Shoushan National Nature Park is situated in the south-western part of Kaohsiung. Formed out of raised coral reef, it has become known as Kaohsiung's backyard. With its diverse geology, Shoushan is home to a variety of animal, flower and fauna. On its western side is its unique oceanic geology. On it the eastern side of the mountain is a fresh water spring, which is revered by the local community. It is certainly a beautiful, natural place for visitors to come and explore. In 2001, a local organization called Takao Hill organized a festival to promote the preservation of Shoushan Mountain. The first festival featured Amorphophallus hirtus, a tubular flower with a large leaf. Every year Takao Hill features a series of events which present different unique animals, flower and fauna, that are indigenous to the area. The goal is to educate people about the mountain and to attract more visitors to come and enjoy its natural beauty. This year's Shoushan Festival was held in May and featured the mountain's indigenous land crabs, Geothelphusa Markatal and Discoplax hirtipes. Professional guides took groups around to experience these natural wonders in their natural habitat. Guides took visitors to see the mountain's fresh water spring, Shoushan and then to the northern part of the mountain to see the "shell mounds". These mounds are the remains of bones, pieces of pottery and shells of the Makado Tribe. They evidence the existence of the tribe, which were believed to have been killed off by pirates, when they inhabited the mountain around 400 years ago. The festival not only features Shoushan's natural scenic beauty, but also introduces the interesting ecology and history of the area. Shoushan National Nature Park has a lot to offer visitors. They can walk along trails while observing the land crabs and witness its beautiful ocean views. In order to book mountain tours and for more information, visitors can contact Takao Hill at (07)281-5348. Although they must be booked in advance, Takao Hill organizes group tours of a minimum 3 to a maximum of 30 people. Non-profit groups, with a minimum of 15 people can also organize tours through Shoushan National Nature Park's Planning Office at (07)262-0610. However, these tours also require advance bookings. Shoushan is indeed worth visiting. |
你聽過柴山嗎? 柴山,猶如鑲嵌在港都高雄西南方的綠色寶石,其得天獨厚的地理位置和高位珊瑚礁地形,營造出多樣環境,西側礁岩羅列的潮間帶、東側的湧泉人文聚落,盡收攬於柴山周邊。 2001年,高雄市柴山會為推廣民間教育,募款籌辦第一屆「柴山祭」,以散發獨特氣味的魔芋為主角。至今連續舉辦了很多屆,以柴山特有的動、植物為主題,規劃一系列活動,模式和內容逐漸成熟,卻始終沒有淡忘要傳達給人們的初衷:讓更多人認識柴山的生態環境,進而喜歡上柴山,並友善地一同保育這裡。 2016年完成舉辦的柴山祭,以「蟹逅、柴山、湧泉」為主題,跟隨著導覽員腳步,透過觀察柴山的馬卡道澤蟹、毛足圓軸蟹的生活習性,並在拜訪湧泉故鄉的路上,探索先人遺留下來的貝塚,人文和自然融合,呈現柴山生態和歷史地景的豐富多元。 柴山,正等著你我去探索。下次有機會來到柴山,記得和蟹類朋友們打聲招呼,離開時;再帶走一大把海飄散開來的溼黏空氣,留下對大自然賜予的美好回憶。 |