2013年11月5日 星期二

Happy 125th National Geographic 歡慶國家地理125歲生日

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2013/11/05 第124期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Happy 125th National Geographic 歡慶國家地理125歲生日

  The National Geographic Society has touched the world in a special way. Through it, we learn about others and animals. We feel like we are traveling to amazing places without leaving our homes. We also get to learn about the strange and mysterious. The largest non-profit scientific and educational institution in the world has been wowing us for a long time. This year, it celebrated its 125th anniversary in January. It started out as a club, but today it is so much more. From its magazine to its TV channels, the National Geographic Society still keeps us amazed.
  The society started in 1888, when a group of well-educated people decided to form a club. They all loved to travel and explore, and many of them were scientists. One of the presidents of the club was even Alexander Graham Bell. They wanted to share the wonders of the world with everyone and to help people appreciate nature and culture. A short time later, the society got another big idea. They wanted to create a magazine. National Geographic was the first magazine to use a collection of photos to tell a story. Today, National Geographic includes news about the deepest oceans to the farthest stars and is published in 34 languages around the globe.



  1. touch vt. 影響
    Mother Teresa's works of charity have touched many people's lives.
  2. wow vt. 使驚艷
    The magician wowed the audience with his fancy tricks.
  3. start out as...  開始時是……
    Henry started out as a chemistry major, but he changed to English after the first semester.
  4. wonder n. 奇觀;奇事
    The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous man-made wonders of the world.
  5. appreciate vt. 欣賞
    Annie's parents taught her to appreciate the beauty of nature.
  6. collection n.(一批)收集的東西
    a collection of... 大量收藏有……
    My father has a collection of coins from around the world.
  7. farthest a. 最遠的(far的最高級)
    Sam has traveled to the farthest corners of the world.
  8. publish vt. 出版,發行(書刊等)
    Our magazine was first published in 1923.
    我們的雜誌首次發行是在 1923 年。
  1. non-profit a. 非營利性的
  2. institution n. 機構;團體
  3. well-educated a. 受過良好教育的

keep 有下列不同用法:表『保留』時:接名詞或代名詞作受詞。表『保持』時:接形容詞作補語。表『繼續』時:接現在分詞,表『進行』。

1. You may keep the change.
2. Keep quiet when you are in the hospital.
3. Keep on working hard, and you'll be successful some day.

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