2023年7月13日 星期四


網路時代,部落格是最佳發聲的平台。從【部落格名嘴】電子報非大眾媒體的角度,看個人媒體如何發揮影響力! 【阿布拉電子報】分享文學性、藝術性與兒童性兼具的兒童繪本,並希望透過繪本和你一起發現孩子的世界。
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2023/07/14 第677期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 問路
【英語學習Plus】 Almost to the Moon: The Story of Apollo 13 阿波羅13號
【本月發燒書】 品味莎士比亞英文名作選【精裝典藏版】 (25K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★ 新制多益聽力搶分訓練營:3 STEPS打造高效聽力腦【解題技巧練習本+中譯解析本雙書版】★


ask for directions 問路
map 地圖
location 位置;地點
corner 轉角;角落
walk straight 直走
cross the road 越過道路

★ Can you tell me where . . . is? 請告訴我??在什麼地方?
Dennis:Excuse me. Can you tell me where the nearest post office is?
Gina:Sure. It's about two blocks that way.
Dennis:On the right or left side of the street?
Gina:On the right.

★ You can use Google Maps. 你可以用Google地圖。
Nick:Do you know where the bowling alley is?
Tina:Yes, but it's quite hard to explain. Walk through Crestley Park, take the first right, then the second left, and then . . .
Nick:Wait, wait! I'll never remember all that.
Tina:Well, you can use Google Maps.
好吧,你可以用Google 地圖。
Nick:Good idea.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「問路」

Almost to the Moon: The Story of Apollo 13 阿波羅13號

In July 1969, American Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. They left a message on the lunar surface that said "We came in peace for all mankind." This marked the end of the "space race" between the United States and the former Soviet Union to see who would be first to put a human on the moon. In the end, American technological superiority triumphed. But the story doesn't end there. American pride and curiosity about the moon continued long after 1969.

Apollo 13 was the name given to the third mission of astronauts that America sent to the moon. This was the most difficult Apollo mission of all. On route to the moon, there was an explosion in one of their spacecraft's oxygen tanks. This accident caused astronauts James Lovell, Fred W. Haise Jr., and John L. Swigert Jr. to lose their primary oxygen supply. Television viewers all over America watched live as the crisis happened, and many of them thought the crew would die. However, the astronauts reacted quickly and obtained a secondary oxygen supply from another part of the ship. Thanks to the training and experience of the astronauts and NASA support team on Earth, the badly damaged spacecraft was able to swing around the moon and get home safely.

Four more groups of Americans went to the moon after Apollo 13. Eventually, America decided it was too expensive to send any more astronauts, so they ended the program. People often face danger, whether it is on Earth or in space. The example set by the Apollo 13 crew and NASA can teach us how training, experience, teamwork, and bravery are enough to overcome even the most dangerous situations.

在1969 年7 月,美國阿波羅11 號太空人尼爾.阿姆斯壯和巴茲.奧爾德林登陸月球。他們在月球表面留下了一段話:「我們為了人類的和平而來」。這也象徵了美國與前蘇聯的「太空競賽」之終結。美國與前蘇聯曾經比賽看誰先將人類送上月球,最後美國憑著優良的技術獲得勝利。但故事並未就此結束,美國對於月球的自豪和好奇心,即便過了1969 年仍不斷持續。

「阿波羅13 號」即是美國第三次登月的任務,也是阿波羅系列任務中最艱難的一次。在前往月球途中,其中一個船艙的氧氣罐爆炸,導致太空人詹姆斯.羅威爾、弗萊德.海斯,和約翰.斯威格特失去了主要的氧氣供給。這場危機透過電視實況轉播給美國各地的觀眾,許多觀眾都認為這些太空人應該活不了多久,然而他們很快反應過來,並從另一船艙取得了備用氧氣。藉著太空人的訓練與經驗,以及地球上NASA 的支援,損害嚴重的阿波羅13 號得以繞著月球,平安地返回地球。

繼阿波羅13 號之後,又有四組美國太空人登陸月球。美國最後還是認為將太空人送上月球耗費太大,於是終止了登月計畫。不論在地球或在太空中,人們時常都得面對危險。但是阿波羅13號的組員與NASA 團隊所立下的典範告訴我們,訓練、經驗、團隊合作與勇氣,可以克服艱難的考驗。

──選自《英語閱讀技巧完全攻略 1【二版】(加贈寂天雲Mebook閱讀學習APP)》

品味莎士比亞英文名作選【精裝典藏版】 (25K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)


FUN學美國各學科 Preschool 閱讀課本 2:形容詞篇【二版】(菊8K + WORKBOOK練習本+寂天雲隨身聽APP)


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