| | | | | | | | Montreal: City of Festivals —M. M. Leonard Built on an island in eastern Canada, Montreal is a diverse city where the sounds of both French and English carry through the streets. Montreal's rich history and strong ties to France have made it a Canadian capital of art, food, and culture. The city is home to over 250 theater and dance companies, and it hosts many performing arts events and festivals. A good place to begin a visit to Montreal is St. Paul Street, the city's oldest street, where you can take in the old-world architecture and relax at romantic sidewalk cafes. Crossing St. Paul Street is St. Laurent Boulevard. This street is bursting with fashionable shops and music clubs; it runs through several neighborhoods, including Chinatown and the artist district Mile End. While you're on St. Laurent, stop in for a Montreal-style smoked-meat sandwich at Schwartz's, a deli that's been in business for almost 90 years. Speaking of food, Montreal has over six thousand restaurants. Don't forget to try the bagels, French pastries, and of course, poutine—French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy.
蒙特婁──節慶之都 蒙特婁建立在加拿大東部的一個小島上,是一個街頭巷尾都聽得到法語與英語的多元城市。蒙特婁的豐富歷史,加上與法國的深厚關係,使它成為加拿大的藝術、美食及文化之都。這座城市有超過兩百五十個劇場和舞團,舉辦許多表演藝術活動與節慶活動。 這座城市最古老的街道──聖保羅街──是遊覽蒙特婁很好的起點,你可以在這裡欣賞古色古香的建築,以及在浪漫的路邊咖啡簡餐店放鬆休息。聖勞倫大道和聖保羅街相交。這條路上時尚高檔的店舖和音樂俱樂部林立,它貫穿好幾個街區,包括中國城和藝術區麥爾安德。你在聖勞倫大道上的時候,可在史瓦茲停下腳步,買一份蒙特婁風味的燻肉三明治,這是一家已經開了將近九十年的熟食店。 說到食物,蒙特婁有六千多家餐廳。別忘了嚐嚐貝果、法式糕點,當然還要買「肉汁起司薯條」,這是上面鋪滿凝乳與肉汁的薯條。 | | 《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.198 10月號Live互動英語雜誌 》 | | | | | | You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. 牛不飲水,不能按牛低頭! | 字面意思是「你可以把馬牽到河邊,但你不能強迫牠喝水」,用來強調「你可以提供機會給別人,但是無法強迫對方接受或把握這個機會」。 | | | A:I heard that Alan turned down an offer from Yale University. 我聽說艾倫拒絕了耶魯大學提供的條件。 B: That's right! I guess you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. 沒錯!我想你可以提供機會給他,但無法強迫他接受。 | | 你也可以這樣說: You can show someone the way, but they don't have to follow. | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | 英語雜誌+哈佛 | | 哈佛+互動英語5刊選1 | 一年 特價4,100元 訂再送口袋書乙本 | | | | | | | 日語+Cheers | | 互動日本語+Cheers快樂工作人 訂就送好禮x2 | 限時5折 2,480元 | | | | | | | 知識大圖解+新天鵝堡桌遊 | | 知識大圖解1年12期+ 新天鵝堡桌遊2選1 | 特價1990元 限量搶購中 | | | | | | | | | | | •2年打趴PChome 蝦皮到底在紅什麼? 進軍台灣不到兩年,蝦皮購物竟成為每月成交訂單高達8百萬筆的台灣電商新霸主。以SEA在今年5月最新一輪募資獲得5.5億美元推估,它的市場估值已達37.5億美元,即新台幣1,125億元,超過網路家庭與momo兩家市值總和(530億元新台幣)。
•超有愛!非洲送水暖男幫動物解渴 西查佛國家公園於幾個月沒下雨的旱季後缺水,水牛、斑馬、大象和羚羊都因口渴而處於險境。因此,這位四十一歲的男子決定租一輛水車並裝滿三千加侖的水,就是為了要救這些動物。 | | | |