2015年5月18日 星期一

After killer disease, baby starfish make a comeback 被致命疾病肆虐後, 海星寶寶數量回升

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2015/05/19 第336期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

Foot-and-mouth disease in Kinmen

Kinmen culling cattle found on farm with foot-and-mouth disease

Kinmen started to cull 198 cattle on or around a ranch in Jinning Township, which was found to have cattle infected with foot-and-mouth disease, said the county government. The virus, confirmed as type A foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), was found for the first time in Taiwan in the meat of a slaughtered cow from the farm, Council of Agriculture (COA) Deputy Minister Wang Cheng-teng said on May 8. 金門縣政府表示,爆出有牛隻感染口蹄疫的金寧鄉一座牧場內及其周圍地區的一百九十八隻牛已遭到撲殺。農委會副主委王政騰五月八日表示,從受感染的牛隻中檢驗出的病毒已證實為 A 型口蹄疫病毒,在台灣為首次發現。
Further tests revealed that another cow on the farm was infected with the virus, Wang said, adding that the animal has been euthanized. The virus strain was tested with 99.9 percent similarity to a virus strain found in Guangdong province, China in 2013, the COA said. 王政騰說,進一步的檢測發現,這座牧場有另外一頭牛隻也感染同樣的病毒,並已處以安樂死。農委會表示,檢測結果發現,這次的病毒株與二○一三年中國廣東省所發現的病毒株有百分之九十九點九的相似。
Wang said the virus originated in mainland China and may have been transported via the "mini three links" between China's Fujian province and Kinmen, which is located off the southeast coast of China, about 10 kilometers from Xiamen City. 王政騰表示,病毒起源於中國大陸,應該是經由中國福建省與金門縣之間的「小三通」傳入。金門縣鄰近中國東南海岸,與廈門市距離約十公里。
A total of 110 processed products, mostly specialty gourmet gifts bought by tourists from livestock in Kinmen, were barred from entering the rest of the nation, the COA said. The Kinmen County magistrate, Chen Fu-hai, called a meeting and set up a task force to respond to FMD on cloven-hoofed animals in the outlying island county. In the meeting, Chen said that the county government had to verify which cows were suspected to be infected and not to cull those that were not. It also dealt with what response and quarantine measures should be done according to a standard operating procedure and made plans to reduce the loss of products being barred from transport out of the county. 農委會表示,總共有一百一十件金門牲畜所製成的加工產品遭禁止輸台,其中大部份為遊客購買的伴手禮。金門縣長陳福海召開會議,並設立一個工作小組,為這次偶蹄類動物感染口蹄疫的事件做出回應。陳福海在會議中表示,縣政府必須確認哪些牛隻疑似感染,不能將未感染的也一併撲殺。此外,縣政府也必須根據標準作業程序,對於該如何應對,以及該進行什麼檢疫措施做出因應之道,此外,也必須擬定計畫,以減少產品遭禁止出口所造成的損失。
Kinmen has a livestock population of more than 15,000, with the number of swine a bit more than that of cattle, according to the COA. Kinmen counts beef jerky as one of its most popular food products. 根據農委會的資料,金門的牲口數量超過一萬五千隻,豬隻的數量較牛隻略多。牛肉乾是金門其中一項最受歡迎的食品。
Chen called Chang Shu-hsien, head of COA's Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, to call for the decrease of products being barred from transport out of the county and to ask for monetary assistance from the Cabinet for the loss incurred and expense of culling the cattle. 陳福海曾致電農委會動植物防疫檢疫局局長張淑賢,要求減少禁止出口的產品數量,並要求行政院針對相關損失,以及撲殺牛隻的費用提供補助。
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本文來自Student Post 1432期
5月17日 – 5月23日, 2015
After killer disease, baby starfish make a comeback      
被致命疾病肆虐後, 海星寶寶數量回升 

Emerging from a dive 12 meters below the surface of the Puget Sound, biologist Ben Miner wasn't surprised by what he found. The troubling disease that wiped out millions of starfish up and down the U.S. West Coast had spread to this site along the rocky cliffs of Lopez Island. He and another diver tallied the grim count on a clipboard he had taken underwater.

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