2017年3月6日 星期一

Poison Garden  致命的美麗 —— 安尼克毒藥花園

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2017/03/07 第288期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Poison Garden  致命的美麗 —— 安尼克毒藥花園
A trip to this garden could be your last.

  Most gardens are filled with beautiful trees and flowers. But at Alnwick Poison Garden in the UK, touching or smelling the wrong plant could kill you.
  Alnwick was just a regular garden when it opened in 1750. However, over the years, many of the plants died off because no one cared for them, and the garden was all but forgotten. In 1995, Duchess Jane Percy decided to bring it back to life — with an evil twist. She filled the garden with poisonous plants to make it more interesting for the public. Next to the garden is Alnwick Castle, which was featured in the Harry Potter films.
  Before entering the Poison Garden, tourists are greeted by a warning sign that reads, "These plants can kill." Inside, visitors can examine more than 100 types of poisonous plants. The really deadly ones, which could kill you in no time at all, are locked in cages to make sure visitors keep their distance. If you are a Harry Potter fan, or you just want to check out the dark side of gardening, it's a great place to visit. Just be sure to keep your distance from the plants, or it could cost you your life!

照片來源:ChameleonsEye / Shutterstock.com


  安尼克花園在 1750 年開放時只是一般的花園。然而,多年來裡面的許多植物因為無人照料而相繼凋謝,使得這座花園幾乎被遺忘了。1995 年,公爵夫人珍•波西決定以一個邪惡的轉變,再次賦予它生命。她在花園中種滿了有毒植物,讓它變得更有趣以吸引大眾。位於花園旁邊的是安尼克城堡,它是《哈利波特》系列電影中的重要場景。
  進入毒藥花園之前,首先映入觀光客眼簾的是一塊警示標語,上面寫著:『這些植物會致人於死。』在花園裡,有一百多種的有毒植物可供遊客仔細觀看。那些真正致命的植物 —— 它們能瞬間讓你喪命 —— 都被鎖在籠子裡,以確保遊客與它們保持距離。如果你是《哈利波特》的影迷、或是想要一窺園藝的黑暗面,那會是個值得探訪的好地方。只不過要確保別跟那些植物靠太近就是了,否則你可能會賠上一條命!

  1. die off  相繼死去(直到死光)
    Dinosaurs died off millions and millions of years ago.
  2. bring...back to life  使……起死回生
    The doctor was unable to bring the patient back to life.
  3. evil a. 邪惡的;危害他人的
    Mary gave me an evil smile that made me uncomfortable.
  4. feature vt. 以……為特色;起重要作用
    The book features stories written by a high school student with cancer.
  5. greet vt. 最先映入某人的眼簾/傳入某人的耳中;迎接,問候
    The visitors to the aquarium were greeted by life-sized replicas of whales playing in cool water.
    * replica n. 仿製品,複製品(尤指藝術品及建築等)
    Grace warmly greeted her guests when they arrived.
  6. warning a. 表示警告的 & n. 警告
    Pete set a warning cone behind the car to avoid further accidents.
  7. in no time (at all)  立刻,馬上
    The hungry boy ate up the hamburgers in no time.
  8. cost sb sb's N  以某人的……為代價
    The work cost Daniel his health.

poisonous a. 有毒的
deadly a. 致命的
gardening n. 園藝

本文 "... because no one cared for them, and the garden was all but forgotten." 中的片語 all but... 表『幾乎/差不多……』,此時的 all 作副詞用。其他包含副詞 all 的片語還有 all too...,表『極度/非常……』,常用於加強表示不好的情形;all told 表『總共,合計』;以及非正式用法的 be not all there,表『頭腦不正常』。例:

When it was time to do the dishes, Molly all but disappeared from the house.

Your excuse is all too familiar. I've heard it a thousand times before.

The books cost Roger NT$1,000 all told.

Sometimes, I think Simon's not all there.

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