2015年3月4日 星期三

The Art of the Elephant Parade  彩繪做慈善 ── 繽紛大象巡展

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2015/03/03 第188期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Art of the Elephant Parade  彩繪做慈善 ── 繽紛大象巡展

  In 2006, father and son Marc and Mike Spits were on holiday in Thailand. There they met Mosha, a baby elephant that had lost a foot in an accident. They were so moved by Mosha's injury that the Spits family began the Elephant Parade in 2007.
  When you first hear about the Elephant Parade, it sounds like a circus1, but it is not. In truth, the Elephant Parade is a traveling art show that features elephant statues and makes money for their protection. It is made up of life-sized2 baby elephant statues, and each one is a unique work of art3 by a world-class artist. The collection of over 100 statues appears around the world and has traveled across Asia, Europe, and North America. It is more than just a show, though. In each city where the Elephant Parade stops, some of the statues are put up for auction4. The money made by selling the statues goes to protecting Asian elephants. There has been at least one show each year since the Elephant Parade began, which is great for both elephants and art lovers alike.







  2006 年時,馬可•史匹茲和兒子麥可去泰國度假。他們在那裡遇到一隻叫做 Mosha 的小象,牠在一場意外中失去了一隻腳。他們很同情小象 Mosha 受傷的遭遇,於是史匹茲一家人在 2007 年開始發起大象巡展。

  1. parade n. 遊行
    The city government will hold a parade to mark the birthday of that great artist.
  2. injury n. 傷害;損害
    Due to his injury, the baseball player's performance went from bad to worse.
  3. statue n. 塑像,雕像
    The wizard spoke three magic words, and the statue came to life.
  4. make money  賺錢
    With business improving, John is bound to make money this year.
  5. protection n. 保護
    A thin coat gives little protection against the cold.
  6. unique a. 獨特的
    The design of this building is very stylish and unique.
    * stylish a. 時髦的,流行的
  7. collection n.(一批)收集的東西;收藏品
    Eva has a large collection of Chinese paintings.
  8. appear vi. 出現
    As soon as the singer appeared on stage, the fans started to scream.
  1. circus n. 馬戲團
  2. life-sized a. 與真人/實物大小一樣的
  3. work of art n.(繪畫、雕刻等)藝術品
  4. auction n. 拍賣(會)

move 的用法

本文 "They were so moved by Mosha's injury that the Spits family began the Elephant Parade in 2007." 中的 moved 為過去分詞作形容詞使用,意思是『被打動的,被感動的』。而 move 作動詞用時,原意是『(使)移動』,與之相關的片語有 move on,意思是『繼續前進』。例:
Mary was moved to tears when her boyfriend bought her a diamond ring.
You just need to let go of your feelings for Ryan and move on with your life.

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