2015年1月21日 星期三

Let's Make Up 影音部落客教你如何玩色!

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2015/01/20 第198期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Let's Make Up 影音部落客教你如何玩色!
by Paul Hines

Video bloggers make up to a million dollars a year helping their fans look a million dollars.

  The beauty industry is worth in excess of US$426 billion every year. This industry _(1)_ such products as eye shadow and mascara that make our eyes seem bigger and brighter, lipstick and lip gloss guaranteed to give us deep red, glowing luscious lips, and foundation and blush that make our skin seem softer than the smoothest silk. These beauty essentials are sold at a rate of almost one million dollars a minute. However, buying cosmetics is just the start. The fun really begins by knowing how to _(2)_ makeup perfectly for every occasion.
  Cosmetics can certainly make a girl feel _(3)_. Sure, they _(4)_ the outer beauty and hide any pesky blemishes. However, beauty is also about intangible qualities such as posture and _(5)_. This is why video bloggers, also called vloggers, specializing in makeup tutorials, as well as beauty tips and tricks, have attracted millions of teenage girls and young women to their YouTube channels. These naturally _(6)_ experts have taken the beauty industry by storm. They are also raking _(7)_ millions of dollars by making their millions of fans look a million dollars.
  Born in Boston, a charming 27-year-old, Michelle Phan, is one of the beauty vlogging superstars. Her YouTube channel, which she started in 2007, has over six million _(8)_ and more than 300 videos. Some of her videos, with titles such as How to Get Lady Gaga Eyes, have gone viral, receiving close to 50 million views each. French cosmetics company, Lancôme Paris, were so impressed when Phan used their products in a video tutorial that they _(9)_ offered her a lucrative sponsorship deal. She is now their official video demonstrator. The charismatic daughter of Vietnamese immigrants now earns over US$1 million _(10)_. If you want to learn the hottest makeup tips, YouTube is a great place to start.

(A) attractive (B) in (C) confidence (D) annually (E) includes
(F) highlight (G) immediately (H) gifted (I) apply (J) subscribers

  1. This industry includes such products as eye shadow and mascara that make our eyes seem bigger and brighter...
    a. 空格前有作主詞的名詞 This industry(這塊產業),空格後有作受詞的名詞詞組 such products(這樣的商品),得知空格內應置及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (E) includes(包括)、(F) highlight(突顯)及 (I) apply(塗抹),惟根據語意且第三人稱動詞應為單數,(E) 項應為正選。
    c. include vt. 包括,包含
    Symptoms of Vitamin B deficiency include fatigue and restlessness.
    缺乏維生素 B 的症狀包含疲勞以及心神不定。
    *deficiency n. 缺乏
  2. The fun really begins by knowing how to apply makeup perfectly for every occasion.
    a. 空格前有引導不定詞的 to,空格後有作受詞的名詞 makeup(化妝品),得知空格應置原形及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (F) highlight(突顯)及 (I) apply(塗抹),惟根據語意,(I) 項應為正選。
    c. apply vt. 塗,敷;應用
    衍: apply to...  適用於……
    The new regulations apply to everyone at the office.
  3. Cosmetics can certainly make a girl feel attractive.
    a. 感官動詞 look、feel、sound、taste及smell 其後只能加形容詞,若要加名詞則須與 like 連用,此處空格前有感官動詞 feel(感覺),得知空格應置形容詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (A) attractive(迷人的)及 (H) gifted(有天賦的),惟根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
    Tom looks happy.
    = Tom looks like a happy man.
  4. Sure, they highlight the outer beauty and hide any pesky blemishes.
    a. 空格前有主詞 they,空格後有名詞詞組 the outer beauty(外在美),得知空格應置及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅剩 (F) highlight(突顯),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. highlight vt. 使突出,突顯;強調
    These photos highlight the beauty of nature.
  5. However, beauty is also about intangible qualities such as posture and confidence.
    a. 空格前有名詞 posture(姿態)和對等連接詞 and(和),得知空格內同樣應置名詞以形成對等。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (C) confidence(自信)及 (J) subscribers(訂閱戶),惟根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
    c. confidence n. 自信
    The good job you did on the last project restored my confidence in you.
    *restore vt. 恢復,修復
  6. These naturally gifted experts have taken the beauty industry by storm.
    a. 空格前有副詞 naturally(自然地),空格後有名詞 experts(專家),得知空格應置形容詞以修飾名詞。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的僅剩 (H) gifted(有天賦的),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. gifted a. 有天賦的
    The gifted child is smart beyond our imagination.
    *beyond one's imagination  超乎某人的想像
  7. They are also raking in millions of dollars by making their millions of fans look a million dollars.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    rake in...  迅速(大量)地獲得(財富)
    rake vi. 用耙子耙 & n. 耙子
    Jim raked in a lot of money after selling his website to a leading company.
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
  8. Her YouTube channel, which she started in 2007, has over six million subscribers and more than 300 videos.
    她在 2007 年所開創的 YouTube 頻道,如今擁有六百多萬名訂閱戶以及三百多支影片。
    a. 空格前有數量詞 six million(六百萬),得知空格內應置複數可數名詞。
    b. 選項中為複數可數名詞的僅有 (J) subscribers(訂閱戶),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. subscriber n. 訂閱者;用戶
    衍: subscribe vi. 訂閱
    subscribe to...  訂閱……
    Mandy has subscribed to Time magazine for three years now.
  9. ...Lancôme Paris, were so impressed when Phan used their products in a video tutorial that they immediately offered her a lucrative sponsorship deal.
    a. 空格前有主詞 they(他們),空格後有動詞 offered(提供),得知空格內應置入副詞以修飾動詞。
    b. 選項中為副詞的有 (D) annually(一年一度地)和 (G) immediately(立刻地),惟根據語意,(G) 項應為正選。
    c. immediately adv. 立即,馬上
    Once I solved one problem, another would pop up immediately.
  10. The charismatic daughter of Vietnamese immigrants now earns over US$1 million annually.
    a. 空格前有一完整子句,得知空格內只能置副詞以修飾整句。
    b. 選項中為副詞的僅剩 (D) annually(一年一度地),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. annually adv. 每年,一年一次地
    Most doctors recommend that people have health checkups annually.
  1. up to...  多達……(之後接數字)
  2. look (like) a million dollars  容光煥發
    同: look (like) a million bucks
  3. in excess of...  多於/超過……
  4. go viral  廣為流傳,快速散播

