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新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2022/05/30 第391期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



"I expect to see you soon."



John is ... ...



Good morning, Dave! How are you?

I'm great! How about yourself?

Not bad. I went out for dinner and a movie last night.

Sounds fun! Where did you go? / What did you watch?

I went to a new Italian restaurant nearby. They cook an awesome seafood pizza!





Working hours per week


The standard working week is 38 hours. Typical office jobs are 9am – 5pm, and generally speaking, employees and employers alike stick closely to these hours. In Australia, if you're still in the office after sunset, people will be shocked that you're working so late and demand you go home! Despite a similar number of working hours a week in Taiwan's labor law, can you imagine leaving the office consistently at 5pm?

With how the world is changing though, working hours in many jobs don't fit this mold. But you shouldn't be working more than that and if you do, you'll likely be compensated because employees' rights are heavily protected under Australian law.



Employee entitlement


The minimum wage in Australia is AU$18.29 (NT$400) per hour. Of course, most jobs will attract a much higher rate! Expect to earn 2.5-3 times more for the same job in Taiwan. Any hours worked after 38 hours is considered overtime and entreats a higher hourly wage; however, different industries have different laws regarding what and how this is defined.

Your employer also contributes 9.5% of your base salary into a superannuation, or retirement, fund. Being a foreign worker, the full amount gets paid back to you once you permanently leave Australia, which is a nice bonus to take back home!

As a full-time worker, everyone is entitled to 20 days of paid annual leave every year, which is extremely generous compared to Taiwan's 7 days. The leave is accrued and you start accumulating annual leave from the first day you start work, rather than getting part of it at 6 and 12 months after starting employment. Part-time employees are entitled to half. Casual workers get paid by the hour and receive superannuation but aren't entitled to annual leave; however, they do receive 25% more in hourly wages as compensation.



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