2016年2月18日 星期四

Deadly Instincts  致命本能

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2016/02/09 第249期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Deadly Instincts  致命本能
by Ivy Liu

It's kill or be killed in the dangerous wild, but a new show examines how animals use their instincts to survive.

  Many people may wonder if animals have the same emotions as humans. For those who interact with animals often, such as pet owners, they can firmly attest to this statement. Despite being on top of the food chain, humans are just as much a part of the animal kingdom as fish, lions, and insects. In fact, whether they are humans or animals, they all have instincts. For example, baby sea turtles will instinctively make their way toward the ocean just after hatching. These instincts are hard-wired in the brains of all animals to perform certain behaviors that they have not learned. Though these may vary from species to species, the fight-or-flight response, or the survival instinct, is nearly universal in all living things, even in humans. Are these, however, enough to explain what motivates animals to eat, hunt, raise families, and survive?
  In an all-new series by National Geographic Channel (NGC), Deadly Instincts turns the camera on several animals and follows them in a dramatic light to explore their motivations. It shows and narrates how animals use their instincts to survive in the wild, especially in the face of their predators. In one episode, a warthog named Wilma is seen protecting her young piglets against a pack of wild dogs. Her maternal instinct takes the form of courage and she charges at them, scaring them away. In another episode, lionesses on the hunt track down a potential snack—a newborn water buffalo. As the lions approach, a herd of adult water buffaloes, larger than big cats and fitted with menacing-looking horns, senses their presence and starts to crowd together, making it harder for the lions to single any one out for attack. To find out what happens next, be sure to catch Deadly Instincts this month on NGC.

  1. instinct n. 本能,天性
    衍: instinctive a. 本能的;直覺的
    Most people fear snakes out of instinct.
    The spinning of webs is instinctive in spiders.
  2. examine vt. 檢視,審視
    Joanne examined the Ferrari carefully before deciding to buy it.
  3. survive vi. 存活 & vt. 從……生還
    衍: survive sb by + 歲數  比某人多活若干年
    Some customs of Chinese wedding ceremonies still survive in certain societies.
    The tycoon's wife survived him by 10 years.
    *tycoon n. 大亨(源自日本漢字『大君』)
  4. emotion n. 情緒(可數,多用複數);激動之情(不可數)
    衍: emotional a. 情緒的
    emotional quotient (EQ)  情緒商數
    Scorpios tend to be quiet, often hiding their true emotions.
    *Scorpio n. 天蠍座
    Romeo read the poem with emotion for Juliet.
    A person with a high EQ usually gets along with other people well.
  5. firmly adv. 堅定地
    I firmly believe that all men are born equal.
  6. statement n. 陳述,聲明
    衍: make a statement  發表聲明
    The president of the Executive Yuan made a statement about his resignation after the election.
    *the Executive Yuan  行政院
  7. perform vt. 執行,進行
    Scientists used special equipment to perform the experiment.
  8. universal a. 普遍的;通用的
    Food, politics, and culture are all subjects of universal interest.
  9. motivate vt. 促使,激發
    衍: motivate sb to V  激發/激勵某人從事??
    Emma Watson's speech about gender equality at the United Nations motivated many women to stand up for their rights.
    *stand up for...  為……挺身而出
  10. dramatic a. 戲劇性的
    The soap opera was scripted to be very dramatic so as to keep the viewers interested.
    *script vt. 把……改編為(電影)劇本
  11. explore vt. 發掘,探索
    More than 70 world-class scientists created a free course to explore the extremes of the universe.
  12. narrate vt. 敘述,(為電影等)旁白
    The story was narrated by Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman.
  13. potential a. 可能的;潛在的 & n. 潛力
    I took the experimental drug despite the potential risks.
    Many international brands are optimistic about the potential of the Taiwanese fast fashion market.
  14. fit vt. 具有;符合;適合
    衍: be fitted with...  安裝/配備……
    The restrooms in this building have been fitted with automatic faucets.
  15. presence n. 存在,出現,在場

food chain  食物鏈
hatch vi. 孵化
hard-wired a. 與生俱來的
fight-or-flight  攻擊或逃避反應
predator n. 捕食者
warthog n. 疣豬
piglet n. 小豬
maternal a. 母性的
衍: paternal a. 父親的
charge vi. 衝向,猛衝
menacing-looking a. 看起來具威脅性的

  1. interact with...  與……互動
    People with social anxiety find it hard to interact naturally with others.
  2. attest to...  證明……;作為……的證據
    attest vi. & vt. 證明
    This bonus attests to the fact that you're a valuable member of our staff.
  3. vary from... to...  從……到……而有所不同
    Art collections vary from museum to museum, so you'll have to visit more than one to see what you like.
  4. in a... light  從……的角度/觀點
    A pessimist usually sees life in a gloomy light.
  5. in the face of...  面臨……
    衍: face the music  面對現實
    Doraemon is unexpectedly calm in the face of danger.
    哆啦 A 夢在面對危險的時候出乎意料地冷靜。
    Nobita doesn't have the guts to face the music.
  6. on the hunt  正在尋找
    Mia is on the hunt for the perfect summer sandals.
  7. track down... / track... down  追蹤到……
    The police tracked the killer down after he used his credit card at a gas station.
  8. a herd of...  一群……(牛、鹿、馬等)
    We saw a herd of elephants when we were in Aberdare National Park in Kenya.

  在一個全新的國家地理頻道系列節目當中,《致命本能》將鏡頭轉向幾隻動物並且以戲劇性的方式跟隨牠們以發掘牠們的動機。這呈現並敘述了動物如何運用牠們的本能在野外生存,尤其在面臨捕食牠們的動物時。在其中一集,觀眾可以看到一頭名叫威瑪的疣豬對抗一群野狗以保護牠的小豬。牠的母性本能形成了勇氣,然後牠朝野狗攻擊,把牠們嚇跑。在另外一集中,狩獵中的母獅們跟蹤一隻可能被吞下肚的點心 ── 一頭剛出生的水牛。當獅子們靠近時,一群成年的水牛(體型大過大型貓科類且具有威脅性十足的角)感應到牠們的存在並開始群聚在一起,讓獅子難以挑出任何落單水牛進行攻擊。想要了解接下來會發生什麼事,務必收看本月國家地理頻道的《致命本能》單元。

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