? a video blogger  影音部落客
? mascara n. 睫毛膏
? lip gloss n. 唇蜜
? luscious a. 女性(性感的);甜美多汁的
? foundation n. 粉底(液)
? blush n. 腮紅
? pesky a. 討厭的;麻煩的
? blemish n. 瑕疵;汙點
? intangible a. 無形的;接觸不到的
? posture n. 姿勢,體態
? tutorial n. 個別指導
? sponsorship n. 資助,贊助
? demonstrator n. 示範者

  1. guarantee vt. 保證 & n. 保證書
    衍: be under guarantee  在保固期限內
    We guarantee to deliver your goods tomorrow.
    The laptop is under guarantee for one year.
  2. essential n. 必需品 & a. 必要的
    衍: be essential for...  對……是必要的
    My mother is very sensible when shopping because she only buys the essentials.
    *sensible a. 明理的,理智而務實的
    Exercise and a proper diet are essential for good health.
  3. occasion n. 時機;場合
    衍: on occasion  偶爾
    Always dress properly on formal occasions.
    On occasion, Daisy goes bike riding with her friends.
  4. specialize vi. 專攻
    衍: specialize in...  專精於……
    Dr. Brown specializes in treating asthma.
  5. take... by storm  使……為之風靡
    This young designer has taken the fashion industry by storm.
  6. lucrative a. 有利可圖的
    同: profitable a.
    The insurance industry can be very lucrative.
  7. charismatic a. 有魅力的
    同: charming a.
    Ted's charismatic personality appeals to many people.


  化妝品確實能讓女孩感到自己相當迷人。想當然爾,化妝品使得外在美更為突出並隱藏任何惱人的瑕疵。然而,美也與無形的特質有關,例如姿態和自信。這就是為什麼專門從事化妝教學以及美容技巧與訣竅的影音部落客(又稱 vloggers)吸引了數百萬名少女與輕熟女觀賞她們的 YouTube 頻道。這些天賦異稟的專家已經在美妝產業造成一股旋風。她們也因為讓她們的數百萬名粉絲容光煥發而賺進數百萬美元。
  蜜雪兒•潘出生於波士頓,她是一位很有魅力的二十七歲女性,也是其中一位美妝影音部落客之星。她在 2007 年所開創的 YouTube 頻道,如今擁有六百多萬名訂閱戶以及三百多支影片。她的某些影片在網路上瘋狂流傳,達到將近五千萬的點閱率,例如以《如何擁有女神卡卡的雙眼》為題的影片。法國的化妝品公司巴黎蘭蔻對於潘在其中一支教學影片中使用他們的產品印象相當深刻,因此他們立刻提供她一個利潤豐厚的贊助協議。她現今是他們的官方影音示範人。這位越南移民的迷人女兒如今每年進帳一百多萬美元。如果你想要學會最火紅的化妝技巧,YouTube 是個絕佳的起點。
答案: 1. E 2. I 3. A 4. F 5. C 6. H 7. B 8. J 9. G 10. D



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