2020年1月21日 星期二

Taking a Taxi to the Hotel.(搭計程車到飯店。)

每週 三 出刊.2020.01.22
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
Taking a Taxi to the Hotel.(搭計程車到飯店。)
Let's start with the latest advances ...

Taking a Taxi to the Hotel.(搭計程車到飯店。)


Cindy:Hi. Excuse me. Is there a shuttle bus to the Ponderosa hotel?
Clerk:Yes, there is, but I'm afraid you just missed it.
    You'll have to wait another hour to catch the next one.
Cindy:I don't really want to wait that long. Where can I catch a taxi to the
    Ponderosa Hotel?
    Could you please call me a taxi?
Clerk:No, I'm sorry. You'll have to go to the taxi stand and find a taxi.
Cindy:Where is the taxi stand?
Clerk:Outside, to your left.
Cindy:Thank you.
Cindy finds a taxi.(辛蒂找到一輛計程車。)
Cindy:Hello. Is this a metered taxi, or do you charge a flat rate?
Taxi Driver:It is metered. Where do you want to go?
Cindy:I'd like to go to the Ponderosa Hotel. According to the map,
    the hotel is on the corner of Cordero Drive and Mesina Street.
Taxi Driver:Yes. I know that hotel very well.
       It will only take about 20 or 25 minutes to get there. Hop in.
About 20 minutes later, the taxi arrives at the Ponderosa Hotel.(二十分鐘過後,計程車抵達龐德羅沙飯店。)
Taxi Driver:Here we are. The Ponderosa Hotel.
Cindy:How much is the fare?
Taxi Driver:Twenty euros.
Cindy:OK. Here you go. Thank you.

.Is there a shuttle bus to (hotel/place)? 有沒有接駁巴士到(旅館╱地方)?
.Is this a metered taxi, or do you charge a flat rate? 這輛計程車會照表收費,
.How much is the fare (going to be)? 車資是多少?


Let's start with the latest advances ...

Let's start with the latest advances in information technology.

簡報英文通關小提醒 :★★★★
為了讓簡報能維持節奏的順暢,在換到下一個主題或是轉換方向時必須告知聽眾,也就是所謂的 signposting 或是 sequencing。讓我們先看看進入正題的方法。

ex:Let's start with the latest development in office technology.
ex:Let's start with the latest trends in teen fashions.
ex:Let's start with a recap of last night's discussion.
ex:Let's begin by making a few observations about our sales forecast.
ex:Let's kick off by taking a look at the recent boom in DMB phones.
 (讓我們從談談最近DMB 手機的熱潮開始。)

◆以∼開始start with 用來告訴聽眾你準備以什麼話題來進入正題,也可以用begin by∼/
 kick off by∼來表示。



.「多益黃金衝刺班」2/4 新班開課,新舊生均可享新春優惠!GO

前期文章 全部歷史文章
出刊日期 出刊主題
2020-01-08 The Marketing Team's Discuss...
2020-01-01 Setting off for the Trip.(...
2019-10-30 The Planning Process.(規劃...
2019-10-16 Calling the Travel Agent.(...
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