮戰,搏鬥
    battle for...  為……而戰
    The soldiers battled for their lives during the final days of the war.
  9. navigate vt. 越過 & vi. 航行
    Nick was the first man to navigate the Atlantic alone.
    The river became too narrow and shallow to navigate.
  1. slush n. 融雪
  2. firsthand adv. 直接地
  3. unforgiving a. 嚴峻的(= harsh)
  4. mountaineer n. 登山者
  5. veteran n. 退役軍人,老兵
  6. woodsman n. 樵夫
  7. raw emotion  率真的感情
    此處 raw 是形容詞,表示『強烈而又自然的』
    (strong and natural),即『率真的』之意。
  8. intelligence n. 智慧
  9. die-hard a. 抵抗到底的
  10. gear n. 裝備
  11. roughneck n. 粗獷的人;硬漢(本文指那些極地戰士)
  12. frostbite n. 凍傷
  13. terrain n. 地域;地形
  14. barren a.(土地)貧瘠的
  15. ridgeline n. 山脊線
  16. territory n. 領土;地區
  17. lavish a. 奢華的
  18. epic a. 英雄的
  1. rush to V  衝去做……;趕緊去做……
  2. drop off... / drop...off  讓……下車

  阿拉斯加位於美國西北太平洋沿岸,是美國第四十九個州。阿拉斯加是美國面積最大的州,其名稱最可能源於阿留申語的 Alyeska,意思為『很大的陸地』。




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