2014年10月28日 星期二

Magnificent Mosques 清真寺巡禮

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2014/10/28 第186期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Magnificent Mosques 清真寺巡禮
by William Ryan

Religions know how to make beautiful architecture.

  In the religion of Islam, a house of prayer is known as a mosque. _(1)_ Traditional mosques were modeled on the worshiping place of the prophet Muhammad and were merely plots of ground that were considered sacred. _(2)_ They contain semi-circular spaces facing the direction of the holy city of Mecca, from which the clerics, known as imams, lead the prayer. There are also stairs with a seat at the top for the preacher, or khatib, to address worshippers. The central prayer areas have no furniture, so worshippers can sit, kneel, and bow directly on the floor. _(3)_ Mosques are traditionally the center of social, political, and educational life in Islamic societies.
  Photographs of mosques from around the world reveal much variation in their construction and appearance. A mosque's building materials and designs depend on local culture and resources from that specific Muslim community. However, the distinctive architectural appearances of mosques are always striking and not easily mistaken for churches or temples. There are a few practical features that nearly all mosques have in common. Slim towers atop the mosques are called minarets. _(4)_ Some can be square, round, or octagonal, but most are covered with a pointed roof. In the past, minarets were used to call people to their daily prayers. _(5)_ Even today's mosques may have more than one minaret. They remain as decorative reminders of the old tradition, often standing out in the city skyline.

(A) Modern mosques remain essentially an open space with a dome-shaped roof.
(B) These vary in height and shape.
(C) The word mosque is derived from the Arabic masjid, meaning a place for prostration or bowing.
(D) However, there may be a few chairs available for elderly or disabled worshippers.
(E) In modern times, microphones and speakers are used for the same purpose.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "In the religion of Islam, a house of prayer is known as a mosque."(在伊斯蘭教裡,作禮拜的地方稱為清真寺。),而 (C) 項的句子進一步解釋 "The word mosque is derived from the Arabic masjid, meaning..."(Mosque 這個字起源於阿拉伯語 masjid,意為……),前後兩句皆提及 mosque(清真寺)一字且語意連貫,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    a. be derived from...  起源於……
    derive vt. 源自
    Lisa's name is derived from the Egyptian word which means beauty.
    b. prostration n. 頂禮
  2. 第二題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Traditional mosques were modeled on the worshiping place of the prophet Muhammad..."(傳統的清真寺是模仿先知穆罕默德的禮拜地來建造的……),而 (A) 項的句子提及 "Modern mosques remain essentially an open space with a dome-shaped roof."(現代的清真寺基本上仍保有圓頂形屋頂的開放式空間。),前一句的 Traditional mosques(傳統的清真寺)與後一句的 Modern mosques(現代的清真寺)產生對比,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    a. essentially adv. 基本上
    b. dome-shaped a. 圓頂狀的
  3. 第三題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "The central prayer areas have no furniture, so worshippers can sit, kneel, and bow directly on the floor."(禮拜區的中心沒有任何傢俱,因此禮拜者可以直接席地而坐,且能直接在地上跪拜。),而 (D) 項的句子補充說明 "However, there may be a few chairs available for elderly or disabled worshippers."
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    disabled a. 殘障的
  4. 第四題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Slim towers atop the mosques are called minarets."(在清真寺上方的細長塔樓稱為宣禮塔。),而 (B) 項句子中進一步說明 "These vary in height and shape."(它們在高度以及形狀上各不相同。)(B) 項句子中的 These 指的即是前一句的 minarets,前後兩句語意連貫,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    vary in...   在……(方面)各不相同
    The dumplings vary in size, but they all taste the same to me.
  5. 第五題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "In the past, minarets were used to call people to their daily prayers."(在過去,宣禮塔是用於召集大眾以進行每日禮拜。),而 (E) 項句子提及 "In modern times, microphones and speakers are used for the same purpose."(在現代,麥克風與擴音器也用於相同目的。),前一句的 In the past(在過去)與後一句的 In modern times(在現代)產生對比,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
  1. depend on...  視……而定;依賴……
    = rely on...
    = count on...
  2. stand out  引人注目;顯眼
  1. magnificent a. 壯觀的,華麗的
    I was attracted to the magnificent appearance of the building.
    *be attracted to...  被……所吸引
    = be drawn to..
  2. merely adv. 僅僅,只有
    = only
    Jason is merely a child, so don't expect too much of him.
  3. sacred a. 神聖的,受崇敬的
    Churches, temples, and mosques are all considered sacred.
  4. address vt. 對……發表演講 & n. 演說
    address sb  對某人演說
    = deliver an address to sb
    = make an address to sb
    The president addressed the nation on the subject of war.
    Peter will deliver an address to a group of people tomorrow.
  5. bow vi. 鞠躬
    bow to...  向……鞠躬
    Those students bowed to the principal.
  6. appearance n. 外觀
    Don't be misled by Mike's appearance. In fact, he is a very nice person.
  7. mistake A for B  將 A 誤認為 B
    = confuse A with B
    = mix up A with B
    = mix A up with B
    I often mistake Tom for Sam because they look so much alike.
  1. prophet n. 先知
  2. cleric n. 神職人員
  3. preacher n. 傳教者(指牧師、神父、傳教士等)
  4. atop prep. 在……上面
  5. minaret n. 宣禮塔;清真寺的尖塔
  6. octagonal a. 八邊形的

  在伊斯蘭教裡,作禮拜的地方稱為清真寺。Mosque 這個字起源於阿拉伯語 masjid,意為頂禮(編按:此為表示恭敬或崇拜而俯伏在地的禮拜方式)或鞠躬之地。傳統的清真寺是模仿先知穆罕默德的禮拜地來建造的,它們也只不過是一塊被視作神聖的地方。現代的清真寺基本上仍保有圓頂形屋頂的開放式空間。清真寺裡面有個半圓形的空間,面對聖城麥加的方向,這也是神職人員(亦稱伊瑪目)帶領禮拜時所面對的方向。階梯上方還帶有一個座位,以供佈道者(或稱哈提卜)向禮拜者傳道。禮拜區的中心沒有任何傢俱,因此禮拜者可以直接席地而坐,且能直接在地上跪拜。然而,那裡可能會有幾張椅子供年長者及行動不便的禮拜者來使用。按傳統,清真寺在伊斯蘭社會中都是社會、政治與教育生活的中心。
答案: 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. E

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