2015年7月13日 星期一

“You’re F*cked!” 勞勃·狄尼洛給NYU畢業生的致詞

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2015/07/14 第48期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


「我昨天和老闆談話談了很久」。這句話你怎麼說成英文?我問世界公民文化中心的學生,很多人的答案都是:I talked with my boss very long yesterday.

講了之後,大家都覺這句話怎麼聽都怪。怪在哪裡,也不知個所以然。英文的概念轉成中文,或中文轉英文,有時候要經過一個「詞性轉換」。 可以把名詞當動詞用,像table a discussion, schedule an appointment,或number, total, amount, rank, ... ...

"You're F*cked!" 勞勃·狄尼洛給NYU畢業生的致詞


紐約大學蒂施藝術學院(New York University's Tisch School of the Arts)畢業典禮,邀請到美國知名演員勞勃·狄尼洛(Robert De Niro) 在典禮上致詞,影帝一開口就告訴畢業生們:「恭喜你們畢業了,但你也完蛋了!」。影帝的演講字字珠璣,風趣且勵志,在進入影帝的演說之前,請先想想如何表達以下單字:

a) 戰勝、凌駕於

b) 應付

c) 得部拿到A (學業成績)

"You discovered a talent, developed an ambition and recognized your passion. When you feel that, you can't fight it — you just go with it," he explained. "1) When it comes to the arts, passion should always a) trump common sense. You aren't just following dreams; you're reaching for your destiny. ... You're an artist — yeah, you're fxxxxd. The good news is that's not a bad place to start."

勞勃·狄尼洛提到:「你發掘了自己的才華,以此立定志向,並認定自己的熱情所在。 當你感受到這股熱情時,你無法阻擋它-只能順勢前進。」「當我們談到藝術時,感性與熱情永遠都應該凌駕在理性與常識之上,你不只是在追夢,而是在譜寫屬於你的命運交響曲,你,是個藝術家。沒錯,像我前面所說,你完蛋了,不過好消息是,這何嘗不是個好的開始。」


The actor, thought of as one of the greatest American actors of all time, continued his frank speech by clarifying what's ahead. "Now that you've made your choice — or, rather, succumbed to it — your path is clear. Not easy, but clear. You have to keep working, it's that simple. You got through Tisch, that's a big deal. Or, to put it another way, you got through Tisch? Big deal!”





"A new door is opening for you — a door to a lifetime of rejection. It's inevitable. How do you b) cope? Rejection might sting, but my feeling is that often, it 2) has very little to do with you. "Always do your best.” You're not responsible for the entire job, but your part in it. ... You will put youreverything into everything you do. You won't judge the characters you play, and you shouldn't be distracted by judgments on the works you're in."




Rejection — it isn't personal. “There will be times when your best isn't good enough. There can be many reasons for this, but as long as you give your best, it's okay. Did you c) get straight A's in school? If you did, good for you, congratulations. But in the real world, you'll never get straight A's again."




Stay in touch. "Treasure the associations and friendships and working relationships with the people in your classes and your easily work. You never know what might come from it," he said in closing. "I'm here to hand out my pictures and resumes to the directing and producing graduates!"




1)    When it comes to 當一提到….;一講到..

When it comes to..貼近於中文的“一提到…” “說到…” 的意思。

I have a fair knowledge of nutrition but I have a blind spot when it comes to cooking. 對於營養的觀念我有一定知識,但說到烹調真的是我的罩門。

Do not succumb to social pressures. Just be yourself! 不要屈服于社會輿論,做你自己!


2)    Have little to do with 幾乎和.....無關

這個片語原來是have something to do with,意思是"和.....有關",例如:

A: What do you want to see me about? 你想見我有什麼事嗎?

B: It has to do with that letter you sent me. 和跟你寫給我的那封信有關。

和.....無關,可以用Have nothing to do with,關係不大,可以用have little to do with. Little是一點點或很少的意思。例如:

True greatness has little to do with rank or power. 真正的偉大與地位或權力無關


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