2014年10月28日 星期二

Sweet, Hot, and Delicious  吮指甜點 ── 巧克力棉花糖夾心餅

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2014/10/28 第172期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Sweet, Hot, and Delicious  吮指甜點 ── 巧克力棉花糖夾心餅

  S'mores, these sweet childhood snacks, have been roasted in campfires and microwaves for decades. Children who have bitten into a creamy1, chocolaty s'more know of the great satisfaction2 these little treats can bring. They are so tasty that eating one is never enough. Even the name s'more is a contraction3 of the words, some more. With a name like that, how could anyone stop with just one?
  S'mores first became popular sometime around 1927 after the
Girl Scouts4 published a recipe for them. Since then, s'mores have become a common snack on camping trips and even found their way into lunch boxes. In 2003, Hershey's started making S'mores candy bars, but they never took off.
  The recipe is as simple as
marshmallows5, chocolate, and graham crackers6, but plenty of kinds are available. S'mores are simply made by melting a marshmallow over a flame, and sandwiching it between two pieces of graham crackers and a piece of chocolate. They are easy, simple, and delicious, so make sure to try s'mores the next time you find yourself in front of a campfire.


  巧克力棉花糖夾心餅 ── 這些甜滋滋的童年點心 ── 在營火和微波爐旁烘烤已經有數十年的歷史。小孩子嚐過一口充滿奶油、巧克力滋味的棉花糖夾心餅後便知道這些小點心可以帶來大大的滿足。它們很美味,因此只吃一口絕對是不夠的。甚至它的英文名 s'more 是 some more(再來一些)這兩個字的縮寫。有著這樣的名稱,怎麼會有人只吃一塊就停下來了呢?
  巧克力棉花糖夾心餅最初由女童軍出版它的食譜之後,1927 年便流行起來。從那時起,巧克力棉花糖夾心餅就成為露營常見的點心,甚至在餐盒中也會發現它們。2003 年,Hershey's 巧克力公司開始製作巧克力棉花糖夾心棒,但是它們並沒有流行起來。

  1. roast vt. 烤
    Mom roasted some lamb chops for dinner.
  2. bite into...  吃一口……
    Nancy bit into a strawberry cake and smiled happily.
  3. publish vt. 出版
    Luckily, we found the mistake before the book was published.
  4. take off  (喻事業等)突然飛黃騰達/蒸蒸日上
    That singer's popularity took off after he made his first music video.
  5. available a. 可獲得的;可用的
    This product will be available in stores soon.
  6. melt vt. 融化
    Sam melted some butter in the pan before frying the onions and carrots.
  7. sandwich vt. 使夾在中間
    Our house is sandwiched between a busy highway and a set of railroad tracks.
  8. make sure to V  確定/務必(做)……
    Make sure to turn off the radio before you go out.
  1. creamy a. 似奶油的
  2. satisfaction n. 滿足,滿意
  3. contraction n. 縮短形式
  4. girl scout n. 女童軍
  5. marshmallow n. 棉花糖
  6. graham cracker n. 含全麥粉的酥餅乾

本文 "The recipe is as simple as marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers, but plenty of kinds are available." 中的 plenty of 之後可接複數名詞或不可數名詞,表示數量『不少的,相當多的』。例:

Steven has plenty of friends / money.

其他相關用來表示『數量』的形容詞,有些之後要接複數名詞,例如 a few 和 many,表『有幾個』及『許多個』;有些之後要接不可數名詞,例如 a little 和 much,表『有一點』及『許多』。例:

Anna bought a few / many books.

Sean has a little / much work to do today.

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