2014年6月26日 星期四

日本茶道The Japanese Tea Ceremony

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2014/06/27 第212期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂──網路詐騙
【英語學習Plus】 日本茶道 The Japanese Tea Ceremony
【本月發燒書】 高中英語聽力模擬測驗 (進階篇)
【好康情報局】 按讚抽獎!免費贈書活動!
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Internet fraud is not only on the rise, but it is accelerating. The variety of scams continues to develop in complexity and effectiveness, leaving the casual user ever more vulnerable to personal loss, while law enforcement appears to be mostly unprepared to handle the sudden and massive burden of new, difficult-to-investigate crimes. ...more
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日本茶道 The Japanese Tea Ceremony

You may already know that the Japanese have a special way of preparing green tea known as the Japanese tea ceremony. The tea ceremony is very complicated, and it requires several years of practice to perform it correctly. Even so, it is very popular in Japan and has become an important part of Japanese culture.

The history of the tea ceremony began when tea was first brought to Japan from China in the ninth century. Three centuries later, two major events important to the evolution of the ceremony happened: Zen Buddhism was introduced to Japan and matcha (powdered green tea) became very popular. In the beginning, the preparation of matcha was a ritual performed at Zen temples. The drink was believed to have health benefits and was known to help monks stay awake during long periods of meditation. Over the years, the tea ceremony became more and more popular amongst the rich and eventually came to be practiced within all social classes.

Today, many high schools and universities have tea clubs, and there are a variety of courses available for those interested in learning the history and practice of the tea ceremony. Courses range from teaching very traditional Zen-like practice to modern courses that help people integrate the tea ceremony into their private or office life. New students usually start learning by observing advanced students.

There are typically three stages to learning the tea ceremony. First, students learn how to properly open and close the sliding doors and walk on the tatami mat. Next, they learn how to clean the tea equipment and care for all the tools. Finally, after mastering these skills, students learn the tea preparation itself. Although it may sound simple, it takes years of study and plenty of expensive classes to become an expert!


西元九世紀時,茶葉開始由中國傳至日本,茶道的歷史於焉開始。三百年後,有兩個重要事件導致茶道儀式的演變:「禪宗」引進日本,以及「抹茶」(研磨的綠茶粉末)的大受歡迎。一開始,禪宗寺廟準備抹茶的程序,就是一種禮法。當時的人們認為這種飲品有益健康,並能幫助僧侶於長時間的冥想保持清醒。經過多 年,茶道受到越來越多富貴人家的青睞,最後在社會各階層大行其道。



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